A12 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 26, 2006 Myon*t' 1 i' iiiill seniii i ce wdi uporsii Frete ('onfidenîtat. Anonîyîîuus. 1-866-531-260( w-ww.mnhsio.on.ca MLSIt5i , ' ,C îeOua-î 1 "M5M1 ý Drug and Alcohol yoiirfie'st contact.for help C'ai for infonnation about the dnîg and atroitot treativieni se'rv'ices avaitabte il) Otrlo rt't' ( înfiîteîîîîal Aîîrîynîiins 24/7, 1-800-565-8603 wwwdart.on.(a CwOth- ,,lf,ran STHE CONSERVATION ZONE LIGHTS' LUMENS! ACTION' Peter toý Citizens can comment on next year's budgâjet While 20307 is suItl tnatîy miis away, titrai residetîts xviii sîtîtî have' a chance tii commenîr'it oit tbe Ttiwn's budget tir nexi year. A reprt highligbîîng 2007 budget issues xvriii be presenîed ai the Junc 26 councib/budget crîm- miîtee meeting. At ibis session. cîtîzens will he able tri present ibeir requests regarding tbe budget estimates, pro- grams and prrîcess, according tri a reprt from Trown Directrîr rof C irpitratc Suervices and t reastirer t inda L eeds I)reseiitrd tri ctiritil luesclay îîîgbî. "Staff bave adaîîîed flie budget îîrocess foîr 2007 tri inciirprirate pub- lic tnput at tbe beginnîng of tbe budget cycle," the report explains. " This xviii provîde tbe rîpprru rti, for public crincerus it) be considered as tbe brudget gntîdelînes are esîablisbed and as staff prriceeds tri develop ibeir budget estîmates and pri- onitize prrijecs for 2007 and tbe capuital frîrecasi.' Mayror Grîrd Krantz praisecl tbe new prtîcess, nuîîing ibat crîncil was * cerîaînly crîîicîzed last year' about its budget prîîcess, referring to resi- dents' complairts ibat the budget was apprîîvcd trîu quickly and left ltile tiîe fror public coîm- ment. Tbe Jue 26 meeting will stant ai 7:30 p.m. in Milton Council Cbambers ai Town Hall Victoria Park, 43 Brown More roadwork approved Tbe soutbern stretcb tif Tbrîmpson Road svull stîrn be gîven a makeoscr. Town council apprrîved tbe recon- struction rf- tbe bus>' tbrîrougbfare bctween Britannia Road and tLouis St. L aurent Boulevard ati us meeting Tuesdav nîglbt. Tbe prrîject %vilI sec tbe existing îwo lattes rebuili ibis fll ai an estimated cîst tof $474,000. Tbe sîretcb will be n îdeîîed to foiur lanes in tbe future. [bompsrîn Road is just one of many loîcal streets sorîn tri be împrcîved as part rof tbe Acceleraîed Capital Rrîads Program 'sVork is anîîcîpaîed to get underway iii mîd-August and s%'rap rip in Ridngand Spoirts Camp Registration camps rnciuu Lunch, Dates Snacks, hevoragss, Rlding, Su. My 28 .... 2-4m Soccir, Baskstbill?î Sat. JuSe 3 .... 24pm VIrsyal Sut. Jue ..2-4p1 Aptsl Sun. Junu 11 ...1-4pM CraitS. SîckKîds s Lottery - CAL vOAT My rote as Chief Fnergy C'onservation Offleer is to ensure conservation and energy efficiencv play a vital rote in Ontanios ongoing energy stmategy. Since its etteaper to save energy than to make it, a big part ut' today's conservation culture insultes finditte tsa\s tu conserve. Replactng incandescenît bulbs nith energy efficient or *"smart" Iighting is a brigitt idea. Did von knon thtîa energy etficient lighting.. *sa\ es soti niînc\ oit yori eiterg bi tl *produces lusi as mîîcit tîgit' *lasts longer titan standard bulbs? *uses tess energy? In lte pasi decade. the selection of' energy efficient lîghittng producis has stuzntttcantlv îrnprosed. Titis translates 1into miore producîs that can replace \tirtualîs e\ er\ type of ttghting iii vont home or business. Nesi tie you're sitopping tor replacenment bulbs, tir însîaltîng a nets tistrîre. take a lest monments iii lînd the mrîst enerc'\ efficîit choice as attable. Titirugîh energx eflicietit lîitîti coîss slîghtly nmure titan traditiotial liglît buth' tii btix. tite\, are geîîerall\ nîrcit lotîc'er-laitine, and use mucit less energx. tîtakitic titern less expetisise iii the long ruin. Chieck labels stiten soit sliop tîîr liglititie Yoîi stant to hind bîîlbs stîit tlie desîred lugit output (Ioniens> stîith the I ise si sttage (ainount tif etectrîcîîv used iii produce tîgit> Tite Consersation Bitreau's Etr Ki/toîvt Ctfsîî campatîtt is curreiî ini store s. Look for discount couapons oui coitipaci fluorescent lîgit btulbs. tiers. ceilinci t'ans. and progirammable titermostats. And don't lorget the simplesi ssci to sa\ e lîiting citergs is to irîn lîits off' nhen tia re îlot uisîg ttern' As ('f' t tergu Cornsci satîrît Offirer t issue a frîendt\ citallengue tri ail Onttriaiis to tiia about bots su tise enerui\ esers da,. and iiid nets stax s to conserse ii. Imagine tite elleci if' all 12. illitoît Ottariatis, prit titeir mînds tri sa\i ne eierg\ datîs. t bettes e tl cati appeti - oneu Itit lulb ai a tuneý Togtier. Ici 's do t' The Conservation Bureau develops and delivers programs to help Ontario residents conserve energy and save mono>. For more information, please visit w wconservationbureau.on.ca. M ' -trl( Chr.;otr Tikt:Adts$8 SnmIUIeb$5-WIrns Amal ilCioksoe O flaoï 95730