Halton's economy has both good side and bald side, says speaker By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The strengrbis anti weakncsses of Halions econorny were laid out on the table last week duning tise Regions thîrd roundiable breakfast on econoin îc development. The session, bield at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club, camne as part of the Regions process in developing a strate- gy thaî'l establish a set of prionîîized economie development objectives and recommended actions. Tbe meeting invoived a presentaîton from Jobn Hughes of Hemson Consulting Ltd. tbat deiailed tbe siare of Haltons current economy "The diversity of our economy iv extremely good," be said. "We are tbe home of some very dynamic small and medium-sized companies." He bigblighted tbe faci Halton is one of tbe fastest-grnwing regions in Nortb America and also bas a well-edu- cated labour force. "But obviously not everytbing iv perfect. We don't bave enough national or multinational organizaoions." He noîed tbe region also bas a lot of competirton for skîlled labour. On tbe real estate front, Hughes îsoitcd Cot that tialion bas a goocl sop- ply of land. "We've got reasonably -pricecl land in relation to the GTA,' bie saîcl. He wenî ota to say lialtota bas a eom- prehensîve transportation network and competitîve commercial tax rate. But on the negatîve side,' Hughes saîd the Region bas a relatively bigb indusîrial tax rate, road congestion and bigb land prices compared to otber places in tbe Greater Golden Horsesboe, sucb as Cambridge. lie also noted tbat Oakvtlle and Burlîngion are beginning to mun toward the end of ibeir land supplies. The pros and cons of the qualîty of life in Halton were also deîailed. On the plus vide, Hugbes said tbe region bas great access bo health and education facilities, hîgh-quality bous- ing and vtrong volunteerism. But be acknowledged Halions weaknesses include uts limiteci posi- secondary facilities, housîng mix and volume of commuters. 's (commuting) really wasted tîme," be said. "is sometbing we'd cer- tainly lîke to address." Hugbes summed up by ouîlining tbe proposed ibemes for tbe economie developmenî strategy, sucb as qualits' of hife, business and înclustry develop- tment and linancial resources and cosi ct)Mpetitiveness. Enîrepreneursbip discussed Those in aitendance ait the breakfast also beard a presentaîton on entrepre- neurship from Eugene Luczkîw, direc- toc of the Instîtute lor Enterprîse Educaîton. 1 say enîreprecursbîp is tbe prac- tice of disruptive innovation,' be vaîd. "Entorepreneurs disrupt wbat iv.' He wenî ton to detail the seven deter- minants of a successful enterpnise, sucb as baving « An empbasîs on tbe distinct uniqueness of calcbn individual as a member of the îeam. * Core beliefs and values and a clear and compelling vision of tbe future. * nîegraîed thinking tbrougbout tbe enterprive whereby tbe connectedi wbole iv greater tban tbe sum of its parts. Tbove wbo dîdn't make it 10 lasi week's event will be able to attend pub- lic meetings on tbe economie develop- ment sîrategy May 25 in Milton and May 29 in Burlingion. Details on boîb will be announced scion. Melanie Heeîtîesse y can b,' reached ai eiiinessvVniltont aditic iiampioti coien [I HUGESELECTION 0F UNE OWVNER OPT"IiMUM L .OW .MILEAGE VEKICLES* vu 03 Clu M CAVAiR '35 iwi'w 4drat air, A/C AMFM sere tiee drvers Cs AC AMFM stroPov 2dr auo.aiCD GSler 65,000 km 4r Vauto.ai mw cett uad seat 58000okmn tk SL3132 ai bag, afli-ock bakes Sk P31O5A vIdvsls S! P3106A OSOt1 oaded CD. 320 k P2891 S'l6,982 -l 121964 2?643?) 1 V8 auto air 42000kmpwhtte d . auto0a JBîIrkmt 4r 3ir auto. pi , .00m . 4dr. auto air pw. pi. ift aim rims, 41., V6. ai. auto pw. pi. tl. 1 0.d Stk P3027 Stk P31 15A È8g0 Stk 309 ioaded. 21Q000km Stk M32 NM 300m, og Stlk 3035A '28,871 'z2OI872 '8 y92? 214,478 13,88 103 POMTIC S Miil v6, pw, pi. tit, cruise, ioaded. 41dr. 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