Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday June 02, 2006 - A29 * r1~ ~ .~'1I ~Index: Real Estate 100-135 li Business 140-169 a roi e. taRentais 170-196 si Leisuoe 200-239 si Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.COM fil Merchandise 300-385 Il Auto 400-410 si Il Wanted 500-51 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Al cassied ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com * Services 100-195 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-818-5941 ENGAGEMENT lmoi '/ ~ f 2-OEDROOM mith large balcony and yard. Trpleu in Stemarttown, tF ns smoking. Heat sn- ciuded. $975/month 7i î- plus hydro, Available Jaly ltI 905-702-7647 A. ACTON ornait 2-bed- room country apat- Ncrl Fen idghway #25 Not.Fig/tl utili- The ~ ~ ~ 1 linfeso es included. Availabte Jocelyn Shortt. Juy 151h. 6790/montS. &islat Cai 519-853- J Adam Jarvis V ACTON, 1-ero are happyr to aneeuce ad2bero-aat il rreveet epagenent. met vaîlable Jane 4 Wedidieg Il take îrla(e ~ tt 5 n lue 2007 jne ~ , $S90tmonth ait inclu- [Oneinicae Repjublr- sive. OeIl 519-853- 3309. Aîiu ~F rSale DISTRESS SALES Free cnmputerized list ut Power ut Sale and Company Omned pruperties, with pictures, maîied lui pou FR66, with NObtigafion, Frnes Reconded Mesage 1-877617-1275 lI 3042 Prudestia Tons Centre Reat NO MONEY DOWN Free computerized tint ut Humes, with pict ares, $ 1,10)0- 61 ,358/munth mailed toi pu FR66, wit h No Obligation. Free Recorded Message 1-877-617-1275 ID#l025 Prudentia Tnwn Contre Realty OAC SELLERS Finit Ouf What The Home Down The Street SoIt For. Fr..e recoi-ded fmeagel 1-866-456-1109 IDfl257 Refleai A"i Estais Cante OPEN HOUSE: Smt & Son 12 -3pm $314,900. 1631 W.Idle Ave. Beaatitul 3 bedroom, defached home in Ham- fhsrsie Village. See: www. byt heowner.cnom <http://www.bytheown- er.com> accens code: 36503 for defaîls or catI (905) 875-0020. MOVE in condition 3- bedroum, 3-bathrooms, matk-out basement, in- cludes hot tub mîth pni- vacy cuver and deck. Custom bout shed, tom cundo tees. $190,000. No agents. Serîuus in- quires usly please. 519-853-1577. ma Ltsr&Acges PRIVATE Sate 2.0 acre Building Lut in Bris Toms- ship. Many Trees Paved Ruad $175,000. Cai 519- 833-0627. ;ies SMALL pnivate uoes - beutitaitp appuisted. Hy25 & 401. 1-905-277- 914 or 905-275-6834. AWARO Wtssîsg Salon& Spa for sale. Oves $500K ansuat sales, client basa ut laeer 5K. Omner readp f0 retire. Optissiat uppur- tasity f0, parchase pruper- ty. Haltun Hilis area 905- 864-5809 please leave message. Oppeit las PROMOTE yoar business opportanity f5 oves 4 mil- lion aduft readers in Souths Central Ontario. Book pour advertisement in oves 80 Metrofand communify nemupapers. 416-493- 1300 eut. 288 PROMOTE YOIJR BUSINESS lu user 4 million adlt reader sn South Central Ontario. Book pu advertise- ment in oves 75 Metru- land csmmasîtp nemu- puperu mdth ose phone caI. Cati tur informe- tion us meektp msrk ad packages (internet list- ings isctuded) 416-493- 1300 eut 276, 288, 237 fileses SUN VOLTS Uslimîted. Inveut in She Future! 'Aiternete Esergy" Franchise Offerisg Pruducîs and Lîtestyle tu be proud of!i Average inuesîment 70K. Fi- nascîng Avaîlabie APR. Sampsun & Associates 905-764-8922. REMOVE pour criminel records Fast. We du Par- dos and US Weîvers. Don't bu embarressed. 1- 800-298-5520 guvursmestperdusce MORTGAGES 100% saIt emptsped, 100% SIN startisO mith 9, 95% NO CREDIT, 100% discharged baskrapts, 35-40 pr amortîzation. 416-777-0878 appty unlîne: mmm. msrtgagesoatioss.fv $$MONEY$$ Consalidate Debîs Mortgages Icu 190o/% No income, badl credif OK! Ontariomide Financiaf Corporation 1-888-307- 7799 MILTION 3-bdrm apt. in bungalom, $t250/mth, utifiijs inctaded, aea>abfe Jafp tnt. 519- 853-4528. MILTON apartmest in a private home. Large rssms -L.R., B.R., kitchen &4pc. bath, pdi- vaile yard, parking & estrance, laasdry ta- cîtities. Saitable for sun-smoking quiet lady, no pets $900.00 sn- dlades appliasces and atilities. Avaîtabie Juse 151. 905-878-9861. 1 FOal orRBfl NEAR Milton, large 1- bdrm, separaeu us- trance, ebstainers/sn- gie pruterred. Aveitebtu Juty 1tst. 905- 878-9408. BEAUTIFUL susnp cuntry apt. lu shere, lange 2-bdrm, gardians, F/P temate preturrud, 6500/mIS. 905-693- 1129. MILTON evaitabtu Juse ItI, suitabtu for msrkisg cuple, prefer su pets, 2-bdrm mais levei ut hoasu $1100/mIS v. ruterescus. 905-878- 2737 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street South, Milton 50e are riam accepfisg applications for: -2 bdnre For mure infornation and/or lu make an appoinîment, Pleese Cii 0578-5375 Building Manageua Leonard & Penny DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Towers 82 Miliaide Drive. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacious bnighf dlean 1&2 bedroom units mith laandrp faciffty and social ruom on site. Regular resident esents Open 7 deys lieventnga Caii 06476-1240 www.reulataa-ce 1-BEDROOM base- ment apartmest mith 3 malk-suts, pool. No do9g s/Ils m o k in g. Aeailable Jatp t. $850/musf S inclusive. Cati 905-877-1054. 1t. 3-bedroom main ftoor house. $t,225/month. Close to Georgetown Go Sta- lion. 2-parking spots, fridge/stove/yard. CuIt 416-258-6571. CAMPBELLVILLE. Rare freasure. Country estate living, very privaIs, on 65 acres. Turs ot the century building, completelp resu- vated. 18' ceîlîngs, spun concept, spiral staîrcase, pîve plank floorîng, loft. massive deck, much more. $teso/mo, CaI 905- 854-1936 GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bedroomu. Check sut web site mmm. Saltonhillsren- tats.com GEORGETOWN $775/ month inclusive, t -bed- room basement apart- ment. Available imme- dîately. Near Mail. Parkîng/.shared Iaandrp No pets/smoking. Cati 905-702-9250. GEORGETOWN t and 2-bedroom apartments $775/month and $895/month. Avaîlable Augant l5th. Inclades heat/hydro/cable. Park- ing entra. Cali 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN i- bedroom basement apartment. $800/month inclusive. Separate en- trasse, near GO Sta- tion. 1cludes tnidge/stove. No nmok- in9/pets. First/tast/refer- ences. Cati for availabilitp. Saits single female. Cati Brenda MacDonald 91587 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom basement apartment. $850/munth parking and utilities s-. claded. No umok- 59g/pets. Asailabie im- mediatelp. CaI 905- 873-t1965. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom, freshtp reno- vated main euel, close lu GO. Available îm- medîetely. $775/montS plus hydru. Cai 905- 873-3862. GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroom main fluor ut bungalow. Lauvdry/ park- ing. $1,200/ montS plus 1/2 utilities. Avoulable July 1tst. CaI 416-626-6640. LUXURV spacivus 2- bedroom apartment in very quiet area. Nsmly resuvaled iscludes mashertdryer. Non smoking, nu pets. $950/month. Fîrst/taut plus seuritp deposl, Cai 519-853-3015. MILTON 3-bedroum Susu, upper fluor, 5 appliances, big yard, 9meaI location. Pets melcume. $1 250/mIS + 1/2-utîlîties, avaîtablu Julp lt. CaI 905-278- 2730. MILTON 3-Bedroom + 1, niewly-renovated. fenced gardes, new washerdryer, dish- masher, centra air, famîly comptes. $1 ,300/mth isclades mater. 905-864-9111l MILTON 3-bedroom house Britasnia/407, large tut, parking, ser amendtes. Anaîtable immedîatelp. $1,175/ mth plus. 905-826- 0665. MILTON New 1860 sq.fI. semi, 4-bedruom living, dising, famîip, appliasces. Juse ltI $1600/mth plus. 416- 779-9470. MILTON Gurgeous 3- bedroom detlached. Cherry hardwoc, foluos ceramics, teeced yard, quiet street. St ,500/mth + utilifies. Juiy lust. 905-875- 4439. ACTON 3-bedruom, nemi, tmo-sory, corner raeine lot. Finished banemnent, $1 ,200/mth + atitities, appliances, garage. Fimst/ast, nef- erences reqairnd. 905- 854-3228 fane mes- nage. GEORGETOWN t1 bedroom basement apartmenit, separate enry, parking, sew min- dows/carpet. First and tant, references. $775/ inclusive. Asaitable Juty lut. 519-853-9694. GEORGETOWN 3 bedronm backsplit (Del- ren/Weber) 4-appli- onces. $1 ,400/musth plus utilitîns. Fenced yard. Availabte Jalp Itf. Cai 905-873-9762. UPPER level 3-bed- rsum house for rent. Avaitabie May lut. No smoking preferred. $1,300/montS plus atîtities. 1 -bedruum basement apartment, $700/musth plus utîilies. Cati Ken 416- 648 7674 or 905- 791 1535. Litwacy Noih Rmaipu* MR@t Progmam No-ft, comni- ty based urgasization. Heip as Aduit improve their basic literacy skiffs OAKVILLE- 3 bedroum tumnhuuses available tm- medîatelp thrugh Auguot lt. 4 appliasces, Hope- date Mal area. Lakesuore Management 905-876- 3336 SAUBLE Beach 3-bed- roum restai. Large pni- sale yard acruss from sasdp beach. Preter couples or famîtres, Avaîlable July 1-8, Au- gust 26-Septumber 2 aI $700/wk. Also avaitabie sn September $500/mk. (519) 794- 3775. ÉLCOME*% AWýGON -New in town?9 " Getting married in 3 monlh or more ? * Having a baby? " Establishing a new busies? Mêmae eall us Corsucuoty Waiceun Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Bail Wslcoma Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Launie 905-878-0126 Busiprof Weicome Laurie 905-878-0126 STEPTOE -Anne and Dean are thrilled toi announce the birth of their second son, Dylan Frederick, weighing Il l4oz at the Credit Valley Hospital on Sunday, May 7th, 2006. Dylan is also welcomed by big brother, Tyler. District Hospital on Tuesday May 16, 2006. Welcomed by grandparents Ken & Maigurite Fadlynn and ayl Autn oa welcom e aty i grandparents ar&en alnnic Pker, Iandl Jdy and CLarry Bfak n tt0. i Aunts itn , nes Gan Cuns. Wel Aof fp a ihke to tnkDr.Ra Cueticnd the rait nusigstffa Mt tegig1 Isa ion District Hospitall

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