Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 2006, p. 46

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BlO0 - The Canadian, Chamýpion, Frtday, May 12. 2006 Town'and Canadian Tire team up Fundraising event to benefit in kids'" physical activity prcqram Crohn's and Colitis Foundation wui atiatitat lite Io ilortuttt plissicai ativity lor \'otingsters. As a communit>' partner ni JunipStart - a national parner- shtp) prograin of the ( anadian l'ire Foundatnon for Families - the Town wiii identîtx childien in hunancial need wsho wsi to par- tipate in sports and retreationai aictivtes. iFlic aimi oi the pr ograi is to pi ovide cilidren with the oppor- tunity to parltipate iii sports ani essetitit i le skilis sl stt anti conidtence. li's lonciec through a s'ai et> of initiatives, sueh as the (;reai Skate event that look plate ai Mlton Mernoriai Arena in Februan. iTle flist J ttnpStaî t Milton ehapter nmeeting look puiace li Match anti silice Ilbet the lowîî lias heeni able to assisti îhree votils ii ret etving it titis i'ruui the pîrogi ain to pariipate ti tI i it I\ IlIl 0 10 b S4,000ti lias heui allotteti toi iti Milton cotîililitits. ThNe lcîiîîI)Stairt pi ograti appies ici tbluse agei lotir to 18 atît wil ftontd a miaximunm oii $300 per tiîlti per session Funding is avaiahie for meinhers of the saine lainiv for ihe saine secison and tan lie pruividetl tut the saine chlti toi sccessiv e seasois. Foi imote inflormiationu tit tue lutuipSiari urog aitu c1tli (L05) 878-7252,cxit 21755. ( tîtiît andt Coltil 1 ltI1tîitîu ti Catnatda Kii hlils 1I lii attîtal i leel in Wý'iei thoti Jline 4 ai ,Spenicer Situitit Patk, ii Buîrliglo. P>artic ipatnts of ail liges are eticouiageti to wsaik, rii, hîke, ii- fine skate, walk a dog, pusit a sîrutiier - any'thing iuvoling iheir heels or wheels. i litre will he lise music iii local 1 lauilton grottps Prologit anti [lie i iollswooci \ay, as well as M&M's hcirgers andc hot dogs, lace painîting, m cs saidcdt It' lîtîs \Sil ll 1i eti tue tîttîsi pleciges. A goal if $30,000 lias becît set toi -fle eveni, wlîîci takes plate iii severai citles attriss Cantada esers' ] une, raîses iunds for rnedicai researcluti it Inllaiuimatory Bowel Dîsease (IB) i 'e lialîtn chapter sas's iuess researclh shiows that C anatda lias the hîghesi incidenîce of 113D iii tue v.orid. ISEE MORE PHO!TOS AT O WWW.VIEWON<THENIET.COM 1 $333egO $3749900 1 $4199900 NEW LISTING IS268,900

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