A16 - The Canadjan Champion, Tuesday. May 16, 2006 SPORTS SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@haltonsearch.com GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION DOUBLE-TEAMED: Mountaineer Rory Smith gels sandwiched between Mavericks Paul Ryan (left) and Brandon Meagher during Friday night action in Mîmico. Milton lost 20-6, but rebounded the nexi nighi ai home for their f irst season win against Gloucester. Mavs secure first win since return Tbe big donut in tbe Mavenicks' ,Ain column is no more. Back from a tougb road tnip tbat svas capped %viîb lopsîded defeats to Barrie and Mîmîco, Milton secured ots fîrsi vsictorv sînce retumîng to the Jr. B lacrosse scene - toppling tbe Gloucester Grîffins 11-7 Saturdav nigbt at John Tonelli Sports Centre. Tbe Mavenicks kcpt tbeîr Ottawa- area guests off tbe scoresbeet tbrougb tbe final 31-and-a-baîf minutes of play - %witb a fortîfied défensive effort complementîng Jerems Sîîîtb's sharpl work between tbe pipes - and gui a big four-goal, tbree-assîsî performance from Paul Rvan. Seven other plavers scored one apîcce in the local juniors' mosi bal- anced effort to date. -Wc played really well defensively; staved out of tbe penalty box and got a couple of big goals fromn Paul tbat put tbcm (Griffins) back on ibeir beels,' saîd bometown, Mas erick Lee Fnittenburg, wbo scored in tbe fîrst peniod and remains the clubs Most reliable producer thus far. Mati Muir stood oui wiàtb a goal and îbree belpers. x\-hiIe Fim Sztorc also set up îbree markers. Now 1-8, Milton wîllI look to buîld on the wtn Frîdav nîgbt \vben tbev bosi the neigbboing Halton Hîlîs Bulldogs. wbo've been struggling as of late witb seven plavers suspended from an altercation in Cornvall. However, tbe -Dogs wiIl bc back to near full strengîb Eniday. Game tîme îs 8 p.m Tbe Mavenicks close oui the week in Oakville Sundlay ai 2 p.m. Ellison's Derbys edged in Royal Bank Cup semis By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF t was a dog-fight rematcb for championsbip advance- Iment, and unfortunately for Steve Ellison bis Royal Bank Cup hosts didn't quite have enough bite. The 20-year old Milton winger and the Streetsville Derbys gav e up twvo caris' goals to 'iaskatcbewans Yorkton Terriers and just couldn't erase that déficit ai tbe Brampton Po,.erade Centre Saîurday nîgbî - . losîng tbeir national semîli- nal clasb 2-1. The fact that îbey béat Yorkton bv an identîcal score four days earlîer and fînîsbed fîrst in round - robin play at 3-1 nu doubt~~ made tbe narrow defeat tbat mucb more beari- royjrivc tHM . breaking. Miltons Steve [tlison competes -Yeab, ibis buets," said in Saturdays RBC semifinal. Ellîson, sbortly after tbe Derbys' bopes for a Tier 2 jr. A Canadian tie officiallv came to an end in front of a disap- pointingly-small crowd ai tbe Baîtalion bamn. \Ve gave it our aIl, but weé bad a couple of bad bounces and came up sbort. Streetsvîlle bad ibeir prainie ns ais on tbeîr beels for mucb of tbe last two peniods - after kîllîng off a two-man adx an- tage and cuttîng the lead in baîf on an upsiairs rebound depost ky fonmer Milton IceHa\wýk Rvan Silveira. But twvo goals inside the fîrst [jvc minutes -botb by reli- able snîper Cbnis Korcbînskî - and some steadv cage work bv Brett Bothwell xsvould be enougb to put Yorkion in Sundav's final. A diminutive second-vecar Derby, Ellison bad a small but spîrited fan base last week. includîng one especîall v ocal fol- lower witb an =86 paînted on bis ches. -Yeab ibats just a good buddv lookîng to getîng tbe crowd going,- be said. Tbe local RBC participant fînîsbed tbe national toumna- ment wubh two points, - a goal againsi Yorkton last Tuesdav and assisi i a 4-1 loss to C.R. Joliette WI.edne-sday nîgbt. 'sorkton would go on to get bammered 8-2 by B.C.s Bumnabv Express in tbe RBC cbampionsbip Sundav night. total customner sal action. canoot be combnedi with any odwe aller This offertis valid only for Navigator or Pool Vac ltra îtqounddceneirs purdlsed beisween May 5ttî ta July lit, 2006. HAMADuoPreut Ryan fuels milestone victory with seven points