A8 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 12, 2006 The Meanest Mom in the Whole Wide World undersia hend ietht otvaehaearnt 1 hl em frpou a whenevn hehteeenntesi ee e adwokne hoau f dedsw d idn watwwehadld w hd oaai uni w i resew en (hem; 1loved you eogh t swhe yo ee h h mo ro y h ert h m poing, îvtth mhom. an d ,t ovd o tnaug tau sayl NO honhen dwoindbetgone fo.rSanhnme medwoildwhegot)new for ant As chtidren, me missed oui on lots ai things other kids I laved yau enough to insisi ihat you save aruae knew yan îvould haie nie for iith andr buye au hîke ofr yousei eve though yecui hauhtosyN we r or iess. eîperienced hecause of aur mitiher.Nonefushv affod toya hu ne for rsl Thosmer iheug mas dîfcuthodsotallga Wr were ashamed ta admit it, hut she had the lierre ta heen caughi shopliting or vandaiing somone's mon them. hecause in the end yan won hu. reak the Chîid Lahour Laîrs hy making us mark. We prptynfatW' eeerhe arsidoraî 1 ioved yau enongh ta he silent and let yau di scover had ta ivash the dishes. make the heds, ler ta cook, crime. i iras ail her fantt thai your nrw hesi frirnd ivas a jerk. And, sanîeday, ishen you have kîds ofi your îîwn and vacnuun the floor, do the baunde5. empîy the irash anîd Adnwta ehv i ethm.w r dct yaur chidren arc aId rnough ta undrrsiand ti'he itigic ail] sorts tif ruel johs. i thînk she wouid lie awake ai oet ls And norihi o ase ail t' Wf e are dnaior t iovrd you enaugh ta toake you go pay f'or the htihbie ihai mtaivates parents, yau mili remînd thetît. nîghî tiîîkîng of things for us ta dit.hnsiaus.AdyukmwaîWardînar gum you had taken and tell the eierk, 1 stote ihîs hesi ta he mean parents, uni tike Mom mas' yesirrday and matit ta pay taorîit You tink yaur Monti s ntrtn'?!' 1 ktttow mine wa~s. Wr She aimays însîsied an us tellitg the irnîh. the whoie had the nîratn traiher iii the mhîî ide drtrld! and nîîîhîng but the trth. By the trne me mere Loîve yîuur Mîther thts sieek hy hrîngîng her tii a 1 bired you rnaugh ici stand tirer you ftîr tînt hîîurs Whîie tîther kîds aie caîtdy four breakfast, ire haîd iii leenýigersshr cinid read ur tîtnds. spen tai service in her hîunîur and ihen take her ont toa inhite yau cieaned yanr roam, a jîh ihai shouid have have crrti, eggs aid toast. Whrîî tthers had a Pepsi Telt vsral ogllcldnn slsmn 'rlnh hrhsrie taken yenu fien minutes. and a Ywntkie ftor lunch. ire had tarait sandicîhes. te.lt a eiytuh iridnngethuheifrlnh hrhsrie And vnt can guruN our otther ftîed ns a diner (tadlcainaetils i h direciory blw 1 iarrd yaîî eîîîugh ta tri yau sec ancer. iias dîfierent broni irhat tîther kîds iad titi Mttherricatdn't rien lt(fi trinds junt hîîîk the dtsutppoittttnent. and icars iii nii ries. Chîidren muni hîîr\Nî heu they utrare us, The had iii conte up iii the Subnigîed bv Rer. Danu, Rogge Pusine of Millons' reani that their parents ltrett t perirciý Mttthertttssteîi on ktti\ing îrhere tir wcre ai ail dittr nil site cauid tiret theti. Whîte ceryane ruse New itfe Chrrrch. MILTNii St.~ George's UR H0 ÀOÇ C 1 UCI 1CHRIST 150OYears 1412 Brîtannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 %ýL oor\okJoin us tbis t'eae in aceu'beuuc» (?f. 905-875-2939 H u g h F o te r H a ll , 13 B ro w n S i . i l i n h e p reach in g ui f (u d 's ir rd n h i ch u rc h ti th e 'm -arp tn e n isu r c ' l ýJ 0J11185h. iConte and mine ru, we nii he iri pirae to mmi tîtu. Sunday School Classes AsîtantfW0rship Esther s 5ýj 11X1jn r Dni v i ý RETO1tR: Rer (anarn Chartes Miasters Vouth Chinton Kruger FREE BIBLE SCHOOL May i4tir, 200h6 Serv ces r littttrtnuiî,Wosi Co m no 9am. - Early Worship Service 8:ioainMoring raw Woship& C mmuion9:30 a.m. - Srcnday School for Ai Agen PI O;îtt:ïam itritgnt iti ait(nit10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service* il IlI'1PI1 Il lý,titrn atnd juniorn%îînîi "diii Thursday Bible Study 'Captioned fr enafIartf Hearing GiuelphLUne a(i)eM Ryoad7:0p 'lu, 5 ~I,, ~(Tel) 905-(88i 3663 M OM - W OW Vilift aur weh ste ii ungu~iirrl r Mininter Steve Corbett G Ct for ai Mon in morn ng service. 6:30 p.m - Sunday Nrght LIVE Testîmonies of Grace SUNDAY200 Main Street MAY 4 "racking the Da Vnci Code" JUNGLE W W O 10:00 AM 9:30 arn & 11:00 arn Sundays in May Sna www.hesactury.c/rnîtonChlldren's Programs running Concurrent/y r June lBth 905.257.3987 10:30 am Coffee & Conversation at 6:30pm US5 Santa Maria UIv. (Dny Rd. vwest of Hwy 25)' A Fellowship Baptist Church 905-876-3586 Fo or -inf lw nw f.itn 1 G RACF Am~r, IÉ-Akl ru.ir. LLrà "o al fRf7 NRK IEBIl IAN CHURCI WELCOMES YOU 170 Main St. E., Milton Rev. Carole Langlotz i905-878-6066 Father Mark Curtis lnterîmn Moderator - Rer. Harry Kiassen Supply Mînîster -Rer. Nader Aiad Sunday Services Direcior af Music Minitrirs - Sonja van de Hiief 8:00 arnm Saîd Encharisi Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 10:M amn- Sung Encharîstiîncludîng Nursery "Kids'Spirit" Programn YouIth Smiai Group (Grardes 7-12> 9:15 ar folîiiomd hy coffre hour Children's W'orship <Age _i Giade 6 10.:31) a 1:0arn- Saîd Etîcharîsi "Grnuretùg trîgehrr inr the/r' #par' jC/risi " a WoeujaîsrrýtIitt4 iOrJor9 tOnt Wheelchittr acensý anîd iiauhrtîiný prot ided suiit .g3d mdmtnn l ait may cîllîe and îtarshtp. Acceisý oit Mary Sîreet, ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH ilh e905-878-5664 1 ocatad aa Derry Rd_ 103 Martin Street sd etîroan the Sports Centre 905-878-1 629 and the Hospital Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pastor Jack Nînaber 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School Romans Bible Study 9:00 arn 11:00 arn. Morning Worship Connections Cafe (in the foyer) 10:00 arn 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "Cracking The Code" Series Captain's Crew for Children 4-12 We h a ayMgaee "You'Il always find a friend at Graceway" We h a ayMgaee www.gracewaybaptist.org www. southsidemi Iton . org 'MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study nAnd the Word ivas made flesh and rndîveli armong us, and ire beheld bis glory, as of the onl' of the Faîher. John 1.14 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Pastor Gord Rutledge Sunday 11:OOamn h A i , . O A .r f i va afl i , 'Mad For Hais' Spring Tea Sat. May 13,2 Prn Guest: Jonathan Walford of Kidshow Productions Wear a hat for a chance at a door prize! Tickets $6 per person, a vailable at the door. Ma y 14 Christian Family Sunday & Ce lebration of Ba ptism, 10:30 arn Worship in Graham Hall supported by music frorn our Youth Sand guest speaker- Edward elsmilh Worship in the Sanctuary suPported by music from the St. Paul's Choir Supervisedl Nu.rsery Care frorn 10:- lSam Church School 'The Peacernakers' 10:45 arn Gospel Uni! for grades 6-8 10:45 arn Coffea & Conversation atter the services St. PauI's 6th Annual Golf Classic j Mon. May 29, 2 Pm Shotgun Start ilry ri u.r Clergy:317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hill McDermott onc 070 ne