Town hires more staff to process building permits By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF In response to Miltons developmenî boom, the Town is bringing new staff on board to belp process building per- inits tn a more iimely fasbion. At îts; meeting Tuesday nigbît, Milton councîl approved creating four addi- tional staff positions - two engineer- ing tecbnologists, a zonfing olficer and plans examiner - tbaî Il corne int effect July 1. A report from Director of C orporale Services and Ircasurer Lînda Leeds explaîns îbe exila stal iîs needed to proccss building peris beciuse îbe Tow-ýn currentis îsn'i meeting tbe lune- lranw requtrerneits set out bs' îbe Province. "Furtberînorc, Il 15 .intîeipited ibat tbe volume of permît requesis în 2006 will exceed îbaî of preslous s cars.- the report notes. Council also endorsed recruîîîng an econoic developineni officer on a contract basis for two sears, also effec- tive Julv 1, îo ensure grosîb iii eco- nomic developmenî continues. CAO Marto Belvedere poinîed out tbat tbe staff additions will bave no t impact on local residents' taxes, since tbev'll be funded bv fees cbarged to tbe developineni communits. Ward 4 Councillor \Vendv Scbau saîd sbe strongby supports tbe requesi for extra einployees. It sounds lîke tbe staff are very badlv needecl, slbe saîd, noting sbe bocpes next lime tbere won't be sucb a senous cîrcumstance - referring to tbe lag in issuîng building permîts - before sometbings done. But, Mayor Gord Kraniz wasn't as convinced tbaî tbe extra staff is neces- sary He questioned wbat would bap- pen two to tbree years clown tbe road if tbe building boom ceases, notîng be tbinks at ibat point tbe new employees would creabe an impact on tbe property tax base. Tbe two engîneenng tecbnologîst positions, wbîcb will eacb cost $33.125 for tbe remnainder of 2006, will be paîd for by engîneening and inspection fees. lie 2007, its esîimaîed tbe positions will require $66.550 eacb. Tbe zonîng officer and plans exaîn- mer wages weill be funded by building permît fees and will require $29.176 and $32,330 respectively tbîs N'ear and S58,351 andI $64,660 respectivelv next vear. And funds for tbe economnic devel- opmenî officer contraci - $28,114 for 2006 and $56.228 for 2007 -wiýll tomie from cosi sas tngs tin tbe ctonom- îc des clopinent deparimet ,'sllafîîe Heitiesste-ý (ant le sca lied i t ~ ~ t tîttit dîilltî tîtipiîiiîc The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2006 - A9 W ie supplies last, Quantity aud selecion may var by store. See Sales Ast aIae toi details. F Now through May 28th. 2006. - One coupon perocustor This coupon C 00an O F or towadd the puroltose of Kitchen ___ 2v n single item ____t ad r LtRgit tmsofn Ollervalid util May 28th, 2006 atany Earn eb Re ad ONU ON S Homne Outfitersstore.* o ýS one ,, e Lep om s appl. t one ý Ses5ttsseOe, ý,br ý tS elisn e Peseltb o, t,sotp,,tsse FOR THE HOME OUTFITTERS STORE NEAREST YOU, VISIT WWW.HOMEOUTFITTERS.COM