The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2006 - A5 Victimn hit with unknown object _ciKo from WOMAN or, paqr, AiWH LS ERTALP N FI yonlala ti d tsi gct pasi tise loti udsel t tbe front door, but be pushed ber back, she recalled. He iben bit ber bard on the bead witb an unknown object. 1I Iooked ai bim and said, 'Don't do ibis, don't do tbis,' sbe remembered. He bit ber iwice more on tbe bead before running out tbe sîde door. Glancing oui tbe front door, tbe vie- tim saîd sbe noticed a bicycle IKing ibere. Sîunned and bleeding, sbe called 911 and waited for police to anive. Sbe was taken to bospital, wbere sbe received tbree stîtebes beside ber eye ý îýt \ ioi o1,i ài [ ,ýý L 101 , I scenied like an eternîty," bt probably took six or seven minutes, sbe saîd. Having Iived in Milton for almosi 30 years, tbe victim saîd sbe'd always felt sale. Until now. Eacb nigbî wben sbe goes to bcd tbe fear returus, said tbe woman, wbo lives wiib an adult famîly member wbo was- ni borne ai tbe urne of tbe break-in. "Every sound, 1 wonder wbaî it is. l'm very scared to go to bcd.' The victim, along witb police, is advising residents to be vrigilant and take precautions încluding locking ail tbing suspiclous in tbcîr neigbbour- boods, tbey sbouldn' i esîtate to caîl police. Tbe intruder is described as five- foot-nine, tim, wearing a black jacket wîtb a bood. Anyone wbo migbî bave informa- tion about tbe incident is asked to caîl tbe Milton police station ai (905) 825- 4747, ext. 2410 or Crime Sioppers ai 1 800-222-TIPS (8477). Sis'phanie Fhiessetî caei bc reacied ai stîhîessen@rnilîocaeiadiaeîclampion ..-,. 1111E SELECTION 0F ONE OWNlalER OPTIMUM LOW MILEA OplM MUE VEHICLES 4dr asti air N/C AM/FMi teso t hit eld it Cruise A/C, AM/FM ste'eo Power 2dr auto ai CD Siver 65 000 kr 58,000 km. SIkSL3132 ai bîg, antislckbrakes Sk P3105A windows scies tk eP31iA Sk MoI Il 61982 ' ,~ 28,432 1 MEI e8m "RCG ECED 'RS 1= MCAK V8, auto, air 42,000 km, white, 4r aoor ppl it , td 21f î&4 .z lkmuo air ,wno s .lc 4dr lto ar, V600 îîkm. ~ iC 00k îoarpmidm ok Stk P3027 Stk P3115A Éige SIkP3029A tilt steer CD. '288771 Z 2012#7L s81922 11/882 'OS POI C SMul V6, pw plt uis 10 e oded. 4,r aRt pi,ý leater V8. auto, air pw, pi, ieather rear 2 dr air auto Stk P3019 oPly 37,000 km. Stk P3061 31J0l) kýM. P301 Beat k 0 a otk 30008 k S 1916 Gic t OO 2dr, V6 alto, air, cd, 41r V6 alto 'air pm pi leather d 1, a to i lwpI t, V8. a&t air M. pi, tilt. ea rý Cd. dvd 65,000 km. à P3016 9,km.oro adks ioade IN A ded, 28000 km. Stk PL3077 qoadS. ioadedý 38,OOkb. S0P311 M 'l92 3,8173 '18e812 '49f812 VI&W miîr amuira lmvantavv *i WWM elon ni BE î Ê'ào k1, 1. 0tkP3O35 V6, pw, pi, tilt, cruise, leather, cioth dvd, loaded, 31,000 km. Stk P3116A * 6 cyl, auto, air, cd, 124,000 km. Stk P2989B '13;81 -hneprvlg e .S-4 t.Goidîsiî ýLong fion) '2.50 ea. 3-4" Shubunkins/Sarasa $3.00 e& . aip 3-4" Koi '4. 00 e&ad uap *4-5" Goldfish (Long Fin) '5.00 a Water Lettuce & Hyacinth '2.50 e& . (W île supplies lasti R.R.#4 ACTON, L7J 2M 1 519-853-9990 Ceil: 905-873-4322 tthBraces for Children & Aduits Pr SvnBac Creating SMILES that build CONFIDENCE.. No referais necessary * Flexible payment plans Committed to quality care, service and your satisfaction 311 Commercial Street-Suite 209-Milton. For that WINNING SMILE, please caîl our office DSÙ B. FC( Tel.905.875.2995 to arrange for a FREE Initial Consultation' DS S. icFC( How To Seli Your Home Yourself HALTON - If you've tried to sel1 your home yourself, you know that the minute you put the "For Sale by Owner' sign up, the phone will start to ring off the hook. Unfortunately, most catis aren't from prospective buyers, but rather from cvery real estate agent in town who will srart to hound you for your listing. Like other "For Sale by Owners", you'll be sub- jected to a hundred sales pitches from agents in town who will tell you how great they are and how you can'r possibly selt your home by your- self.' Afterall, without the proper information, selling a home isn't easy. Perhaps you've had your home on the market for several months with no offers from qualified buyers. This can be a very frustrating time, and many home- owners have given up their dream of selling their home themselves. But don't give up until you've read a new report entitled "SelI Your Qwn Home" whieh bas been prepared especially for homesellers like you. You'll find that selling your home by yourself is entirely possible once you understand the proeess. Inside this report, you'll find 10 inside tips to selling your home by yourself which will help you seil for the best priee in the shortest amount of time. You'll find out what real estate agents don't want you to know. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cail 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3017. You can cal1 any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit us onfine at