The Cunadian Champion, Friday May 26, 2006 - 25 LUt,1Ii îMv a * * A * ' . .Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 0 *0Rentais 170-196 * Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299%~ Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanad ianchamp ion. com Merchandise 300-385 *@Auto 400-470 * HeIp Wanted 500-57 - Mon. 10 Fr;. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-818-5947 e Vs ~ t' 0~c~ 4s BIRTHDAY Lots ot love Mommy, Doddp and Heot ENGAGEMENT Congratulations on your February engagement J ELISSA MEDL4ND AND MARC OLIVE1 6Leee and Sese musSes from your Pumitues Woddeug te tehe place Jue 2, 2007 floues or ale Business 0 ennhtties SELLERS FOR Sale Sp Omeer Real- Fied OuI What The ty Servîce, bars 58K per Hume Doms The meeth. Ne lîceese re- Street Seid Fer. quired. Lem iseesîmeet, 81515 WWW. Heme based. Excuivîe hsî Tertiteries. Tum hep eps- temse, se traechise tees. Ovvj ffice/Business (519-238-1819> (îmuesta- lm Space îiohap.eiet). SMALL penvate elfices - beaueiflipappoisted. Hwp PROMOTE VOUR 25 & 401. 1-905-277- BUSINESS te oer 4 9347or 905-275-6134. millier auat reader le Seath Centrat Qetario. mazd Opeels Bouk ou udvertîso- Bo,* ment in ovor 75 Metro- PROMOTE pour business laod commusîty noms- oppertusity te ecer 4 mil- papors mîth une phono teen aduit roadors te Seuls cati. Cati for intorma- Ceetral Ontarie. Book peur tien or meeklp mork ad adeertisemeet te eeer 80 packages (istersot lost- Metreiaed cemmoeîtp tngs îeciuded) 418-493- semupupers. 416-493- 1300 et 278, 288, 237 1300 ext.276 BIRTHDAY \ENGAGEMENT Soin us for on Open House 09 to celebrate f Pateicta &Dt)n Locke nif Miltens Marty Caputo's are eciter] te annourice lthe 8OthBirtdavngagemesnt ftirdaughter ,hd T o ue 2 , on1S 9 a26t at n softEetye& JohnsLppmqtoî SHHHHHH Its a suarp ris e rît tintes Wedduîsg lii take her 590 Childs Dr. - t - 4p UPICOMING MARRIAGE BIRTHDAY Buinss Pro ssieai Merlgaga, 0 1Ài a1eis& jj ppede5nilîa 0 Diecor ns F eFr Re! SUN VOLTS Uelimîted. REMOVE peur crîmînel ALMOST ALL DOWNTOWN MILTON leveot te the Future! records Fast. We de Pur- APPROVED' MiIlsîde Towere "Altereato Energp" dues and US Waîvers. o1 t, 2ed aed 3rd 82 Milîside Drive. Franchise Ollerîsg Dee't Se embatnassed. 1 ts uitbu Predacto asnd Lileotle 800-298-5520 mertgageol Attractieqitbid te Se preud of! Aeerage 103% mertgago lieaec- ig clea 182 Serem iseesîment 70K' Fi- îeg mith go04 cr0411! ueîls mîth iaudrp eancîeg Asaîlable APR. îrîae 100% lor ex-Sasturupt taciiitp and Sampoon & Asseciates joan er Carreet Feer Crodît social reem en site. 905-784-8922. MORTGAGES 95% for Soit-empioed Regular resîdeet eseets 95% oeilf empieped, mith ne preel ut incemne 95% no immigrans Fomer et sale stoppedi Open 7 dua 95% NO CREDIT, Cui the lecal experts: & aeelega Eracses 95% discharged 418-993-7799 Cali 90"-76-1249 Sachrupte. 416-777-0878 mertgageeulutîuns START pu omsi fae- m. Ocugece cu a ________ chise ourmet cued Os murtgugesoltîî wmw.hotcandies.erg t1- 888-525-0046 Atteed ste Session Embors Banquet Hall 781 Wurde Aveeue Map 3t, 2006 8-OOpm- 8:OOpm SSMONEYSS Ceesolidate Deblo Mertgages te 100% No incemne, Sud credît OK! Onlariemide Fieuecul Corperatien 1-888-307- 7799 MORTOAGES trom 40n leners. No tees, and me pap $250 temurds leguis. Lamper Ceetrîc Sereices 866-497-9449. mort- gage@lampercentric.cem MILTON ueaitusie June lot. saîtubie for merking couple, proton se pets, 2-Sdrm mais loete ut heuse $11 00/mth e , retereeces. 905-878- 2737 MILTON apartment on a prîsate home. Large rooms -L.R. B.R. kitchen & dpc bath, pri- nate yard, parking h entrucce, Iaundtp ta- cîlities buituhie toi non-smoking quiet lady. ne pets gggg e in- clodos uppliances and utilîtes. Available Jn tst1 905-t78-98t1. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street South, Milton We are eow acceptîng applications tor: -2 bdrm For more irtormation and/or te make an appoielmeet, Pieuse Cali: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leanard & Penny MILTON 3-bdrm, 598t/mtb nctudes S appliances, 3 car park- ieg, avaîlable Jase tst. Cai 905-897-639t. MILTON large 1 & 2- bedroom apartments. Availabie Jatp 1t. $870. & 5990/month. Cai Jas 4t8 723-480t. BEAUTIFUL sueep couetrp apt. to share, large 2-bdrm, gardees, FIP, tomale preterred, $500/mth. 905-693- 1129. 2-BEDROOM mîth large baiceep and pard. Triplex in Stewarttowe, se smoking. Heat rn cIadod. $975/meeth plus hpdre, Avaîlabie Juip t et. 905-702-7847. ACTON t -bodreem aed 2-bedreem apart- meete aeailabie Jure 1tl $790 and $S9hlmeeth ail inclu- siee. Cail 5t9-853- 3309. ACTON 2-bedreom apartmeet Availabie May t st. 200 Churchll Read, South. Ne pete. Cali 519-853-0087. ACTON ose bedreem aparimeet. S8SOlmoth plus hpdre, tiret/test, tridgetsteoe. Availabte Jure it. Ne pets. Cuit 519-853-4721 GEORGETOWN t Sedreom basemeet apartmeet, 5800/mosth ieclusie Separate en- trasce. cour GO Sta- tion. lncludos tridge/stooo. No smok- îng/pets. Firstilast/retet- eeces. Cati lot aoatablîtp. hute single lemalo. Cati Brerda MacDonald 905-877- 5165. MasFer RosI GEORGETOWN REN- TALS t. 2, h 3 Sed- roome, Chece eut meS site mmm haitonhîtis GEORGETOWN, 2- bedroom grourd tenet flt. Clean and tenu- nated. Patio, 2-parking. Juty t st. 825/montb plus hydro. Mîke 4168 888-0767. GEO0RGETOWN, 3- bedruom main flieu ut buegalow. La ur- dryt parking. St1.20)0/ utîtîties, avilabte Julp tst. Cai 4t8 826-8840. GEORGETOWN, quiet mature seîghbeurbeed. Large t herrer base- ment apartment, muep windows. 5900/moeth inctusive. Avaîlabie Jure let, laundrplpark- îng/dîshwasher. Cloee te demeteme. Reter- erces, Cuit 416-707- 8272. LUXURV spacieus 2- bedreem apartmeet le eerp quiet urea. Newip reoealed ircludos musherldrper. Ner smoking, ru pets. S950tmeelh. Fîrebiast plue secorlp deposît. Cui 519-853-3015. SPACIOUS, brîght 2- bedreem basemeet apantmest prîsate es- trance, shared luundrp and backpurd, seat Detree and Maple te Georgetoms. $775/ mesth plus atililies. Quiet nnsmeker, se pets. Availabie Jase 1tl Mîke er Bec 905-873- 1389. TOWNHOUSES 1er rosI in Geergetomn, $1,275 and $1,400/mesîh plus utîlities. Apartmee ts te hîstero building te Reckweed, 1 and 2_ bedreeme, etartieg aI 5825/muetS plus etîlîties. Cal Elizabeth Deeli, Jehnses Asse- claIes Realter 905-877- 5165. MILTON Area t bed- reem country cettage os smai beet tarm. Medeet rosI le rature for tar heip .Retired ceuple mith seme tarm eeperîeece preterred. St19-853-4334. 3-BEOROOM Mattamy home uaîtiabie August 1 t lot 6-9mosths. $1t500/mth + utilitieo. Fultp tursîshed. 905- 782-0205. ACTON, cloen quiet 2- bedroom main heuor bungalo. Surroem, dock, taundrp/parkîsg. St ,000/menth plus. Avaîlubie Jutp ltt Cai 519-853-5940. Fer Reel GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom backspît (Del- roxtWeber 4-appli- acces. 51 ,d0tmuth plus etîlîties. Foncod yard. Avaîlabto Jolp ltI Cai ses 873-9762. I-ILLSBURGH, 3-bed- toom, 2-storep home. t-1t2 bathrooms. Sas bout. 51,4eetmonth plus utîtîties. Juty pus- session. Cai Rîck Cor- ry 905b877-5165. KmFer RosI MILTON 3-bodroem tomehouse for ront, $1300.00 plus etîtîtios. Tmo batbreems. uppli- usces, gus tîrepluce, aîalabe Juip leI. Cai 905-875-2511 for up- poielmeet. BRAND Nom Executve Tome home te Lakeshere Woods uvailabie Jotp t. Great lecatios cour Sarleaki OIEW, malkîog dîstasce te 1he lake. 3 bedreem, 2.5 bath, tire- place, hardmeed, siate & upgraded toatures throughout. $1800 per meeth plus utilities. 905- 847-318 MILTON- 3 bedreem, S appliances, sew Iteers, paint, garage. Woodward- Wilsoe area, backs osito park, 51250/me. cotilities, ist h lest Immediate. 905- 878-3791 OAKVILLE- 3&4 bed- reem leasheuses aeait- able Immediatelp throagh Jalp ItI 4 appiuces, Hepedale Mal area. Lakeshere Management 905-878-3338 Fer M gR00nnt4iWsIed ROOM 4 reet le 2-bdrm apt. te Milles, ses- smoking, temale pre- terred. 5450/mIS ai te- clusiee, underground parking. 905-875- 2015. MILTON Reet fur- sîshed reem. Iscludos utilîties plus parkisg. Private balhroem. 5525/meeth. 905-876- 0353.