20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 16, 2006 11:1[:De:e ot s eArticlesole Articles Articles Sale Fo Sl M. For Sale For Sale Hulme, Joyce 2006. Joycpulm hti/s n her 901h pour. Be- è 1 ' lasea w/te of the lte Les, Ha/me. Loven mother of Johns (Pat) of Vancouver, B.C, Gordon af London, Eng/and und J/m (Mary) of Campbetxs/îe. Joyce w/Il be CALL A messod by ber grandcheiren Heather, CL Gregory, Cbnestophor, Stephen, Jason CAN A6 DA & U A and Mattbew as wiel as ber 5 great graxdcbildren. Family and fneendo are in- vîted ta vis/t at the McKERSIE-KOCHER a m n t FUNERAL HOME 114 Maen St. Mitton 905-878-4452 tram 3-4 ai an Tbursday, May lOtb 2006. The funera/ w/tl ta/ow - , the visitation at 4:00 pm an Thursday. As expressions af sympatby, memoriai doa-t tions ta the Heart and Strake Faundatian 7 l~ rr) nu wautId Se appneciated. Letters 0f carda-rlm -Giaiy fi tente may be toIt for the tamily ut i oqkq (, ww. mtkonsie-/nacher.ca Tecc FREE CULSTOMER SERV/CE 10-11-555-00 i Moriam InMeiam '1i. TIL ALEXANDER THOMAS LITTLE August lOch, 1934 -Mat 16, 2005 Tteing1stfounirit dcepts Anrs tie ardusss/ningnriisi, I)oanoss l5as, 1llîîsod sus tnaàeuc'yspca/ssaoy If1 cou/J hasu e e cmeti (,'ne drem shat crs/ld coine tuc, 'i pray ts ,i idethait in' vhaeî, ter e ssuda and sllir Lîisedsssth a/ilo'e hc yond uling Misssessth a giet/seYond ai]seas. Patsy, Ne/son & Mary Grue Tii! ive mecs ageuin r I n Memoriam donations tai The W'Ilow 185 Ontario st 5S Foundation Mi0ion 87N nit 2M4s are tri/ apprecsated. nit~as s M Crd fThaks THE FAMILY ofMr.Ln (MEace Nicol wisîhes t xedtak o upr thsssugh a dfclt rmet le/fat Mcs eKhrfnrlhm 1la's for fodadfOnv ReserersdGer Bifftte Staff as MD Bo easctei i Specia! tas toD.Wtd frhscr and help Alet rltBob adAn&Shrnaden Ro adjoc McEachm rn st Found M ir ilab LOST: Keys in Dorset MOTHER of three has Parks ares, Pieuse ca/i spaces en hec home. 905-870-234t. Police check , n - fant/Onia CPR centi- caton, Hat lunnhes, ~.an îe eathp snacks, daily - wa//s ana actîseties. MILTON fume/y /000îng Available tram han- for esperienced live- ix pm, Monday - Fnîday, canegîver tan 211 pean CaiLsr 05802 clid! includes hsasehod Cf ia958627 chnnes. Schedute m ust be flexeie. Hat& Seno resume ta/sinsîku HoeCr @hotma/ tom - LIVE t'l New hea/th & F/T /îoe-în nannp ne- we//ness magazine. qaîred. dyrs expeti- 250,000 copies. COsi- eance /ooking aller 2-5pn effective derectorp ails, aid kîds, /îght house- word ais. Cai toia Io /neepîngý Ca/i 905-864- book for the Jane issue. 3186. 416-4aa 1a00 ext. 270 COLORADO Io r BLUE& GREEN SPRUCE TREES call Vanioas Sszes Ca/I 905-854-9e69 or 9 9005-299-9677 SctLvuI1 nana joria Omere redenq mower askîng $755.00. cti Net/n ut 905-87e-e227. TREE Su/e -seed/engs - whîps. Christmas trees J.P Trex tam May ta - May 24. 9amn Spm. Hwy 25 toi Spey- s/de West on 15th ta 5th Lino North, r km or Gue/ph Lino toi 15 Side- roui to 5th Lise North, potted eoergneens & Hurdwood, Le/at, Ouk, Mupie, Oitth. Wîit deg 3' -5' eoergreexs on notie. A ditneng room, ther y wood. double pede ta1 tub/e, 8 chairs. huffet. hutch. douetaîl con- struction. New ste// in hones. Cos1 $11000. Sarifice $200 905- 5e7-9459. A Kieng Pi/owtop Mat- trots Set. New in p/as- tic. Cont $100 sel/ for $450. 905-507-9450. BED, Amazeng bargaîn, quton orthopoc pil- iowtop set, nom in p/as- tic, m arranty $250 905- 507-4042 wîi/ detemer. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, Bed, thest. drosr 2 nîghtstands Dotetuî/ Construction. Neser opened Cost $0,000. Sacritice $r 900. 905-507-4042 CARPET t have senerai t .000 yards ot new Otaîn Master & 100% nylon car- pet miii do living roon & ha/i tor $3d9. nctuats sur- pet,- pad & instaelation /30 yards) Steve, 905-63aa et192 ELK meut, a/t natarat nu hormones on aotehîotîcs. Low ini fai, uho/estero/ & calorees. Bout semrvt îoa- deom to medium rare. Steaks uni hanger's axaîtabte ut the Meal Ter- menalint Me/ton uni Cris- te/l'o of Canphe/oî/te or ca/i 519-856-4500 FREE Estemates ot wobiy chairs, lired look- mg wood fenishet5 Fie/as Custom mexa Retînînheng uni Farnîtune Oxpairs, 9- 9. 905-6a2-909o HOT TuS (Spat Cooers Seot pnece, Bent gatty. At steapos & to/ours. Cai t- 800-585-0056 mmm thecoerguy.ta MOT Tub/ Opa- Brand nem w/ a/i options, îxic/uctîg couer, 2000 model. Stîlhi n mrapper. Cost $r0900., Sacrifice $5.500. Cuti 905-971- 1777 HOT Tuh/ Spa, 2006 nodel, a/t options. Con- en Neyer usea ste/t in wrupper. CosI $0.900. 0e/i $5.000. 905-507- 4042. LEATHERi a pîeco ita/tan set. Sofa, loueseat uni chair. New, ex plastic. CosI $0900. Set $2500. 905-304-4872. POL ubeProfenseona Sertes, Slai Wooa, t Otato, Ait Accessorîos. Nom, Stlît Ooxed , Cosi $0,200, Se/t $1.950. 905- 204-9994 SUPER Sprîng Sa/o- No GSTi Up ta 40% off mary detorator fahrecsi Fields custom aphontenn sofas tron $700, chairs from $249. 0/R seats from $t9.95 each. Fieds Pur- neturo ara Fabrrcs 9am: Opm 905-6029090 BEST CuOSO Pai- At, Antiques. Co//ecties China, Crystat, Si/net, Figuries, Royal sotlton, Swurovski, Glass, Potter, Etc. Ostate Specîutîsts, Top Cash, Ca/t John/ Tracy 905-23t 2477 100GK BEST Cu$h, We hay i/ ail. Antique furnîshîngs, Royal ou/ton, Hammel, Moor- cr05t, dirnerware, crysta, si/net, d/ocks, me/îtury items. Partial/ fa/i estatos. hi, 905-634-6300 1997 GE60 Metro. 2-dont, black,. au tom ai- et, MP#-Ca ptayer. Certîfîed. 114,OOOkms. $2,450, Cati Tresor 647-223-3557. CarsorSal 2002 Cheorotet Impala, A/i poer parkago. ABS, tîl/Otruîse. Remote door tocns Setter. 162,000 Hîghmay Oms. $0,700 aoin Cat 51"-e5«. 4 oSale 2003 Doige Ram SLT- Guai cab, exceltent con- dition, 4e2, 20" a/amenum roîms, new tires, hra/ees, taxe up. paîtrit btue milS chromo, 5.7 VO Heme ara math more. $19.900, cor- tefîid 905-630-3821.. Woxt lsIn 10 olrcyces 1991 Kawasaki Zephyr 550 Sport 0ie/n Low lems. tGreat shape. Muni se/i. $2.200/oho. Cat 905-467-4533. = -armîTnng 0 Vleeem RETIRED execatoe ne- guiesi 1 assnt a sma/ ol/unteer gsoup in rais- ing, fonds for The Arts contact Harvey 905- 854-22/a Litucy NRuth sait"n Wdts IogIain for &IlE Non-Profit , cammaxe- ts baoed organsoateax, Ho/p an Ada/t emprosse then haste lteracy o/ne//s kwi e ree raing k=1 r îTrning NEWCOMERS Interview practice avaîtablo by appoînîment sny on May t7. Ca/ the YMCA Career Deseopment & Learnîng Contre at 905-681-1140 Io aegn-up. One Year wil get you life. hitusius/ue'lri'icu ý ait sri1 liui 10i gst iel ItiiiiibîISiitlii/IIs' tffiCe Administraias Law Firm Profile pregrain. Yoitt/l put classes titcd tsi/S piaici, tiaisîls uts .ip/ltiiioiýiiid tiIell lac t %oui u mires leo ii a tofu Otri ,ts teq ointmrî tise [il iris linr i iseksoi iid uts si/c /reîtrîre Mlî t/ris n aciotnitishs'tl tin iii% wr tir ,înetcî, cisoito s/tnt lîe iio dii iri iitticcsa t tire.cia/il hh -s2r s. 071 ansi pet s lîr ii/cl HUMBER The Business School o /ut io C I/cgc Applicl eton he n le#. 4L ueem ~EZCre Ceermîrnnq w Cerm rinîng GERRUIE Gerrie Electric, cie of CânadaS s argest independent distrihutoee of etectrical, automation, /îghting and data communication products, is an /50 9000 companry with a reputatin for servicea quahty and great careers, Our OakvifiIe Showroom currently requîtes. e *eSOO a Permanent Part-time Your friendly and outqo.ng disposition is conplenenteO by sone retail enperience and dedicatios to custoimer satisfaction, This mile reqluises working apprnxirate;y 18 fourts per wenk, weekeîîds and one evenîng ter moek At Cerse Electric, me offet a culture of inspiration and challenge, Pitane apply in confidence, to. Human Resources Manager, GERRIE ELEC!RIC WHOLESALE UIMITED, 4104 Southi Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L 4X5 Fax: (905) 681-1774 e-mail: HReOgerrne.om Def-- r- i - t- r iai l apris caiu for31ii tril in fb v1at www.geon-lcidfoai îîr rie.co Great Opportunities are "Rising" in Gakville 1 t l169 Lakeshare Road East @& Thomas St L'OBS Btea is a vibrant b îkcry retaîler wits over 700f bakeries across Ausiralia and News eZealand. Since arniving to Canada in 2003. we hase -risex- to 24 hakeriesý wîtlsîn Vaxcouvet and arc excited ta announce vie are arnsving in Oakv ilt ai 16n9 Lakeshare Road East openîng on May 256c2(V21 Wr arc recreitiig for foul & pari-ixe roies: 'Bakers, Junior Bakers & Sales Assistants Non expet lence -kneade for Junior Baker posiions anîd Sales Assistats. We enfer conspetilese wages anîd flexible tours Please ensaîl resei tes jefl ittesclcyweilliaisuee cesbsbtead.colii www.cobsbread.com Metzelet Autonotue Profile Systens s a progres- sive manufacturet of permetet oea/sq osyetetrs usent by the automotîve & building and conette ltion induetries. We have an notediale opening fora. EXTRUDER OPERATOR ta /oir out second shift. The euccessfu canais/te -ait/ be rnsponsbe for setiina up the comploex-s Irasiso lio and naning nina'r orocess ad/us/mente t0 obtalîn the requîred ptofi/es, ctrecnng the ptair/e for qua/îty and packnaging the f/nished ptaduct. The successfu cand/date must be ab/e ta lift in et- cees of 50 younds and se ab/e ta ot/ in a higli tempetatute wotk environnent. A gosa commana of the Eng/îsh language is a must: preference wî// Se gîven ta those with preulous exttusion ana or msnufactarng expetience. P/easy rend resumes ta: Humas Resources Manager, Metzeler Automotive Profile Systems, 514 South Service Rd., Oakville, ON L6J 5A2 Or by fax to (905)845-3112 or via entait ta: donna.notari@mapsna.com On/y those ae/ected for an interview wî// be contacted. ~1 i lue ,aob Oumbf r,,r /iic tcirui fr trie 9 ai iý L non-profit churitab/e organezatîon tSar supports cei îndeoeioats wîth speceai nexis. We are torrenty seekxg an Accountan Extensive kxowtedge oI ACCPAC f(DO/Windows), ADP Weh-hased Puyrot, Excel uni Word, a must wîth S years esptrierceeqîoutent tai ixteemedi- ate tevel CMAICGA. Ah/e 10, manten fa/i set of Sos/ns ta Tria Butante. Eocellent wreSten and verbal ski//s essentia. Segnea communication an usset. Satany range 40-45ln + Benefets. lntereated candidates fax resumne by May ft Wto 0(905) 878-4934 or ornail kchambers@bobrumbaL.org a