The Canadien Champion, Tuesday May 16, 2006 - 19 a e eIndex: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 -À eRentais 170-196 # Leisure 200-239 e Communit 24 29 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: s Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 50-51 Mon. to Fh. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on 11evcs7015FrCICLTO ai01 8-5947 ~iii lit BIRTHDAY Horu esFrSl SELLERS Fmnd Oui Wkai The Hume Dows The Street Said Fut. Riait www. n p~ortities SMALL prîvatu offices - beautifuliy appoisted. Hwy 25 & 401. t 905- 277-8347 or 905-275- 6834. PROMOTE yuur business uppuntunity to oner 4 mil- lion adluitreaders Sut Central Ontario Book yu advertisemest rn over 80 Metrulend commusîty sewspapers. 416-493- 1300 eut. 276 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS tu, over 4 million adeit reeder sn South Central Ontario. Book yoA eduertise- ment sn suer 75 Matro- land commusity sews- papers wîth ose phone cai. Oeial fon infarma- lion us weekiy work ad packages (internet list- ings includedi 416-493- 1300 eut 276. 288, 237 wwmetroadcoQm MORTGAGES 95% self employed, 95% R8W immigrants, 95% NO OREOIT. 95% dîschargad baskrupts. 416-777-0878 murtgagesuiutios N 5$MONEY$S Csulidete OaSIs Muatejeges tu 100% Na isomee, besi cedit OK! Ostasowide Fisancial COrporafoe 1 -N"-37-7799 ALMOST ALI APPROVED* lust, 2sd and 3rd murtgageni 103%: mortgege fînanc- îsg with gond credît! 100% for Es-bankrupt or Outrent Pour Oredit 95*': tor Seit-empioyed wîth nu prout ut incomne Power ot sale utoppedi Cail the local experts: 4t6-993-7799 morlgagesolutîs @cugeco.ce MILTON 3-bdrm' $9801mth iscludas 5 eppiiences, 3 car park- ing, avaîleble Juse itt Oei 905-897-6391. MILTON large t & 2- bedruum apertmansu Aneilabie Juse tutt $870. & $990imonth Oeil Jas 416-723-4801. MILTON Nawiy resu- vated large 2-bedruoom apartment iocatud et 89 Ontesno St. $9501mth and uAbiten. 416-986-0690. MILTON Vety large 1- bedrunm basement epartment. Saparatu estrance. SlOSOlmth inicinden utilities. Aveilabie Jane 1tt 905-878-8751. DOWNTOWN MILTON Mitiside Towers 82 Mitiside Drive. Atactive quiet bud- ing. Spacîoun brîght dlean 1 &2 bedruum usîts wîth iaundry facility and social ruumn or site. Regeler resîdent avents Open 7 days & eveninga Cati 905"76-1249 ANNIVERSARY eS May1, 1975 Happy 3l1st Anniversary Tom Love always, Marn FasFor Ront GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronge Street South, Milton 90e are flow acceptîsg applications for: -1 bdrm For more information and/or to make un appoîstment, PMasse Cati 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny ACTON Apartmests. t & 2-bedroomu eueiiabiu. Frîdge & stoue, lausdty tacîlities. Nu dogu 519-853-4374. Openi 7 dlaysîweek. Sae day epproual. ww.aaistanca 2-BEDROOM apart- ment fot test $950.00 + shaed utilities' Aveilable Juiy tut. Oei AI 905-876-098:2 1-BEDROOM epert- ment, owstuwn .Georgetown le hînturîc building. Cathedrel ceit- îng, 10s8 balcuny, heat, AIO, parking îsciuded. Nu smoking. Hydro en- tra. Fîrstflast. S825Imunth. Available Jase lot. Oeil 905-877- 5495 effets OO0pm. 2-BEDROOM sn Ste- wattow triples, large belcuny and yard. sn- cindes heat. $1 ,00î/mosth plus hydro. No smoking. Asaîlablu July tnst. Oeil 905-702-7647. Monnts& For Rent ACTON t-bedroom and 2-bedroom epeit- ments evaîlabie June lst. $790 and S89OImosth ail indlu- sive. Oeil 519-853- 3309, ACTON 2 plus Sud- roumu iocated on Main Street. S85OImonth in- clusive. Avaîleble im- medîateiy. No smok- ingîpets preterred. Cal At16-898-0929. ACTON 2-bedroom uapertment Anaîleble May lut. 200 Churchill Ptoad , South. No pets. Oei 5198653-0087. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom apaulment in toipien, seat GO. Quiet, mature building. No smoking/ pets. $780/ musth includes heat] hydrol parking. Firstl Last/ Referusices requîred. Avaîlebie July tst Oeil[ Amy 905-8T7-9416. GEORGETOWN t -Sud- roum basement epatt- ment. $8001 mosth sncia- unve. Separete ustresoe, neet GO Stasus, Indudes tsidgel stave. Nu smoking/ pets. First] lasti reteresces Oei for eaialabiity. Suos single temnale. Oei Brende MacDonald 905-8775165- GEORGETOWN t - bedroumn basement epertment. S800lmonth inclusive. Separate us- trasce, rer GO Sta- tion. lncludes fsdgelntuoe. No smok- ingîpets. Firstlastlretet- esces. Oeil for eoeilebiity. Suîts single pernun. Oei Brenda MecDonald 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment SegSlmunth. Available July t Sth. Includes heatlhydrulcable. Park- ing extra. Cl 905-873- 6284, GEORGETOWN une bedroom apartment in quiet building, close tc, ail umenlties. $69Slmonth. firstllast, no-_pets, non- smo kers, Avuileble midi May. Rut- erences pIeuse. 905- 877-3661. SPACIGUS, bright 2- Aedroum baisement upartment. prisate un- trunce, shareA luundry and backyard, near Delrex and Meple in Geurgetuwn. SeOOlmth plus utilîties, Quiet sur- Omuker. no pets. Anaîlable Jane 1t. Mîke or Bev 905-873- 1389 TOWNHOUSES for rient lu Georgetown, $t,275 and $t,400/month plus atîlîties. Aparments in hîsturîc building in Ruckwuod, t and 2- bedruums, starting et $82blmunth plus auriies. OeIl Elizabeth Dueil, Johnuon Asso- ciates Realtur 905-877- 5165. 4-BEDROOM house, close teu GO. Ail eppli- ances included, CIA, preter no pets. For pro- tessiona peuple oniy 51 ,200lmonth plus 213 utîlities, Avaîleble îm- medîately. Fîrutîleut, reteruncus required. Cal 905-877-4967. GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom housu on quiet court. Steps to park. Close to schoo's. Avaîlabie Jase. St1,495/ month. Firstj lest. Preter nu pets. Non- smokers. Reterenceu pIease. 905-877-3661. GEORGETOWN eo oated 3-bedroum, lange country lot, îacuzz, ce- ramîcu, new kîtchen, bath, pienty ot parking. Stl75/mnnth plus Ibasement rentedi. Cai 4t16-399-7440. MILTON townhuuse 3- Aedruurn, 2-eppi. St300/mth, tut & lest, plus utîlîties. Avaîlehie Juip ltt Cali Dane 905-878-5444. OAKVILLE- 3&4 bell- roun- tuenhuses aveul- abie ltnmediataly thruugh July tut. 4 appliances, Hupedale Mai erea. Lakeshora Management 905-876-3336 lmFe e m o Rnt maBrtsBhts BRAND New Enecutive MILTON 4-bdrm on Town hume in Laleeshure house seat mal, pool,' 6 Woods evaîlabie Jane t. appliances 51 3hOlmo, lut Grteat lucation ruer & lest outîlîtînu. Avaîlable Burloakl OEW, walkîng June ltt 905-691-432h distance 10 the laku 3 hedroom, 2.5 bath, tire- Shared place, hardwood, slate & MM Accommodation upgraded meatures thrughuul $1800 pr ROOM tot rent. preer ASHTON -Tony and Patti are plased toi 847-3168ail inclusive, parking Wolfgang bots Aprîl 12, 2006 et avaîlablu, 905-689-9860. 12:3gpm, meîghîng 8lbu g-1/2oz. A broth- - er fut Bethany and Thomas. Proud Bits IPV-1Biths grendparents are Wulfe and Carul Mîelke and Tony and Frances Auhton. M a and caTon inPeam at MDfor pier j5ou Iaaennaymntn Place, your Balby's Birth Announcement nin the Mil ton Canaiin Champion, ond yoo wii eceive aovuchtr foi FmroI Omui o you e grandarenst are sn o ai msby and tee d (Jim> Hetherton - ~ - d by aunts and un a Kathryn and Den- rav) s tu Drs. Fonseke, é vWeigiscm958A 3 d the fabuloas surs- ce lu gi n 0 2-14641Y CttII 905-878-2341 to plact your offnouffcemetf Sotnethinq old, somethincj new,sorneohing bo- 61111111 MISS Terlnto':IIII Moat PrSIIlnIIIoS IIndu hIow 2 BRIDAL SH»W September 8-10, 2006 5 International Centre, Hall 5 -0 Name___________ .Address r C. ity Postal Code o OJ Phone6 Weddittg Date Fax _____________Emal_____________ aail* Send ta. National Bridai Shows c/o Premier Consumer Shows ' ' ' ' 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON * L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5570 A DIVISION OF METROLAND PRINTING PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTING ýjM IDont forget ta pick or our copy ut 0 WEDOINGBELLS Magazine un newutanas in Auguot f)UIqIaWOS 'afljq 6UîIqlWOS paAOnIoq buîIqV(ý ~irb (&anablan cDhampion Miltons Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 Classified Phone: 905-875-3300 Clsiid Classified Fax: 905-876-2364 ClsiidEmait: HETHERTON -Dave and Erin (nee Thomson) are happy tu annoance the ar- risa of theîr sas David Nicholas, on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, weighing 8155, IIIIIIIII N W7 91%