28 The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 26, 2006 ~lH alp I Sluitled & . Skiltod & Skiltod & Skillad & j~mIHeI~j GeneralHol __~zzzz -~ - Techaical Help Technical tlalp Technical Help Techaical Halp KOMEWO1~KERS NEEDEDI! ng Rîûcessiîîg i. î~uIars Pi. livrical Wurk Avaîlabîx Up To $1 SOOlWeek No Experiance Neededi FREE înfsrmafîon af ~w CasadîanWxrkprornhomecom Rafaranca 3-113 IContracto~"'1 loslxîng for Geergaf scs. Expenanca crf h pocerfoxls nacesxany. 905-691-2655 Wa ara 50W Ixxkîng fxr Raliabla, Esargafîr and Mofixafad Indixiduals fo ba parf of sur Taam. Cashier axparianca 5sf recessary. Banafifs, Paid Breaks, Incanfivax and Staff Discxunfs ara 5sf some of tha parks. Days, Affannoons and Evaninga axailabi e Cvii Daxe for dataîla af 905-878-8712 baicean 9:00 arn and 4:00 pm Service AssembIy Techs $)8/hr Cail Stevens Resource Group 905-87&7789 ~~vDigiPoS Exciting Opportunity n Retail Point 0f Sale DîgîPoS Systemo toc, a fax! growîng, Burlînglor baxed company, s lookîng for a hîghly moîivalad, prolesojonal. leam orîented, shîpper receivar. The ideal candidate ahI have S plus years ax a xhîpper necaîxar wîth axpeniarce jr croos boander shippîng raquiramenîs. Additîonally, they nus! be able iv openal e an electrîc pocared folk lih Qualified candidates are înxîted to applp on lina. Ail candidates wîll be considared but snîy I hsse mvi!- ed in for an interview aili be csntacted. Cxmpansatîsn wîll be cammansurate citti experi ence. Eau I Reaume ta Trfsh Davit at tdavls@dlgipoa-systems.com FITTERS I WELDERS (Custom Fabrication) Plate fitfing, Laysut alsîla, C.W.B TICKETS a musf GENERAL LABOURERS FOR WELDING SHOF Cleanîng i Gnîndîng i Paîntîng SHEET METAL WORKER/ ASSEMBLER Dat aîled ffting, assembly and fînîshîng wsrk Final traîler asaembly, nxeting, sheeting, tnîm wsrlv, and inspectian. Fxrming, nstching and layxut. Alumi- num, stainlesa steel expenience CERTIFIED FI1TER/WELDER For site wsrfx lmsbîla aeldîng) Fax Resume 905-842-0011 ~- ACTING/MODELING lf SrarQue~ModeI&Tuiesisearch har~i *~ hetped nruîsy peopte gex inro Sear~ li catalogues. Vx'aimart & Rîryvl Bank TYpE cornînercîvîr. Canadias Tire vUs. musse' *~ rîdeos. Holtvwood mou les & mure. seed new faces crf att looks. st/es. age~0 & ethoîcities. 13 vrs asd xp. i r' î.~ Dxtr t xnrs.s.v rliiv o;rpxxrsîxrrirv! ~ I. -I OAKVILLE Monday. May 29th r' .0 Holiday Inn 590 Argus Road r' Arrive anytime between Spm - 8pm ~0 *.~ Regisîrasion fee of $39 + GST r' '~ irefxoded if vox dv sot qualilyt r' For info visis www.Srarqoest talent coin r' r' ROCHESTER MIDLAND LTD. Shipper/Recever Requîred Isil lime Msn Fn, Bam-4.3Opm. Il pou have shippîngîreceixing experience, WHMIS, TDC and tale handling alsng cîth operation of lit aquîpment anS some cumputer data evtnp knsal- edge, please send pour nesume b: Entait: mshinbin@lrochestermidtand.cont Fax: 905-847-1675 Mail: 851 Progresa Court, PO. Boa 486 Oakville, Ontarlo, L6J 5A8 Ws thank ail those interested. ooiy thove xeleeted (or vo interview ci! ha confacteal. *1 e a *~a i We are Iookrng for adulto (indivîduals or crews) who have a refiable vehicle (the targer f he better) and a deaire b earn as- f ra money by defivaring newspapars with flyer packagea 3 daya a week (Wadnes- day, Friday and Saturdapa) f0 residencea fhroughovt Qakeif le. Thia iv frulp a door- fo-door delivery program and iv beat suit- ed fo thosa who are flot afraid 0f hard work and enîop working independenfly n the oafdoors. Mafunity and a afrong aenae 0f reaponaibilîty and reliabilify are mandafory. If you would like ta explore this opportunity in more detail, please contact Bob at 905-637-8795 HOUSEKEEPER AND/ OR COOK: For Saint Dominic Catholic Parish Rectory in Oakvilte. Thia iv a Part-lima position, 24 houns par week, from Taesday fhroagh Friday. Ose parson coald do avaryfhing, or if coald possîbfy be spf if: osa cfeaning and laundarîng and f ha 0f her groeery shopping and cooking. Arrange an appointment during Office Houra: Tuesday - Friday, 9:00 until 12:00 and i :130 unfil 4:00 905-827-2373. CAN YOU THINK ON VOUR FEET? DO YOU TAKE INITIATIVE? ff you'va snswerad "Vas"! Then yoa're fikaly Iha persan wa'ra Iookîng for. We are a (ast pxced ravi esfaie office loskîog for pari fine fxcrefary recaplisoisl Flexible hsors includas axenioge cxakxxds. Please repl y ta: The Barlfngtan Poat, Boa12084, 5040 Mainway, Burlington Ontarjo 171 705 ~&SpaHelp ~&SpaHelp a a s IRa~ruiresI IFULLTIMERECEP1tONtsTl Masf ba as be& hava adoanceri computa ksuc adga LZTIALJ Plaise caf I 905-8a4-4443 WOMAN THE SALON JOIN OUR TEAM N,,,r A~î,hbk Nf,,, prr~rr,~ J A,~,bbir Appiv r~r rr~~~r I f 28 Reynof dx Sîreer Oakvif f e - )05-337-322f ~HaIp_ Teettaical Holp Metroland West Printing Group METROLAND West Pnîntîng o iookîng for vs eopenîencad PRE-PRESS TECHNI- ClAN. n this noie, ihe indîviduvi wîii ha rasponsîbie for tha preparatios 0f filas for pninting, digital oufput and proofing. Tha quaiifiad candidate veut posuasa iha foilocing, -Prsîîciancy using bsih Mac & Windows n a pre-preas anvirosmant. -Espeniesca uaisg inDesign, Quark, Phoioshsp, Iflustrator anS Acrohai -Eoparîence n offset &/or digital pnintîng la a raquiramesi -Familianiiy with piafasattaro, prucassoro anS proofars -Ahility ta work ait h Agfa workfiow spa- tama as assai -Flasihiiity to work within a changisg faut FaceS anvirosmant - Accuracy anS vUantion f0 datait t) lnteresfed pleate forward yosr ressac ta rbutt@metroland.com Ouote Job #3895 in subject une. We appraoate the otereol ol ail applîcanto however only Ihose seiectad foras interview ciii ha coslactad No phose cailo on agescias please. I * I .1 . 'i t D~gPoS Wa are ioskîng or the irteol candidate cîrh min. 15 10 20 peans axpanierca n Opervtîonr & Finance, îdaviip n an asoembip vodior distribution aroîron ment, Praferanca ciii ha givan 10 candidates ciih kvoaiedga 0f Navîsion ERP upplicaiisni, hocever othar apsian expertise ciii ha consîdened. Rauponsîbîlitias ciii incluSe, but ciii roi ha limitaS 15 tha loiiocirg: - interface aith Salas anS Oparalînna ta lacîlitata ftoc ai producto anS înformvtîsn - Pnovctivalp manage oun parpotuvi invenisry fa spiîmîza bolh turfs anS liii rates - ldentily anS impiament business hast practîcas - Parlsrm spotamo asalysis anS racommand und assisi n ihe împiemantatîss 0f nec ERP modules, us necaasvry, 10 aptîmîza tha alficiancy 5f the carahouse vnd distribution fonctions, ahich ciii maximise customer satialaction ait h iha parfsrmanca 0f thaîn POS Spsiam. - Nunture tha ralatiosohîpa clibîn pour anea 51 rasponsibiiily ard assure thai avch member aI ha ieam undersiards bis or han position, chara thap lit 510 iba process, ard assîsi n ihaîr gnsctb anS davaiopmanf * Ensura tha approprîvianeas nI cvrahousîrg siafling levais, irbousd ard suihound iranspuri viion maihsdslsptîons ard invarfnry sioraga alternatives. - Wsnix cîth ha Finance Croup, 10 proxîda anvipsis cul vssanblp ard produci costs for Samealie yod importaS gosds, înciuding tha invaîlîgation anS documenivEon ol sîgnîlicant uctusi 10 plan vuriarces Ail qualifiaS cundîdatas vie ruileS 10 vppip onlîne. We thvnk vii for vppipîog. hocexer onip those can- didates invitas n or an îniorvîaa ciii ha cortvctad. Plaise amui i applications ta Trish Davis at tdavis@digipos-systems.cam ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLV TECHNICIAN. F/T Dulias includa cuoîsg yod tnippîrg cira, cnîmpîng ard soiderîng contacts, ravdîng dracîrgo vnd ochematîco. Harda on expanianca n marulactur îrg anvînosment prelanred. Eiectronîc Tachrîcian dîplona & lvmîiîanilp aîih 150 sasîrg an assat. Hourip Stvrtîrg Raie $1012 hour v baralits, 40 hour asrk ceek. Slartisg sviary hased or comhî nation 0f akîlis, aducutîso anS aspanience. PLEASE QUOTE AD 8069 ASSEMBLY SUPPORT WORKER . P/T Duties include cuoîrg anS airîppisg aira anS as- sistîng production Separtmest aith generai duties, Handa on esperiasce mechanîcai aaaamhlp pie- farred. Houdp Startisg Rate, $Oltraur. PLEASE QUOTE AD #070 Send coter tetter & rasante 10: BHC CABLE ASSEMBLIES INC, Entait: antanda@bhccable.com Fax:905-634-4814 Deadîlse: May. 31106 Only Canîdates choses (or an interview wîii ha costacteal. Ahssiuieiy ns phose catis. Light Production Machine Operators Axalto Canada Ltd,, tha conid ciaus leader n amart carS tachnoiogp, bas immadîvia opanîngu for iîghl production machina opanators r v iîght ceighl, hîgh volume production environnant n ouI Burlînglor centra. Applîcants muit hava u PS. dîpiomx or equivalant, vi levot 2 pears axporianca oporutîng hîgh volume production mvchinenp, good maruvi daxteritp. gen erai comuien okîllu (MS ollicai, 9005 basic math skîiiî ard tha vhiiilp fo conix n v lavm-bvsed corb anvîrormant cîthout close supervîsisn. Requîtes multi taskîng, close vOantian la deivîl, vhîiîtp 10 corh elfaciixaip n teama and stand lot long poni- oSa. Due 10 customar raquiramarts, cork bours ara g un. 10 8.30 pm.. Mondup througb Frîdap. Muai ha abia 10 pasa hîgb sacurily bachgrsund checixa n ciuding credif, crîmînvi ard ampioymans aducation history varilication. Asaito Canada Lld. provîdas a sturting rata 5f $13,00 pot hsur, excellant banafito cîlh profit shan îng ard an aducaliorvi raîmbursament program. Appiy 10: gmacdonaid@vouils.com AUTO BODY PERSON For estramely busy auto colli- abs repair facîiîty. Syrs exp req.'d. Excellant wagas & fuit besafit package. Caît 905-689-9812 or 905-961-2014 aNar 7pm. *1 reqsîred for con- sîruclion layas). Based (n Milton. Email resume to: surveying@ cogeco.ca -e e e a MAINTENANCE MECHANICS -2 Positions (No c.riiflcation necessory) Location: Fevershom, Onearjo To discasa tiiesa opportunifîes, teleplrona Morc Flewelling ai: 1-888 337 8778, or a mou hise ot mIlaw@on oibn cosa (No oftochmanfs pleosa SPRINGS www icaaavaaspmNo~c~ Electrical Technician Accrapty Canada, ttc., v leader in ihe desîgn ard manufacture 0f cusfsm ivbeiîng equîpment, has an immedîste opporlunitp for an Electrîcai Technicîan. Dulias ciii incluSe panai building anS system nIe- gralion, debug anS testing. The scope nI Ibis pusi lion mncludes ACIDC anS servo drives, PLC con- trois, sensîng devîces, pneumstîcs, higb anS lac voltage upplîcutions. Proferred cundîdates ciii Nove un indusiriai Electri- ciano lîcense vithough cx ciii viso consîder v thîrd or lounlh peur Electrîcai Apprentîce Frevîsus eiec trovîci experience an ussel. We oller v competitîve compenoviion package n v tean orîenled enuînonmevt. Payse vppp va lînglo Mary Oak Ace aply Canada, ne 3070 Ma nway Unit 10 Bu ngton Ontaro L7M 3X1 Fax 005 335 5088 Ema I mary ovk@vccraply com ~ m~ip BOOKKEEPERIACCOUNTANT REQUIRED Fuiltîme hîghlp motivated BxxkkeeperiAccoantast nequined by a fast-paced madium aiseS finm xl Chantered Accuantants s Gesrgetxcn. Succevaful candidate muai have ai least 2 peurs expenience s bxukkeeping Evpenîence s CA firm ix essestial. Must have escellent analyfical akilîs, able lx mulfi- task, anS knxaledge uf up-fs-date accxuntisg soIt- cane Fxrward nesume f0: Box 82548 CIO: indepesdestiFrea Presa 280 Guefph Street Usd29 Gexrgetxcn, ON L7G 481 Sales CoordinatoF Required For a leaSing bicycle manufacturer iscated n Oak- ville, Ostanlo. Applîcants must be ccli organisaS cith a strsng commilment ta customen service. Jsb includes eopedîting shîpment ai ordens, fotiscîng up on customar requesîs ard prapsnaliss ard asuipsis ol salas reports. Musi have MS sffice skîlls. Preference ciii ha givan 10 hîlîngual appli- canis IFrenchiEnglishi Please tas resuntes ta 905-829-4567 email cenoksen@raleigh-canadaca Oakville hused LunS Developer Home Bouder requiret v F/T Customer Service Representative Candidate nuit buse aonkîng knociadge aI Tv no Wvnrvnty The indîvîduai ciii ha daviing aîlh Home Qanans Sunîng ail phases If interested, plaise tax rasante ta 905-469-4170 GEORGETOWN KIA W p ovar 40%ln salas hi 2006, nidUilsysoewU b. bloguil - Style xl tha art facilily, over 400 pre-saned vahicies uvailabla 10 mankat - A pavk panlorman cîth internat expaniasce - Joîn v top 4 davier Ion SSi anS CSi bolh salas anS service n Canada il pou are seil-mslîuated, vggressîva. customer orient- aS euh OMPIC licence yod o top penlormar r sales Ihat s raadp for an opponlunîlp. Damo or Car Alloc- ance - Benehi Package - Ravi Management Support.