Familles to be notified in writing from BUSING on page Ai It tht KtctîscLl A tIce atttd ltacott Drtive atl t'ahîe sc ltsol hoat let itîo btîs stttdctots (Iote t hecas v Aconstrtieton that IcIt rio sale routte to ss'al.tl -Tlie Contstrtion t5 005v inima.l atnd tht chilth en htavse se e ,t options sol lioal& they ctn sallk to schooi, tIse report nottes. Thc sinali gtootp of 1 .L. Diots' sti- tdents h.ts biet btîscd lor Ille past' ses er- aI N cars becattse thcre sas tnt stop) signl or stoplîghits at Lauriser Av ettue and i botspsots Road. LIîghts have silice heets putt Up. Tise board intenils to nottis ciels larntlv allet ted hy the change lin \ rttitsg Il Mas 30. \\ while ITate tktoslcet Ie bots cancellattotn. tý cautse titlltt tltîes lor sote people, lie sait! lie îblssik, mans\- people wili he -otst as happy- nttt bas- ing tise bus service sitice tIse studeîsts affectci tlotot lise sers' lat Iront the sebools. Tise boards transportation polis * savs bus service \vilI hc provided for students in junior kîndergarten to grade 5 when thes' live more than 1.6 * km away from îhetr school. For those in grades 6 to 8, îhev must ive more thats 3.2 km awvaN aîsd high sehool students, more than 4.8 km. t Melaîtiie Htitnesse v cati be reaie!ed oit nitertiesse-vtlfîtiltotcaîtadiaic !tantpit t o11t -,Celebration at new park this Sunday The Toswn wil! kick off junes Recreation and Parks Montb Suîsdav with a celebraîlon at Dempsev Neîghbourhood Park. The festivities, wbich xviii mn frons 12:30 tos 2:30 p.m., \viii tîsclude waiking the trails with Mayotr Gord Kraistz, physical activits' stations, a free barbe- cte, information displavs on health and beîîsg active and actisities for ebtîdren like games, face painting, kîte makîng and enteriajismrent by clo\ss'ns. The park is iocated on Dîxon Dnive is a new subdivision north of Main Street aîsd east of Thompson Road. Durîng Recreation and Parks Month, the Tosvn ts aiso encouragîng residents to sîgn up ai svsvssN-.iton.ta and then get activ e to wtîs prîzes. Activ log sheets are asaîlahie on the Tosvýn's \Veb site, aiong svtb tîps on svalkitsg and keeping active. Coritesi prizes \viii be awarded every sseek and a gransd prîze ssill be gîven tout at the end ofJune. For more information and a map showîng Dempsey Neighhourhood Park visit the aforementioned Weh site or cl (905) 878-7252, ext. 2706. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 23, 2006 - A5 Meeting on new parks held this Sun. Iltop nl session ibis Sucia). Residents will have a chance t review and comment on concept diagramns for the C lark F-SERIES 18 THUE DEST-SELLINO FULL 8188 PICK UP IN CANADA.' nMFUELE ECONOMWY LI HIOWAY 12.2LI1OKMk(23 MIPl HI 16.7UlO117 MPO -1lie înectttog v ill he ludt at tie Milton 1-cisuire C.entre from 2 to 4 p).n. For those who can't attend, the diagrams ý5 55 Ii it'IL ý: . 1 ) il l. For lurthct itlirtttaiion ttn' plans Itîr tIse three new parks, cal! (905) 878-7252, ext. 2187. F-150. MAKINS UT EASY TO TACKLE AMY CHALLENGE HEAD ON. 18' CHtROME WHEEtS - O' CHROME RONNINC, BOARDS - AIR CONDIIOLN * CHROME EXHAUSI HiP PER~~~~~ MONTH 35 ONTS WTF $4755OW O ECOtOALENT TRADE PLUS FREIGHT $1,200 DOWN MONTHO' PAYMENT $t $413 $1,500 -e37t0 $-i3.000 $328 RANGIR. A COMPACT PICKUP THAT ES UT EASY TO PLAY WITH THE B18 BOYS. 35 J OHC V6 ESChNE - COLOAR KEYED 'EILCEF Ï-LORES 551 LE'BAIPERS *SP EES CLI '1.1 RANGER 18 THUE BEST-SELLINO COMPACT PICK UP UN CANADA. PER MONTH/36 MONTHS PLULS FRE1055 $1,100 FUEL EONOMY$0 SECURITY DEPOSIT.' - FUELY EOBO 29MC) $0 DOWN PAYMENT. IT .3 1001OKM (20 MPO) BUT HOBBY, WREN UTS THIS EASY THEY WONT LASI LONG. WR iBUUSKMDTKLliAlt~s Cý,Ls',5 SR~~' CRS" 510 ,55',a51 0ss_ f55~0 wSI I ïl ~ L s ea1 ai, ofIL4, M mo-,I'I 'LO, Ci4C 'Lý iIle ToL, 1'5 5.à- C L', ay,îmo 10Si IIS I55ss~Lssm AsSse' .511555545 ý5~5~5 545553 (K S ,'s y~ 154L5 LCCýI Z OR 111111111 iq t eu nfe TIR We5 ISISSTS5lB Stl t'- I S e 551515 reslt PSA 0llrwfe f t VOICa làsss 'ýlUS CI5' 552R A Ptsssl sos5 InàL, Y ' 5 i L' 5r ýc îo5sPý,C(Ia Rssss a, m i1450 i l Y a wýc,7-ôs iiCaSea) WCa feil off exclude 'otreg5 I1 2011 !' ce 'iWa' se ia 'RSON A Odilsnb ýad Sp' a .'o a xils tt5L.S S Kur5sk.sk.m al' 504O LIR 200 j « e ,004gM & sýâOa 01)05517, 5 L%Î Ïý ,. 82.t h . 3L 0 L 00 LItE me sRtecopDFa'oM fl, podx-us 00l5T1555155T5155055sR i-tBal Y 5oM452oL wcs k,400505 LtaLCOso sae R SSLAL55 5 reM aLý i klY e , LmPIS ît7k tss2l soec»«ýmy av Io U Grole Reco0Sp Pr4off See LIsp tpy :19,41S ùrbl 0 P P ý ?fft4 Sosseý Ol 5 [45E DOWN MONTHLY PAYMENT i 1 ý11_111 ! ? ýý rý, ford.ca $2,500 $166 0 Built for-life in Canada