The Canadiani Champion, Tuesday May 30, 2006 - 21 BitsBrh In emoram n em ram 1 ssoan j ssons 0 ssons Lsonsj 0 Divis Pc ur Baby's Birth Announcement ean Daa h luhtin & OT~K J DRIVERS eih Milton (anadian (hampionp anc WeePgyiscon 905-825-81 @41641 Coll 905-878-2341 to plste your sonouincemreot ComngEvents M CmiEvents -fNake Ti Place a greeteug in our classifieds. Includ youNain & Numtr wuiih heesae,g Mesa nui u t2a0 words or tess for r plus GÎST. piî i LU dvance y h, hqe * O Vis r Mser Cîrd Ymir message witl appear ~ Proday, June 16th 111111111111 ara8l#M The Canadian Champion anifflea te Phone: 905-878-2341 tho hy AMO Fax: 905-876-2364 s assified@mittoneanautianchampin ana GAETON, Itala (Blackme) At the McMaster Univansity Medtcat Cen- tre in Hamilton an Ssturday, May 27th 2006. Blackie Gaetan ot Milton. Dear non Marsa and the laie Peter, Gaatan. Be- lavaS husband ai the lte Baryl Gantas. Lac ng tathar ai Eddie anS hîs cite Lina, Denise anS har husband Herb Lake anS LinSa and her husband Greg Fowler. Sadiy mianaS by hia grandshildren Tyler and Kyte Gaetan, Oilion Lake anS Nicha- tas and Randy Focier. Dear brother aI Ruby and his wita Helen Gantas. Spesial IrianS ai Cheryl. Family and triendo arn nvited ta vali ait the McKERSIE-KOCH- ER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais St. Miltan 905-878-4452 tram 2-4 pm and 7-9 pm an Wednesdlay, The Mass aI Christian Buniai w i bil saiabrated ut Holy Rasany Cathot c Chursh 139 Martin Si. Miltas on Thursday, Juna tnt 2006 uit 10:00 am. ln lieu af ilacers, maman ai donations ta the charity ai your cha ce wautd be appraciat- aS. Lasters aI candaienca may ha atft for the tamily ait w .mckensiakocharca M. n g n s -vevntsj Ân Nls ic ,, vi ,f il ai l'hat we will alviiys love and miss. yîiu And mîsh ihai yîîu sere hers. Laa:ng and reenembeuingyeu ulwuya, Kaahkeand Fumiy n Memoriame donations ta The Wîiiom 185 Oro St eS, Foundation Mlone ON 9 4n are truly uppraciataed. Articls_ - For Sale IMILTON iamily inekîng FOR SALE Master for enperienced lina-/n CruSt f0" tahie sac with caregîner fer 211 year- stand $100. Nec Olude nid inciedes heusehet d e" dade $50 -paiS $65, cheres. Schndu/e Smali freezer $50. munt be flexîie emrwahn m- Send resume tainsiku Kneecsîgm @hetmail cern chine $75. Reiiacay single cet $20. Onil Da7 -e press $h0 - hardiy used. Skii sac $20, Aalbe Cati Jeice uster Spm HOME daycarn 905__878-6401. __ uvatiabie. Fîrst Atd/ A difnîeg îenm, cherry- 0FR. Agas 10 mths - 4 cend, double pedesta yearn. Current police fable, 8 chairs, buffet, check. Cati Cianîssa hutch, doetal Cen 905-878-8165. stractien. New suit ter- CHILOCARE avaîlabîn hones. Cent $11000. te home. Juet ntnps Sacrifice $2600. 905- acay frnm Sam Sher- 567-91s ratl Public Schoel. A King Fiitewtnp Mat- Medicalty- îscl/nnd treas Set. Nec te plus- backgrond. Fnl/ce tic. Cent $1n00. sali for check. Lîmîted spacas. $4s0. 905-567-9459. Cati Jîli 905-875-9374. __________ BED, Amazing burgaîn, CHîLIDCARIE avaîtabla queen erfhnpndic pît- te sac dayhnmn. Lîmit- iewtnp set, neate plus- ed fuit-tîma spaces. tic, carranty $250 905- Kindergarten teacheri 567-4042 viii dliver. ECE background. Cati __________ Beth 905-876-r1616. BEROOM Cherry- Wood, Bnd, chant, HOME daycare. Oreste dresser 2 sightstands. ut Hesinp. Flexible DOetai Constructin. heurs. recetyts, n ear Navet npened Cent J.M. Onnyns scheni $800 Sacrifice Kathy 905-693-1276 s1,9sa 905-567-4042 uSter 4:3Opm. CARPET t liane neyerai W Articl t 1000 yards et sec Staîn rls Master & t100% nyten car- pet. Wîll de lvng rnt & 3OX60 3-dracar office hall fer $389. tectudes car- desk cîth typîng sida pet, pad & installatin 130 der ndO/ e ai yards) Steve, 905-633- boar andoffce cair8192 878-4784. ELECTRC Double Ad ustabie Sed $850. hinc Easy LiSt Radinai $500 ono, hnth eu conditin. 905-854- 4056. LEATHER' 3 pince Itatia eni Sets, inveseat an chair. Nec, en plastic Dent $6900. Sait $2500 105-304-4873. :veCntis S.orethîng old, something new, sornething bo 111111111 MISS Trente':111" MOISI PrnstlulenS BIdi Show ~BRIDAL SHOW September 8-10, 2006 C: International Centre, Hall 5 -c NameO SAddress ( .,City __________Postal Code________ E Phase "~Wedding Date _____________________ ai> Fax Email________ 1 ILTJB 0 Sand ta: National Bridai Shows .E S o s c/a Premier Consumer Shows ' ' 467 Spears Rd., Oakviile, ON (.0 E ' *L6K3S. Fx:905-337-5570 : O DSON F MESOLANo PRINTIupu PUBIING & DOTRIBIJNG O I11!191 Donttforgettpick up yau cepy et o ~IEM EIWEDDtNGBELLS Maaazine on nawstands en Augant E Puiqawoiý(SanjIq,6uiwos pamo.ljoq 6uiqvr ELK meut, ail nafura nu hormones or aetîbîofîcs. Loc te fut. choinsfarol & calories. Basf eted me- dium te mediume rata. Staks and burgat's uvaîlahie ut the Meut Tnt- minalint Milton and Cris- telleo ot Campbelviie or cuit 519-856-4500 FREE Estîmates Ot cobhty chairs, tîred look- îeg coud tinishes, Fields Custom Wead Retîeîishîeg and Famîfare Repaîrs. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand nnc c/ait options, îeclodîng cuver, 2006 modal. Sf/il te crappar. Cent $10900., Sacrifice $5.500. Cai 905- 971-1777 HOT Tub/ Spa,' 2006 modal ail options, Cee- et. Neyer uned sti11 te crappar. Cent $8.900. Sait $5.000. 905-567- 4042. POOL Table, Froiessinu Sertes, SouSd Wood, 1 "State, Ail Accanserîns. Nec, 5h11l Boed, Cout $6.200, Sali $1,.950. 905- 304-9994 SUPER Spt/ng Sale- No GSTl Up 10 40% nff many dacorator tabticut F/ids custnm uphntstening notas Item $788, chairs tram $249, O/R sats tram $19,95 each. Pilds Pur- s/ltune and Fubrica am- spi 905-632-9090 OEST CaS vie buy it aill Astique tumishingu, Royal Doatton, Hummel, Mnoi ceeSt, dissercata, cryi site, stocks, mititary Rerna. Partial/ full astates. Ed, 905-634-6300 t t c h c p n b 1 fi i W C B c 0 s P 5 H st s 8 CaeZr jare r Sales Closers for Halton Area 100+ K incorne itpportusity plus.. Big bonuses, IncenEives and Exotic Trips We provide and support your succeas through Professional training and on-goisg support Best productins the tudustry Lap top computers and computer support And Beat of ail... We provide the leada Direct sales experience required Cuit Doîn Midwood 10 arrange Itîr a conhdcentia intervtew.. Office: 1-800-265-1913. Ce11. 519-671-2347 Emaît carciers@ccntennialindows.osn www.cntennialitndows.tom C.entenn*ial Windlows Chudnetgh s LIS. a prisuely ocnnd and opeated intereutionul manufac- turer of tozanbaked gn s, inMltn isseaking an1 4oWa ed BEST CaShS Faîd- Art, Astiquas, Cellectîbtes, China, Crystut. S/mver, Figurnes, Rnyal Outn, Scurnenki, Glass, Fottery, Etc. Enfuie Specialints, Tep Cash, Cai John/ Tracy 905-331 -2477 Casîrsfoalej 1995 Nissan Santra fer suie te greaf cnndi- tient 02,300. Cai Fn- fer ut 905-877-6269a 1887 Henda Cînîc, 4-dent, standard, 203,OOOkms. Goa condit/n. $3.800. Cui 51 9-767-8464. 2003 Dndge Ramn Guad Cab- V8, SLT muSai. Very dlean and upponed, nec evnrythtng Boxnltiet, tn- neu cever, 20" alumîeamn rime, $18,900/ebn. Cati eveeîegs, 905-659-3821 1996 Cavalier. Black 4-oev, 4-cyl. 220,OOOkms, aufemat- ic Ferteci studeet ni commuter car Si1.006 oboe Cui 905-873- 8f127. Par-meH ep AiANTED: Fart rme persn cîth anempiaîy pope skîtts fnn a nen- vmergancy patient :ranspntt cnmpany. Excellence le castoer service is the hasts et hîn businenss Vatîd drivers lîcansa aed ns- caltent drîvîeg record reqairnd. Enperîencn te ra/th field un asset. Famitiurtty cîth chant- chairs, hespîtuis, and tt/nt iranstar tech- tiques aise, an assef. Vages and heurs cas te negnfiutnd. Excel- est 60b for a nemi-rn- ted perses che esnys riteructien. Flasa for- uatd resuma te: Total :are Transport Afin: trias Maure, 25 O :nmmnrcial Sf., Miltos, tN L9T-2H8 et tan: 05s-875-2081. Homen EARL Cnntractieg, 'aifnng Services. Free stimatns! Par quitt and fficinncy sait today 418- 18-0961 AND bs/id piaygreund 'tuctaras, bu/if to paur paciitions, cati 905- ru-agio free est/mate. The successtul candidate cii be an independent self starter cîth cnmpet- rine drînve, respendu pnsiniely and actineiy tei challenge and pressure, and han confidence in their ability te handie prohieme as cel as deelep, ceach and Iead peuple. le reture. Chudleigh's pmovides oppertunities te leare and uct n yesr ewn initiative, and a variety et challenges and respensibilities, We aise eCfer a cempetiline salary and genereus henefîts te the succensful candidate. Wn encourage resumes frem candidates cîth the fellncîng preterred quaifications: *Minimum 5 years et food production management *Recuits tncused, teamn hased leadership skls *Excellent cesten and verbal communications skiîls ldeaily yen wîll aise pessens: *Engineering degree *Prenen project management ukîlis B akery eperience Please aubi your resume toi: Ne Agencîes and/or telephene oeils please. We cinh tei thank ail appli- cents but cani unty respnnd tei these under censineratien "At Chudieighn, we grue' arppe. We leei fhemn fresh yeur round. We make creahive snacks artd desserts Ilih a tante yenS alwayn remembec Delîver nec trucks 43/44 cpm ru eturt 48/49 p et mi aller f 2rne(Equivulent te US Fundi Motel preeided nightly Ne cent fami/y medicul Mont hune AZ lîcenne 1 lTO T/T no jmGeeIHee TVIFILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Adulto & Kids (2&up) needed tornT & Film Assignments No Fees, No Courses Cai: (416)221-3829 PARI/TIME SHOWROOM HOSTESS You are mature, oelf motioated, trierdly and good phone SU/IS, work leu. day eveeirg oh/hos Email resume foi: Nordafarview ch rysler.comt 2377 Fairview St., Burlingion Students Weicome Registration personnel required AVG. $20 HR or MORE! WEEKLY EARNINGS Piecework Compensation NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED -Full Training Pranided. For an Interview caI 905-525-0187 Studeni Scholar- shipo Avaliable g- gSHO GRENOUE Maintenance Asnisi. This ta a chaiieng. ing position thlet ut- fers a lot ut variabiity. Mainte- nance training lu nul essential, mechani- cai aptitude os. Fao 905-6324022 1135 Gatiagher Rd. Buriton 17F 2M7 JOBS AVAILABLE Production cstk in the MILTON areu. $1 2-13/h t. Al oh/i aeailasie HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 2015, Milton Service Tech Grow/ng company seeko Cuotomar Semice orientad indîvidual tor Comm Semice Prui Company Tructe. Bondable w/valid diviv lis. WIl trais. $15.00 -e4HR 905-484-0194 1 . ePEAIN MAAGR , n d