The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 16, 2006 -A13 NW BUDGET NOW!I IUF .:146_-848_8816 A ,.I I--. ~500 BRONTE ST. Sa cmnil sa0 închys .. Dealerhip ysrc m ýSALES: Mon-Thuis 9-9, Fri. 9-6. Sat. 9-5 -R Yovr. uO8,r8îii www.untcýhrylra SEVCE/PARTS: w.untch sIrm SU Ve o-Fni 8-5, Tù«o. e-, Sat. 8-12 Wise customer read tihe fine Prief: "Cash price are plus freight ($1200) ami ail applicable taxes. 'Customer pays the ST of 7%, dealer wiii rebate customer 1% til Jane 30. 2006 oe ail in-stock 2006 mudels ONLY, *60 month term, 0% FINANCING PROVIDED un 0.A.C. (un appreeed credit). ttAl paymentn are bî-weeklp. PST & CST included ir papmeîîts. Lîcense tee eetra, borrowng 15,000 @ 8.15% interesi charge $3,313.20 on 60 month term. 130 hi-weekly paymests equal 60 month term. Admis tee, lic tee, GST & PST eutra. Maximum adeance is determined SAC.