Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 30

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iAa11-The Canadian Championt, fridabi Jurte,G2; 2066 ~~leîs~~Takjj~~a BrhsZ~ Coing EventsW o:igEet etsDah ~o Thanks adoThns Atce ________________IN_______and___offstoodnd,___ CARPET 1have several CHATREAU, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 100 Lila NIi lg LLJaiciieiryards ofnew Stain ~I ,, 0 5 f Pp if ii il hc Miltcn flstrw Ho it -opts il i.~ yIU il 0 a id year. Lilliati passed awiay wili giteat uou- ,î i~J di lii a1q,, "iii h.ei. all for S38!, Inc1ude, icar The Annual General Meeting rage and dignity. Always with a omile and t heitefmyo h oeAm 'sy pet, pad & installation (30 reat sense of humor she Iived for her Iouiisd , tk e îamk l )r a Alean ennyBa yaras) Steve, 905-633-8192 Monday,_June 26, 2006 ïaiyand friande, an inspiration for us w bor tur Kvank, tDr. MrhLig ean and Bar. Shanfelle, Sieven & big brother Ian ara thriiled to announce the arrivai of LOGAN COILLIN. Logan wan bornaie Mount 5mnai Hospital on Februaty 12, 2006 et 7:28am, weighing 7lba 4oz, and measurîng 20.5 inchea. Proud grandparents are Olive & John Pfau of Edmonton and Angia & Dea- nia Moore 0f Red Deer. Prasé Granciparenta, Jaa and Bob Elatub an- nance the birtb af their grandaan, Félin Remy Massie, 9 Iba 1 az. bara May 4th, 2006 ta their daughter Denise and huaband Dan Masale. Félin is welcamned by cousins, Mita and Michael and Uncie Frank and Aunt Heidi. Many thanka ta Dr. Wilkin- sas, nurses Heidi and Joan and ta the Obaiet tic Staff ai MDH. = Cmn g Evnts 1* Coa g Events Tell your graduate how proud you are of them! Our special waiI run Tuesday, lune 20, 2006 $59.GO + GST (pichare sncl.) Deadline is Fraday lune, l6th at 4pmn "No more thaa 40 mords please" Phase: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 ciensit ed@ miltsncanedianchempton.camn 1:00 pmi Milton Seniors' Centre 500 Childs Drive, Milton Business to be conducted: Audited financial statemrents Elections to the Board of Directors Awards of appreciation Followed by Iight refreshments R.S. VP 905-875-2550 by June 16, 2006 Menberd.peart abut -enainnmat the principal candidate, ans about the 5We-.outhside Comrnnty Church et 2850 Der" Raa .1111WJane 5th et 7.30pm - 9:3Oprn Hughen 905-878-7529 Place a greetang in our classifieds. taclede yvar Nanie & Nuînher osito the message. Messge ustbe 0 wrdsor les., for pu S.paid i Yeur message wili appear Oaf Ragf The Canadian Champion tgI5~ Phase: 905-878-2341 ek IWkA Fan: 905-878-2364 ctasitieit@misanaanaaianxtiampian.ac Boy?> or Girl? Tfell your forriily,& frîends wfth Birth AnnooJncernents lIMe (ianablani (ebamnpion lreau. Predeceuaed by her parents Doris and Andy Orto, siatars Kulhy, Isabel, Jean and Doris, sister in law Shirley Ram- say. Survived by aister in iaw Margaea (Jim) MedilI. Beloeed mother of Heather (Vince) Meehen and Robert (Leurs) Cha- treuu. Loving Nen of Colin (Hollie) Ash- bee, Kelly (Jeff) Whicher, Sherra Che- treau, Alyson (Ryssi Haydar, Brandon andi Nathan Chairesu. Deariey ioved by her eatended famiiy, Nancy & Guilio Cet- ouli, Heather & Grahamn, Tish and Kory. Great Nan to Haiiey, Reese, Jordan, Clai- re. Brooke. Carier Deecon. Aiea. Mark, Anthony and Keira. Femiiy and frienda are invîteri to viait ut the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm on Fridey. The fusera service ciii be heid in the fuserai home chapel on Seturday, June 3rd 2006 sf 11 :00 arn. fin- ferment tof0tke place et Durhamn Cerne- tery on Monday. In lieu 0f fiocers, merlo nefl donations fo the Mitlon District Hospi- faf Foundation or the Hamnilton Regional Cancer Centre could be appreciafed. Lettera 0f condoience ile be atft for the farniiy et cww.rnckersie-kocher.ca RICH, Jeannette (Nol Simoossu> Pasaed aya peacefuiy cith farniiy by her aide on Feruary 26, 2006 et the Mil- ton District Hospital in her 73rd yeer. Lov- mog wife of John. Beloved mother of Peter (Lindla), Brian (Betty), Clifford (Bah>, Kar- en (Peter) and Debbie (Andrec). Forever remernbered by her brother Conrad (Ma- thilde), and her nephewa Bob and Don- ald. Survîeed by 9 grandchiidren and 3 great grandchiidren. Jeannette ciii forever be in the heerta of her frienda and ex- Sended farniiy. Arrangements entruateri f0 the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 Jamea Street, Milton, 905-878-2660. Crernetion han taken place. A Memoria Service in her honor ciii take place on Seturdey, June lDth ai 3:00 PM from Our Lady 0f The Hoiy Roary Çhurch, Goge- mu, Ontario. Aa expressions of aympefhy, donations f0 the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation wouid ,be eppreciafed. Speciel thanka f0 Dr. Sam Schecter, Father Wvii- heim and the auraing safft et Milton Dia- trict Houpitai. JSnOT1I ARY SIn Mmoam In eoiam S Vedran Barbetti 30. 8. f977 - 7. 6. 2005 In Memoriema in the form of,,î.,. a donations to The ý-hCanadian Cancer Society are deeply epprecieted. Il il 1 ca'iaba ( j)upo Brira. Thank yîîa ini jasiin. L'aiy and dear El- len for alnay iiiaking Aliiia looik and Leed like a mrilliona dollars. lhanb u iii Evelya and Kim aJalbraivers anidiianieo and iii Brian and Bill and alai Beirer l iving and magie Marilyn the Lfont nurse. When Aima wa, nio longer able îîî bc aihoe the caregivers andf nurssat Ailenstak toouve and were fabulons. Tbank yîîa tii utr friendi wbui re a source oif nnendîng nd ominipresent bnlp and support and n fh inal days iii laiber Tia and Fatber iane foir rbrîr prayers and blessiags. Finaliy îhank pois tu Dong Kocher and the staf ai McKersie Koctier cho nmade a difficur lime, rasiertinbear. Gsd bess you al. b'édl endr W -dend CbIfIoeî INVITATION TO BlD Bids for services iisted below addresa f0i: The Circulation Msnager The Milton Canadien Champion 875 Main St. E. Milton, ON L9T 3Z3 Witt b. recelved until 5pm Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Contract'conaints of picking ap papers, fiyars, catalogues and other producta front the Burtington werehouse and dropping fai dasignated carrier locations in Milton. Deliveries to bo compieted by 3pm on Tuescis and Fridayn. For more information cuit: Cheryl Babinaau 905 878 2341 Ext 245 Lawest or any bide sot neeessaulty wili be acceptea oaly thaae auceassfut compaffl.s bsil be conactsen. M LstFouond FOUND budgie - green and yellam 2 blue spots Menstedaerea. 905- 864-1693. CERTIFIED ie-in ceregîver for 9-lOyrs aid, lîght haunekeeping, 4th Lîne & Derry Rd. 905-693-0352. MILTON femîly laokîng for eaperîeeced live-in caregiver for 211 per- aid includes haasehald chores. Schedule munt be flexible. Sena renoms takînsîke @htnî arn an HOME deycere sasîlabe. Fîrat Aid/ 0FR. Ages 10 mths -4 yeers. Outrent palice check. Oeil Clarisse 905-878-8165. LtVE It ! Nec health & wellnesn magazine. 250,000 copies. Cant-ef- fective directary adns, marr adn. Cai toay ta baok for the sent issue. 416-493- 1300 est. 288 SOFA 2-neater fat sale. Like nec. Black clath. Anking $t50. Cal 905- 864-t1864. MOVING - washer/dry- et, manuel lemn mom- et, electrec trimmer, fer- niture, fans, etc. Cli Angela 416-993-5260 evenings. 36" Oas fireplece, Ver- mant deassin, direct vent" ak mentIe. Cal 647-200-5229 - leave message. HOT Tub (Spa) Cavers bent prîce, Bent quaity. Ail shapes & caotus. Cal t.- 866-585-0056 cww.thecoverguy.ce HOT Tub/ Spa, 2006 madel, al optians, Cav- er. Navet uned stll on creppet. Cant $8.900. Sel $5.000. 905-567-4042. POND Supplies, aena- tara, fauntaina, blue dye, etc. STOCKING SPECIAL e" RAIN- BOW TROUT .99 (min. 100). MORE SPE- CIALS & PRICES (519)833-2559 camaiI vercreekponds.nom ~j ArtcesWed USED carkng iaptops end/ar FCs seeded by stadants is Venezuela. Fiase heip. Cai Tam 905-878-389 BEST Ce$b$ Faîd- Art, Antiques, Co- aectibies, Chine, Crystel, Stivar, Figurines, Raya Douitan, Sweraeski Glass, Fonaery, Etc, Estete Specialista, Tap Cash. Cai John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 LOVELV female cet, free ta respanaîbe acner. 6yrs, sayed mîcrachop, declaee & shats. 905-875-4523. Arils EFor Sale M ýForlaSalo 1 TORONTO Rapter Li- ELECTRIC Double Ad- cerise. Excellent piatînom luatabie Bed $850., neets, plus seanan tickets. Eiec Easy List Reclîner Woii bey beck some tickets $500. OBO, bots sec if reqaired 905-647-3168. condition. 905-854- FRE6 soded aider ce- ~M lo S dlatr pocnoc table, ep- 2002 Fard Raniger pron. 65t on diarneter, 600km, $9.300. truck or traîler may ha 20,00 Tyt Cole required. al9588 02 Tyt ool 0709. Ci 057 Spart 40,000ml, $8.900. Bath isclude TRISHA Romance Fremed Front "Yeiloc Ribbons Ratait $950. ankîng $500. Cel 905- 878-0410O BARELY uned Master- creft 37" Wood Lethe, Delta 12" Beach Oril Press, ceil 905-878- 5362 betceea eern - 2pm. 3ffX60 3-dracer office denk woth typian soda- board and office chair $75. Cui Dans 9115 878-4784. A dm059g noam, cherry- od. double pedlesta table, 8 chairs. buffet, hutch, danetail con- structian. Nec stîli 'n boxes. Cant $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Fiiiactap Met- trans Set. Nec on pies- toc. Cosi $1600. sali for $450. 905-567-9459. BED, Amezing bargeon quan arthalpedîc pli: ioctop set. nec on plas- tic, cernanty $250 905- 567-4042 cii deliver. BEDROOM Cherry- coad, Bed, chant, dresser 2 nîghtstendn. Doostol Constructian. Navet opensd Coot $8.000. Sacrifice $1,900. 905-567-4042 snwtirs 905-693-09. tancDoe hrameSL cntginte rv auiw ris e rs cre plcaig ana mre' Dmor.S17t90 fam retr le stadets40m ni 9050-821 334905 awcareemtm conen & reHeIP Epressoa ssis nce hî rt-tme tac mratrn oprerto plnnand morF! hpm-8m. st b lCentat aend Fa.905-87-36 wwabrueeam.ca A vee ifilui prar lias past . J....... n ail mv bave are picixres ands beailuf mnîvîorîeo. Yoi ar in oatbeart untii cnieet agan! Reoî in (Lods peace beioned soin, Mec, DadoandeSndra withfamily GRAHAM, Blanche French- With deep aorrom, the femiiy ennouncea the paaaing 0f Blanche on Tuesay May 30, 2006, in ber 86f h yeer. Predecasad by Frank (1984). Lovîng mother of Frank and Mari- lyn, Margaret and Homard, Sylvia and Bruce, Raymond, Aileen, Meureen, Col- leen & the lefe Dennia. Oer gradmother of 15 grendchiidren and 7 greaf-grend- chiidran. A funersi service miii be heid ai the Werd Funeal Home, 109 Reynolds street, Oakviile (905-844-3221), on Fni- dsy, Juna 2, 2006, at 4:3Opm. Visitation 1 hour prior f0 service. IM Deaths FPÀ*à Deaths 7't A lit .1

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