Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 2006, p. 2

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A2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 Injuries kili more chitdren under 19 Regi on's fight against West Nule h than ail other Tak@ a Ried Cross \\e,ý Nll iru onio r ogr-n \\ si Nil i i Iao by c prtî g clcad clepartincut îs tntcrcsîcd iii sigebtinus of s )ysLrcl.ay te neaith depari- ment commenced its dead bird surveil- lance for tbe season and is now asking bird sightings to ils staff. Dead crows and blue jays may be collected by staff and submitted for ail dead birds, but will not be collecting ail of theru. lu cases where tbe bird won't be picked Up, staff will explain as begun "Staff aie again planning ver-y com- prebensive surveillance and control strategies to safeguard the bealîb of our community," said Regional CbairJoyce Savoline. llowever, residents are also encouraged îo du tbeir part by report- ing dead bird sigbîings and removing standing waîer [rom ibeir properîy" Tbe Region will begîn its mosquito larviciding programn wben staff bas idenîified mosquito larvae in catcb basins or areas of standing water. Notices regarding tbe start o)1 surface water larviciding will be placed in local newspapers before it begins. In addi- tion, sîgns will be posted at tbe sites wbere larvicide is applîed. Tbe loca- tions will also be lîsted at www.bal- tofl.ca/wnv. "We bave consistenîly lound West Nile virus actîvity in Halions bird pop- ulations since 2001 and in tbe mosqut- to populations since 2002, said Halton Medical Officer of Healtb Dr. Bob Nosal. "We expect ibis year to be no differeni.- In 2005, Halion bad fîve buman cases of West Nule. "Wiib the combination of Halions comprebensive West Nile conîrol sîrai- egy and individuals taking sîeps to reduce ibeir exposure to West Nile virus by proîecîing îbemselves [rom mosquito bites, we believe ibai tbe risk for buman cases in Halion is reduced considerably,' Dr. Nosal said. To report a dead bird sigbîing caîl (905) 825-6000 and provîde as mucb of tbe following information as possible: " Tbe type or description of tbe bird. " Address or closesi intersection to wbere tbe bird is locaîed. - Tbe lengîb of trnte tbe dead bird 4X4LTAJ Intruder Ipdl, spd control & tilt, -6 tow command Mk,110 f a k alum wheels, etectric 0 shift 4x4, advanceor an security group, 11400 w m i GVWR, boxliner, oxfordPoieacakn frthpuls white xt St#6075belp in finding a man wbo broke mbt a Milton w inans bouse in tbe middle of tbe nîgbî and sent ber to bospital. Police saîd tbe 57-year old woman NAS Tu was asleeP in ber upsîaîrs bedroorn DELIVERY -crasb on tbe main flo r Sbe wenî down 12,M 00 69900*to invesigaît. and noîiced a maIe inîruder running [ro th ie side door of $4,000.00 %645.00* tbe borne ioward wbere she was stand- $6,500.00 %79.0a: ing, police said. Tbe intruder ordered tbe woman \ upsiairs, but sbe relused. lnsîead, sbe *48 month lease, (36 monlhs îried to pusb tbe matn asîde to.flee oui where indicaled) 20,000 km per tbe Iront door. Tbe suspect struck ber year, plus applicable taxes, C.0 . (/ witb a bluni object and led tbe borne Includes firsl paymenî, ail fees and Tbe sictinu ssas îreaîed for bead license transfer. 0.A.C. See . wotnds ai Milton District Hospital and released. Police conducted a canine search, but tbe suspect wasn't lottnd. An ioves- Directtigation revealcd bie biad lorccd bis svaN into tlie borne tbrougb thc stdc doot. 90-85-i1 le s dcrIeattdt as ss ite, ii lis laite teens-1, about ,i\.e-Ibot-ninie, iti., wear- fl 1LTON ( 05)ing a black îackýct ssiîb a tiood. Atisone st ilfli iattotî s askced Io caîl I altoit Regî<îtial Police ai (905» î825-4777 oi Cime SoppeisaI80 PAT a .."I*Qt.-Ç* ... . . 22-TI. M

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