~Residents scrutinize plan The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - A3 Y.jANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Town's proposed list of goals for Mltons future drew both praise and criticisîn ai a feedback session Thursday night. Approxîmately 30 citizens turned out for the meeting at Milton Memonial Arena on the Town's Destiny Milton 2 draft Strategic Plan framework. The document details a vision statement for the lown - Milton: engaging, balanced, connected - and outlines five goals designed to implement that vision: aResponsible, coul effective and accounitable local govern- ment wecll plaiiiiet spaces * A sale, livable and healîhy community 0 A robusî, diverse and sus- taînable economy 0 A îhriving natural environ- ment that îs a valued communu- ty assel to be proîecîed, main- îained and enjoyed. "We're trying 10 create a Milton thats a complete com- munity'" said Nick McDonald of Meridian Planning Consultants Inc., which is helping the Town prepare the plan. Many residents aI the meel- ing, such as Anne Eadîe, agreed the document bas some good ideas in it. 'I like what l'm seeing,- she said. I tbînk iî's building well She also said she thinks ifs important to gel local youîîg people and new resîdenîs învolved in the Desîiny Milton process. "ils their communily," she noîed. "We really need to involve the younger people," Some residenîs at the session expressed concern for how the goals in îhe plan will be impIe- menîed. Rural resident Kevin Brackley poiuiîed out that a lot of the Desîiny Milton 1 initia- tives were neyer put mbt prac- lice. "If you don't implemenî your recommendations, its ail a waste of lime," he said. What do Miltonians think of their town? So what do local residents aboot the same and two per cent to fund infrastructure project think of Milton? say ifs a worse place to lîve. like roads, parks and othe The Town recently found out & The desire to live in a more municipal services. when it conducted a survey of quiet community with a small- & Net satisfaction with îowi 600 local residents as part of ils town atmosphere and Miutons counicil is quite high, with jus Destiny Milton 2 strategic plan- proximity to a major highway over three quarters of thos ning process. and the GTA rank as the top two usindetrvryaife Some of the results include: reasons residents move tc on or qusionedeithre satisfie i eAlmost nine in 10 residenis - The pace of development, Mor s smwhcat satsfiewt say their impressions of Milton lransportation-related issues Mitnmucpagoe en are either very positive or post- and a lack of community pro- white one in five say they're verý tive. grains are the key things citizens or somewhat dissatisfied. eOver 75 per cent say Milton like least about Milton. - The key reasons for dissat is a better place to live compared -Just under one third of res- isfaction vi th council are relatet to other GTA communities, idents surveyed say they'd be to planning/growîh ant while 18 per cent think ifs willing to pay a special tax levv rnadr arkino s r 't *Smarllease are based on 48 mths and include 100,000 km wilh $0.15 oser and are plus freipht I Cash prices are plus freight, taxes and license fee. Ail rebales assigned to dealer See dealer forco pte delaîls. Some restrictions apply. Full details avait- forle Wh. wait. We will rebale you 1% GST. See de.Aler c~ v l~ b*