Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2006, p. 22

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22 - The canadian Champion, Tuesitoy May 16, 2006 1~mHe~ Ge erl ep eerHel~i i l ica lp f Gnrai Help IIGenera HeIp UWI Genera Hep DZI G CLASS DRIVERS FaS pSemom Mdn Fuý pwoomnm Fax MUMn to 90547849010 At GW amsay TOOPWAGE<1 S WITH EXCELLENT BENEFITS j Own transportation recommended Plaefax resume to: 905-878-9010 Atmn Chrîs Nogalo 1 HORNBY GLEN GOLF COURSE *Bookkaeper wanted esperiencein AccPAc (Full-time or Part-lime) *Pro Shop Staff wanieci mature hetp Pieuse tovueurd resumne via fax: 905-878-0847 or by emuait roi: f deniaa*hornbygien.com tibgni meit t pou o i egt vus Scteensueeseroeuubeberuec 22 anS.ESie1 05 -87 8 -778 rnillot QfaenbîaurcQ apon GA BAREin ERGEOW PART TIME PARTS DRIVER Contact Mike Matjc @ 905-875-0111 for an interview TVIFILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Aitulîs & Kits (2&up( neeiteitforiTV & Film Auuîgvments No Fees, No Courues CatI: (416)221-3829 TEAM AUTO CLEAN Requires F/T Car Detailers. No experienice necessary. Will Train. Appîy wlthin: 909 Nipissing Rd. LMilton Required 2-3 IDays/Weekl Clearng bushl and fencngl jMiltonj Laemessage @ 905-876-3310 BURLINGTON HYUNDAI Pusteut Gîueîsg Dvaler sn Burlîrgtos requ ires EXp'd Car Sales Persan Demo prugrumi Car atluwance Great puy plan, support & prouut, Fue Resu me tu: Sales Manager 905-633-8815 ur Email. nitesuzu@ burlingtunt-yusitai.ca Metroland West Printing Group Pre-Press Technician Metrnî/and West Privîring te looktng lot- a pre-press îechnio-ian wvit/t Mac and Witndows e.iperience that i.v fluent 'e an pre-preus ensirontnen. Ahii-e ta wurk ith Agfa svorkflosr, su'stems uî'ou/d be att asset. Succ-essfu/ candidate ici/i hauve e.yperiett-e su-il/ IvtDesign, Quark-, Phcîtoshop, Il/astrator and Acroba. T/tis poition it-o/us preparation oif files.for priting, digital oîutpt riav prouofing. E.Yperience it offset andcur digita/ pritîing i.î a rv'qui-esnfevî. Poîsitiont ctsa cii//s for u afai/ios rite% tith/ Ji/ite'icttei:i, Jrtouer'5uis andiî puiift'i-.. I-Yei/i/iu tvî/ and îîs i-sac arc- Pîcase seud rcsuitiic i.. i-hult 90 iltiicied.crriti Quino(ritb # 3895 iv siibjc ine. STAR e.R i DESAY JoiOurlen Applications ure beîng uccepteit for energetto, dependuhle undt dedîcuteit peu- ple whs wvuld like the sppsrtunity to grvw with une ut tht very beut compunres in the fibergîss manutacuning business. Production Worker Sl4.43/ffour ta lat increasing to S16.56/hour atter 6 months (plus shift unit weekenit premius aversgivg $.72ltiuur) POTENTIALTO EARN OVER $4000 AFTER 1 YEAR (more with seertime) Must be wîlling lu wurk 12-hour shifts (10:00 - 10:00> thut rutate every 2 weeks between dsys unit nights. Work onîly t5 itays/msnth unit have every other weekenit sf! ElectricalectronicsTechnologis This is a hanits un plant position installing, trsubleshustivg, unit muîntaîning electricallelectrunjcu equîpment un a cuntinuvus flow procesu lise. Require- mentu incuite a sousi teebsîcal wurkîng knowleitg anit the ability tu implement unit muiy power distribution unit initustrial contrsl systerns induit- ing PC baseit, PLC's (Allen Bradley unit vît-e, laitier lugic prugrammînig, retay lsgic circuits unit vuriable speed itrives. This position requires a mechunicul aptitude, esperience in electricul uchematie itesign uuîng CAO, gosit work refer- ences, a 'can dv' uttitude, ubitîty lu wurk wîth maintenance unit prodtuction, unit un uniterstaniting ut prodtuction urgercy. Pruîect management unit mechuncul engineering evpeîience are itetînite usels. Applîcuntu are auke t s senit their resume wîth reterence information unit salary evpectatîunu See our webuite ait iewguar iîncom for further company information. Te upply tu abuse positior pleusv upply ut persur unytîme ur mail your îesumv wîth reference information to SGuaritian Fibeiglu s 300 Main Street (Hwy 241 County Rd 124) Ens.i Ontario, NOS 1TC Pt-une 1-800-265-0123 lmOr Fau foui resume te. 510-833-0749 Or E-ms!l you ivume toi: çaUt5eihnstus@bygeoaridîs.eum DIRECTIONS: On Hîghwuy 24/Cuunty 124îjust 30 minutes vaut uf Guelpî1 15 minutvs wsu ut Culedun /30 minutes north ut Brampton/ 15 minutes uuuth ut Orungeoillo Guardiav Fibergtass, tnc. isaun Equai Opportunity Employer ana au ou îang iornons frtnoss m ais sï now hring.I yos have a strong intereut in fîtneus, a itesire tai suooeet anit un eth uuîustc peruonait, thîs may be the oureer for you! We offler the gheut compensation packages iv the initustry unit pronîde a positive ohsilengîng envîrosiment wîth ontînuous training. Available Positions: PROGRAM AND FITNESS DIRECTORS SALES CONSULTANTS CLUB MANAGERS AEROBIC AND FLOOR INSTRUCTORS a x or Em i - r eu e bo MOCONSTRUCVION LIMITED 17 Bidgt Rsad, Etsb(cske, Ontaris M9 N 4 Wcare a Toroeto baed roid maintnîcance couliaclor with poject A h Ouh u Onarts. Wr arc lovi j for skiid peruonsteu f il the foflowing postios: 1Welder - AZ - DZ Drivers - Labourers JOBS AVAILABLE Production wurk sn lt-e MILTON sies. $12-013/hi. At uhits asalable HCR Fao: 905-876-4090 et Tel: 905-876-4661 30Min St. E. Ste. 205, Milton FR FTRAINlNr' j aidlw is oee for RRETIREES anddHOMEMAKERSI To foor GREAT TEAMof 905-877-2251 sr 905 877-4448 *ny. DZ Lecenue and leun drisng record essentuial *He uvyttitingvvvveded IFaesume tso 0-8752064dropv1 Lanscae CeatonsSuplyCentre 46 Armutrsng Avenue Gevrgetown, ON ust hve 5yers epee noel llng ts tvel. svpttve wges S Able toiutar immediStely. lCeu n i esbs tuclt 2-33d s pew vekl S Fas resume teý 519-833-0644 us ut avaia duys, euens a nit eekenids lAppy iShoppersDrug Mart GereonMurkvt Plaue veque vor a agowing Plates & Yg stuioin theNothBuligtn/ilonuaea. Largeuv salkv I umuspee vin adcountry settng offerng prise I Intuci uan lsses. For dataita visit www.serenityvalley.va. Send your resume to gina@serenityvalley.va avial trace horse training tue liy in Cmblvle uisocude generas grounds musinnnce gss cutting umul repurs, voc Cai (905) 659-0103 Nationaà ireless Join Our Team We are currently seeking htghly mottvated individuals to complement our existing team. Positions are be- ing added throughout the GTA and Niagara Peninsula areas. We are seeking candidates for the following positions: Corporate Account Managers, Retail Sales Representatives and Administrative/lnventory Staff. Successful individuals will possess the following: *Strong communications skills *Above average-proven problem solving capabilities *Above average customer service focus *An overwhelming desire to be part of a successful team Our compensation structure includes: *Abor*ve average hourly compensation *Above average variable compensation for sales positions *Benetits package *Educational assistance program *Flexible work hours Please email your resume to careers@natcel.com www. nationalwireless.ca JOB FAIR SEC[JRITY OFFICER POSITIONS E l Pusgeon Production ui ho hosig Job t-air at the~ hoil iuing location u4hero e Aili hc acceptio P!a applti ieion lrpositios ai retait locations sn Oak\ till Inorn viii erieni t ici asnd Burtîngiîn: Wedoesday May 17. front 11:00 arn. te 5.:00 p.mna uThe Buriogten Mail lecaied ut 777 Guelph Line in Buriington. Pieuse report ai thse Leper Level Galieria, Suite 208, entrance ut thse C.LB.C.IOid Nary Protorence Ai hc, gives tii thoso indisidouts uvith proilous Casadias Secuniti Exponoence or indivîdusîss ith Las and Securits or Piceo Foondcaiios diptoinas. The ahiiiy iii work roistional shitis, your ows transportion as weit us oxcettent wriîîcs and verba omnication skîtts arc roquircd. tf utsu arc unabto tir attond os the aboso date plos for,.%urd rosumo iii Fax 416-498-9694 or ennai humiaaresourcesi8ppleuart.com. For more information or a confidential telephone interview pieuse cati 416-498-4000 Succcssfut candidates suti ho reouurcd to provîde îwo picoc of Itiiatioîn for the purpose of Scunity Guard ticecng. AIR QUALITY TECHNICIANS We Offer - Complete Co. Training- $14.95/Hr, $2500/Mo. toi start - Students welcome Paid Co. Vacations - FuIltime hours-no lay-offs Professional & friendiy work environment You Offér Willingness toi learn Positive altitude Tidy appearance Punctuality _LDood work ethic Students welcome Mýs! hae ýýtv, 905-573-1569 E G nerH e p STORE CLERK Dowsiown Oakvilte Speciatty Fortis Stoire Futi-Tme Hrs/ Comp. Wages/ Espenience Osiy CatI 905 8158638 FULL & PARI-TIME DELI & SNACK BAR HELP Apply sn persun with resume ta: 699 Guelph Line, Burlington LUNCH SUPER VISOR Needed For DR. CHARLES DEST PUBLIC SCHOOL in Burtînglon. Punit Position. 1 Heur'Day, Mus -Fri 12:40pm-t 40pm Please Cati 905-336-2474 III Ask us About... workopois, eaul 905.878,2341 30 tutu s ont L$125 oo04

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