The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2006 - B9 Show off your presmous pWWM 1-io " Canadian Champion's monthly section of CHAMPION PET SHOWCASE. If your pet is chosen as "PET0F THE MONTH"' YOD WIN a gift certif icate from one of the participating vendors on the page. Please send photos to (c-z'.aainq 875 Main St. E. P.O. Box 248 Milton, ON 19T 4N9. or e-mail ta: Ail 10" 09 Hanging Baske ts$O each Reg. 11,5 Geraniums 3" Square Pot 4 " Pots Perennials $175Lfr9 Water in the landocape os a litestyle more and more people are choosing every day. Check back each week as me dispel corne of the commoe mytho ourrooodiog this lateot trend on gardening, Fact: A water garden is certainty an investment, but it no eth, longer has to be a money pit. At the most affordable end of e> the spectrum, do-it-yourself (DIY) kits with everything you need r( except the large or live stuff that doesn't come in the box (rocks, pebbles, fish, plants, etc.) for less than $1,500.00 plus a healthy amount of sweat equity for an 8' by ll' pond and waterfall. Low-maintenance water gardiens are considered good landscaping investments that can pay for themselves in increased home equity. Listen to AM900 czmzzm= CKMIL for more Ask Us About The JADE GARDENS ADVANTAGE CARD!