Al 8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2006 I Milton Comrnunity Resource Centre Presents... J I Jl i iuatts to tihe SPONSORS.. GoId Sponsors: OJune 3rd, 2006 Victoria Park Square (Behind Town Hall) 9:00 amn to 4:00 pmn Fun, Games, Prizes, Crafts Demonstrations and BBQ Cail for info 905-876-1244 Silver Sponsors: Mati my Homes, North End Nissan. Discount Car & Truîck Reniai Bronze Sponsors: Academy of Music. Ferguson Cliemicals. Milton Park Dental Care. Milton Famîly Chriopracîîc Centre, Frîend of the Centre. Halion Regional Police Associaion. Wallace Pontiac Buick Cadillac Lid. MCRC I 0b* cc*1Zr>14e,t ýý4CC ate~44 4 Rebuilding Mavs narrow gap on unbeaten Oakville By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Mavericks' 11-4 loss in Oakville Sunday alternoon probably isu't auythîng to get too excit- ed about. However, in a season thats more about progress than prosperity, its tough flot to be at least a hittle encouraged about the returuîng juniors' marked ~î'e improvement over iheir previous visit to Maplegrove Arena. sti unbetn siuzl wais of utha sti ngee wun sn dt ah surprise to many at the H-lve - or at least those who'd witnessed the 20-2 cakewalk their South East Division-leading hosts enjoyed just three weeks earlier. A fortified defensive effort and a little more commîtment to tracking down buose balîs allowed Milton to keep thiugs respectable tbis urne around. A staudout in tbe Maveuicks' lorte victory' to date. Paul Ryan tallied twice againsi the Buzz - establi.sbing a short-lived lead seven minutes into the gamne and closing oui the sconing midway tbrough the third peniod. Chippîng in singles were Mike Holmes and Sbane Scott. Two nigbts earlier at John Tonelli Sports Centre, Milton beld ats own over the final two i periods agaiust the still struggling Halton HuIls Bulldogs. But five goals against in just over tbree minutes in the opeuîng [rame essentially wiped out auy' chance for a suspeuseful eveniug, as the visitors cruised to a 10-2 decision. Ricbie Fuoco was fairly steady overaîl betweeu the pipes - keepiug tbe floodgaîes [rom burstiug open alter a somewbat shaky hLstant but received nu offensive support. Mavericks' two goals both came while tbey were shorthauded. Scott and Ryau Lecky - one of four hometown players ou tbis years team - deuted tbe twine, white assîsting on both deposits was Matt Muir. Just one goal was scored in tbe third period, and the Nortb Halton rivals completed round two of their three-gamne regular season senies tn a light- ning-quick bour and 40 minutes. Tbe Mavericks enjoyed another decent crowd last Fndcay of roughly 250 spectators - which bas been about tbe average attendance so far this sea- sou, and is siguificantly up [rom theteams last go- around in 2004. Milton was back tn action last night againsi the host Green Gaels, and wrap up' their four-game season senies with Oakville îouîght ai Touelli. Game lime is 8 p.m. Instali Smoke Alarmns It's The Law. The Ontario Fire Code requires that every home have working smoke alarms. Instali them in your home or cottage today! (305.878.3290 F1e Chipping and Putting Greens N e Golf Instruction r ,de Roa* Golf Clinics MY 401 Fniendly Service Fommrly Ilalton HMils 10 Bucket Special GiolfAcademyW UNDER NEW MANI16EMENT ProTHN D QIMN AIL YOU CAN H IT~ CLDTHINI>ILS - :WEEKDAY AFIERNOONS: from 2:Opm -4:30Opm 2i OnID 81Y 20wth cuo 6rpnd GOLF CENTRE i5a# MILTON ----------------. 7801 #5 Side Road (300 yards West of HWY 25) Milton 905.878.3290 Hours: DaiIy 9:00 arn tili dusk rië-p n ZLed . %1 tww