Crash resuits in impaired charges Pariks ""a' y iid Steeles Avenciuc Saturday nîght. At about 11:20 an off- duty Police ofhicer observeci a Dodge CSX strike a concrete centre îsland. H-e notifîed Police and upon investigation the dis- er was suhsequently arresîed and charged wîth iînpaîred drîv- ing and havîng oser the legal limnit of alcohol iii fier bloocl. She'l appear in Burlingion court May 30. Rentai car stolen A 2006 Hyundai Accent %vas taken front Discount Car andi Truck Rentai on Ontario Street civemight May 4. Stolen Iroin the rear parking lot, the vehicle ts valciec at $1 8,000. Windshield smashed Roughly $1.500 clamnage was caused to a 1998 Nissan MGS ai Carniage Scîuares Shioppers Crime Stoppe> 0 F H A L T 1 Property stolen from vehicles in driveways Hialton Regional Police are investi- gating two thefts froin cars. Overnight May 4, ihieves hnîke into two vehîcles on Kingsvvay Place and stole $380 worth of goods. Stolcn items include a pair of prescription Oakley sunglasses, a garage door opener and vanious CDs. There was no sign of farced enn-y ta either vehicle. if you have any infor mation that leads to an ai-est it thîs ar any îîther matte, you may bc eligibIe foi a cash reward. You will nevei have ta give -vour namne ar tes- tîfy in court. Crime Stoppers of Halton doesn't subscribe ta caIl display. CalI 1- 800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) or check out Crime Stoppers' Web site at wvwwhaltoncnimestoppet-s.cout RFei Fw At ýass nr CORRECTION NOTICE The email address that ran in aur May 5th ad in the Milton Canadian Champion was incorrect. For the Luminary Photos, the email address should have read: We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. 1Police,- l L)îug Mari lasi iîlt T he vehicle was parked at the rear of the Main Street plaza, and somctiine hetween 5 andi 1l p.n3. unknown cuiprits put a wooden skîd through its wincl- shield. The incident ailso left the hood severely detiteci ancl scratched. Front doors destrayed UJnkntownt suspects smnashced front doot s ai a residecice and a dental centre May () Roughlv $500 damnage was causeci when a glass dosîr vas clesiroyeci ai the L-aurier Dental Centre on Laurier Avenue. A mnotorist passing hy noticed the clamage ai about 10 a.m. Fhere was no sign of1 entry ta the centre, and its not known what was used ta smash the glass. Meanwshile, a Maple Avenjc home hacl is Iront stormn-glass ,ijlll 55\iiiiiilsl\ S 300 cI-tiage. Thirses target unlocked vehicles Vehîcles parked ai Kingsway l'lace homnes were targeted hy thieves in two separate incidents overnighit May 4. In one case prescription suri glasses anci 10 CDs - with a comhît3ed value of $325 - were remnoved from a Chrysler Pacifica parked in the clriveway. The sehicle was bhleved tsi have heen unlockecl. Arouncl the saine tinte a $60 garage dosîr sîpenet- was sioleti froin a C hevy thai w-as Icît unlocked ni the clrîveway. Fence damaged 'iouths are helievcd tsi îi respsînsihlc l'or vandalîzing a f«ront-yard fence on Ahhsitt Street fast Friday nîghî. The lence was dainagec in thrc dîllerent places, with a estimaccl svalcuc of $200. 4«7 LW. MuIcn 2 cu. ft. bags. Cedar Bark 97 367-1791 3 4 Red Devil 367-1797 Black Beauty Yor 367-1803 Cypr.s GoId 367-1804 4 Mix Soul 30 litres, Manure, peat and loamn. 369-3151 120 Top Soul 30 ltret. 369-3152 12 Moo Poo Cattie or Sheep Manuire Biologically composted, non-burning, easy to use. 100% satural.i. 18 kg. 367-t741/51 .5fr 120 >~Aqua Bac Larvacide Biologica cotl oG f moîquito iwlA fstanding water, 382-4220 74~ 312-4221 The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 12, 2006 -A9 ~LOOKING GOOD 1 hank you Miton for the nomination for Milton Choice /lward of Favourite Landscaper " INTERLOCK * LANDSCAPE DESIGN "RETAINING WALLS & STEPS " PATIOS & WALKS *WATER FEATURES - ARMOUR STONE LAWN MAINTENANCE * BOBCAT SERVICE * & MORE 905-330-1330 -R Lawn Edging 44 x 20'9 Professiona grade.1~ 368-3664 1 ýk#" 7