Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2006, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Taasday May 16, 2006 - 23 1111_IDHeInia Hein fie H el »7 7 OfcHenfie e Sales Help MuqHeIp Tffi ical Hlo OfficeI Halo EMj jJ j & Agents 'ADU o RECEPTION/OFFICE ASSISTANT Established * art-time 3ruilassu FI' 17 M i. A iznfo cmyi h Wndos and ar7, ! -Tnt'" L I hi-"t crihuvut hiu ave a reiiaîeie veiricie (thbe langer the beOcni) and a dr-sire Io earn ex- tra mosef- by deienîng newspapars wrtb ftyer packages 3 days a week (Wedses- day, Frîday and Saturdays) 10 resîdences tbroaghsat Oakvitte. This ls traty a doorl- tu-dloor delivary program and is beot sait- ed ter those who are mot atraid of bard work and entoy wsrkîng isdependanty in the oatdosrs. Matsrîty and a strsng sasse of respsnsiblîty and relîabilîty ara mandatory. If you would like to, explore thia opportunily in more dectai, please contact Bob at 905-637-8795 CLIENT CARE DISPATCHER TAre you happy? The mosi cusivrner iocused HVAC service -.ornpany in the Hornîtton'Haiton area has openîngs. Can I say Ihis... "'i'r se nappy, i car i betieve Pmr genirgq paîd vo avili bo ave fun. Plus receive evcellent senebits lAu Medical/ Dental Vacatian! Holiday & Ongoing Training Please fax your resumne la: 905-689-3030, AtIn: Debbie Opolcds p oreiie RETAIL ASST. MANAGER *Excellent salarp & bonss *Comprahensîne banal il plan *Monday - Friday 9am-6pm -Large astablisbad castomar base Fax or ernail Stephen Paul 905-681-2806 Stephen addmnore@bellne.ca 3245 Fairview St. Baringlon SIii&Itle Tâchncl Help a f Tjchn!cl Hill wwwindvac.com FUIL-TIME CERT1FIED ELECTRONICSTECHNOLOGIST Position availati immedialel REQIJIREMENTS 5+ years in prsducing/wiring electricat contrat pas- eia for masefactarîng eqaîptent. Gsad wsrkîng knowledge cif AatoCAD for prodacing/maîntaning electrical oystem drawîngo. Undanotasdîeg of tlec- tnicaf codes, wîring methodo, basic efectrîcal distribution. Mechanical sk-Itas for doing panef cal- oats for mssnbing deaices, drilling/tapping. Saper- aisory skiffs. Mechanîcal okillo for asatmbling salve blocka/frsmes. FULL-TtME PROJECT MANANGER Position assîlable îmmedîately to coordinate tht building of High Vacuum Depeoition Systemo. RESPONSI8ILITIES: * Job Scbedaling " Cuotomer & Vendor Interface " Worfiing wifth ail internat departnrents " Some International trasel REQUIREMENTS Good Worf-îng f-nowledge et Microsoft Office, Microsoft Proîect and AutoCAD. Minimum 3 years Proîect Manager toperrence. Pool Secsndary Eda- cation, Startîng Saiary belceeni $50.000- 60,000/annually. Please send resurneo to: joba @inltsac.com We rnquire PULL & P/T CARPENTERS. REBAR FABRICATORS and WAREHOUSE HELP Fax resume ta: 905-876-1129 or calI 905-876-1214, ext25 Ruve you We tg rnew' Large Brampton Comnpany ruquitub a part lime Slelîsnury Engîneer. Reqoîrement: Ontario Cerlifîcata of Qulifications as e 3rd close Slalîonary Engineer. Esperrence in the speretron and rnaintenance of indesîriol arnna refrigeralior systerna, ges turbines, electrîcal power gererolion. hîgh pressure caler lobe heet recovery boilers, cati lobe baîlers, aenîliary plant eqeiprnenl, air csrnpressars, and PLC base control ayo- lama. Work cee- is 24hoers every Sotardoy, Sunday and Msndey, Send Resumne t0: careers@maptetodgefarms.com ELECTRICIAN CONSTRUCTION/ MAINTENANCE 309A INDUSTRJAL OACKGROIN0 AN ASSET Cumpatîtîve cage. banetît packarte, cvmpaiiy vehIrcie Ptease send resame ta: Fax: 805-876-3803 Emailr info@arthsrlecric.com FULL Tf ME SERVICE TECHN5ICIAN for Rafrigeratien, Gos & Elactnîcal service lu the Huspîlalîly lndaslry. Pnefarred mini- mum G3 Gas Lîcansa and 1 to 2nd pan rafnîgaralion pIes dlean driver's absîracl, Esperianca pretarrad. bat wîlfîng lu train. Cali: (905> 840-4200 or Fax: <905) 702-0912 METZELER Autornatîve Profile Systens is a pro- gressive manufacturer of penrnmeter eeaing s<5- lerno useS by tht aalomstve & building anîd con- struction industries. We bave an immediate open- îng for a: MACHINISI 10 loinl our second shift. Skilled in lnoubleahsslîeg, <ou cull bu resonoibît for mairlaining and repaît- îng capital equîprnenl. You must haut a minimum 5 <tara esperrience gaineS in a rnanufacuring an- vîrosment usîrg laîbes, drîtlînrg macbines and sur- face gvindero, as weIl as an Ontario certificot of Qualification as a Machiniot. A exIlS understandîng 0f pneumnatice, bydraulice and injection msvldîng wouid bu a definite assaIl. Please stnd neaumes toi: Human Resources Manager, Melzewe Aulomolive Profile Systems, 514 Soulte Service Rd.,Oakvilîe, ON L6J 5A2 lndepevalent aotomotîve service facilily openatîeg ovr-e 36 yeairs le Oakvlle area, reqoireo mutivated AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN as an addition te eut team. Muet worr weIl as a team membur, bu goal snitnttd and castemer focused. FulI-time position, S days par wttk. Benefîts package, paiS training, anS an open reiatîonsbîp wîtb management incluSeS. $500.00 sîgnîng bunus oiqalfîed appliconit. Plhone 905-844-9641 and ask for Glenn, or fax resame la 905-844-7172. JACK OF ALI TRADES $25-$30Ihr Sf-îtied in Carptntry Pturnbîng, Etactnîcot, Cenarîc, Painting, andt Watt Paper. fiav, bours, P/T & PT positions avoulable. Must boue ocn toxo, retiabie transportation Caîl 905-578-4405 Offe He j Permanent panritma position axaîlabie îm- mevtîateiy in a family practîce office Ian- prxmataiy ns ta 12 inoars pan weak). tncreased Ssans in ly, Augusi and beptember to covi vacation. P/nase fax reaume ta 905-878-0845 IRequired imrnediately for a busy Real Estate ODffice. Mus be compute iteraeReal Estatel experenceprefrred Hous alern e ef-ly as jjoos onday-Frda 300pm-9OOp1Saturda11 9:OOam-S'OOpm and Sasday 1t 1:Oam-4:00 pm. Please fao reaume to: 905-877-2089 d' ' 1 I app.,i 1 i~ 11 . i- LJ iW ie I , i i hJJle d assigirea The apicani ii-,i be persunabie, vngasized and detat rented, wîtb excellent criOtn ana verba skitis. Please reply toi Box# 20A c/o Milton Canadian Champion 875 Main St. E., Mil ton, LOT 3Z3 cati Cenutre Debt Colectors/ Tracte Ff T perse. Reqesre to work uisylevening ohifLo, No ettidenla. Miirsoxoga -arcs Muast have excellent comtmunicetion slcilto. Will taie. Ctsmpctitin cape+ bonasce & bonefits. Fax rentamne le: 905-855-0603 Data Entry & Admin. Assistant (PT) Flexible thîs, par day, teadîng Ix fuit lime. Data entry. an- scer phones, record keepîng, aider tef-îng E-patience in Duief- bookus & eece an as- set. $5iDr Fax resamne to Rsby: 905-815-0554 Envision a cornpany tbat Is Oedîcaied to centinued growtb and bhat truiy tîves tls mission. vivier and values. We are currently looking for an Office Supervisor and Receplioniat. Office Supervisor Are /ci. an eeperîerced Office Superivor cru bau provîoed overai adminisrrative support te tne orgvnizvtion? De you bave tusse administraion and iaciîty propenty management experience9 Receptioniat Are you a receprîonîst wîtb esperience on a Meridiani System? Possess great costumer service af-ils? Il you tbrîve in a fast paced, dernandîng envîrosment and are passionate about tber lob. please appiy by sendîng ysur resurne to hr@aecuril.com The Securit Gtoup of companies inciades Sbred- t, Secunit Records Management and Securt Manufacturing Sotutions. Corne jon the tean in out reterittess pursvît of success RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY Required for growîng reat estate companly Part lime evenînga and weekends. The idea candidate wiit be csmfortable handing a multi-tîne tetephone aystem and poasesa a pleasant tetephone manner as wei as the ability 10 thnive in a basy, fast paced eneirosment, Please ornait resumne to: resumnes@cogeco.ca Communrty Devetopment Haiton & Voionteen f-fion. a nonproft organîization invites pplîcationori for a BOOKKEEPER PART-TIME Respansibilities include: *Maîntarns accarate accoaniting recorda *Prepares monti statements and payrsti Reqaired Experience *Fie e ans bookkeepng *Srmply Accounttng il Microsoft office Experlence In thre nsnprsfil seclor an aissait PIease Fomward reaume by fax or aimait by Thursday, Jane tat 200610o: Community Development Maltas Fao 905-632-0778 emrait îslss@cdhakan.ca Only thoot candidates oelected for an interview ilb cnfvated The successui candidate wii have a minimum pont secundary education aiong cith 3-4 years eepenrenice, or an equivaient combînation of a biigh uchool dipiama and reiated experrence in the food îndustny. Au a self starter and extremey organîoed individual, thus person ii take a "pousitiue banda an" apprsacb ta prsbiem siving white asuîsting in the launch ut retat foad products in the US and Canada. Wonkrng witb a ornat management team, bhey ii provîde administrative uupport and generai office dutes. communîcate eftectiveiy wîth utaff and emplue- eeu, as oel as tne company executve. Strong Mndvrd, Exctl ion PoarPonr esrstam aprxmti 0Knowteg frealpc aga 0f Caense seuiad rdc anhsi eur. lax forr email resume va elto: Glenn Graydon Wright LLP apor- sv C A ttrfeting J. R etirt opn saton Tranbleporatio r Service su RaTrnsprtain Services Ltd s a tiirviet freigtbrfeloaed nn Qakil e ri naros5 Wears re arue.peetysein ASuet pning pstion, o w îi bhe tIEaspnile r da06. n varing a s at reeiref aondsm edg0 dis- pcbe tas. Kowedgre 0fa ben raiaesatins- datry l stefered. el a orort iils oslloin oSer cmeitive ateao cpp oxmtensuat w20 h explene.o ae Ilre InlererpIe fan srreauee lotare Faxbor ea Mreumes CUA R.G. Transportation Services Ltd. F..Tanpraxo Sevie 905-842-0484 v1 c OUTSIDE SALES PROFESSIONALS. The position involves in-Coma sales pros- entations 10 home owners, as cvii os Iead generatian tbrovgb borne shnws. tl offers flexible work ochedulea & consd- arable brancb sup- port. Training and ieads are provîded. A vebîcie is reqsîred. Fax resumne 10 1 905-681-9970 UNIQUE CHRYSLERj Sales IOpportunities!I IPleao ceiiI 1j7ill r eoff 905-631-8100 IELCOME3 AGON * Newîin town? * Gettîng marrîed in 3 months or more? * Havîng a baby? * Establîshîng a new business? Please cail us Community Welcome Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby Welcome Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Laurie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Welcome Laurie 905-878-0126 Finding a great job was, so easy- Just open MWl ansahiu "*ljami classified section us ali it took. Phone 905-878-2341 or eal classifiedcki miltoncanadianchampion.com ~ Sales HeIp *Salas Hetp [Mondy to FrJO N 0cSales IIetp m Il HALToN The Qef-vfla Beaver, a division uf Metroland Pnîntîng, Pablîabîng & Distribatîng Ltd.. ix oaakîng an experiencad; ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK The qelf i ld candidate wili poisses excellent communication anS orgenizatinl ekîllo and he profîciant in Microsott Office, prîmarîly excai. You wîfl t h datait onîanted and ha capable st wsrkîng wîtbîn a deedline focused anuîrunment. In tbi'i noie. peu wîill Se respunsibie for the application of ait cas- torner poymants and raspond lu, costumer inqaînies wbîle main- toînîng e positiva rapport. A minimurno utwio pans accoanîs ne- ceîeable eopanîence ls naqeîred. An accsentîng dipîsme/degrea wsuld ha an esset. If pu wssld tif-e 10, wonk for a leader ix the media indastry tbîv op- portenitp may Se the rîgbt une for pu We offer a compettîve compensation package as well os possîbîlîtias for future corean growtb. If interested pIeuse forreard your resume no latier than May 19, 2006 ta: keltis@metroland.com fax: (905) 632-0308 Weaoppraciote the intaeoet of<ait appicants bowever only tbooa oaîacted for an interview witt be contactad. No phone colio or agencies pleasa. 1n i A . The Oakvîlte Beaven, a division of Matra- land Prîntîng, Pahlîobîng & Dîstrîbetîng LIS lxI seekîng a: BONUS PAK SALES REPRESENTATIVE The qaalîfîed candidate wîlt ha a moîr- vated, indapendlent, self-startar witb tbe ehility 10 work in a fasI-pacas, dead-lrne focused anvîrosmant. You witt possaso excallant writan and verbal communica- lion skills. In Ibis note, poar wîtt ho caxtomar tocaaed and wrll hsîtd stnong reaetionabîpo wîtb cli- enta Sp ansurrrg fibalthIein advertising needa are met. ou wîii ho gsa-orîented and capable ut meeting weeklp tergals. If pou wud life lu work for a leader in the media indastry thîs opportunîty may hbe îrgbt urne for pou. Wa uffen o corn patîtîve compenstion package as well as poosîbîlîties for fttae careen gruwtb A ratiebie vebîcta is reqaîned. If interested pIeuse forward your resumne, no later Ihan May 31sli, 2006: mgallagher@oakvillebeaver.com Wa appracîoa the întaraot of at aolîconto howe ver onîy Iboxa setacted for on interview wrtt Se contacad. No phone caltis or agendaes ptao.

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