Funny Money a Iaugh riot dream coîe truc for niosi, bu t after watching the predîcameni of Henry and jean Perkîins lasi Ertday, I'd tink twicc hefore taking it. My eyes have heen opencd to the many things that could con- cctvably go wrong. And bhlive me, there are inany. Hlenry and jean Perkîns know titis Lll well, along with the truth of Murphys law: Anything that can go wrong wilI go wrong. T he Perkins are, of course, the main characters tn the latest show by the Milton Players Theatre Group, Funny Money by Ray Cooney An Enghish farce îhrough and through, Funny Money's slap- stick comedy received a hearty reaction [rom its audience, with non-stop laughîer - in the [orm of chuckies, giggles and guffaws - filling the rooru. Now playing at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, Funny Money is directed hy Lynette Austin and produced hy relative newcomer Veronica Hernandez. The opening scene shows Henry Perkins, played bv Tim Beddoes, looking shaken up as he enters hîs London home. His wufe, Jean, playcd hy Beddoess real-life wife, Sharon, can't fig- ure out why he wasn't lîimsclf. Then he opens his briefease. Iurns out he grabbed the wrong case on his xvay homce [rom work. This one, insicad of haîf a cheese and chutney sand- wich and somre paîcrwork, con- tains 735,000 pounds. 1 qutckly found myscîf root- ing for Henry, the everyrnan- turned-millîonaire, and bis wife as they wove theruselves into quite the îangled mess. l'm always a fan of Tîm Beddoes, who deltvers a near flawless performance as the quîck-thinkîng Henry. Wiîh jusi îwo acîs and one scîting, the play is rich in dialogue and how he's able to memnorize the fines is beyond me. Whenever 1 waîch Beddoes, l'm drawn into the play in a special way. The sea of play-goers around me dîsap- pears and ils easy to helieve what's goîng on is real. A couple of newcomers - Peter Hawley, who plays the paîrt of Henrys fniend, and Anthony Palmer, who plays a police ofhi- cer învesîigaîing the situation - take to the stage like uts their second home. dî agrcat Joit as a tlLlow cou spirator, coming across as a nat- ural in the spoîlight. On a less positive note, 1 couldn't help but îhînk how much the Players' shows would improve if they had a proper theatre facilîîy T hc two minutes belore the show started were ftlled xvith whispers of 'C an y'ou sec?" and "Am I in the way?" 1 mnyseif spent part ol the show tryîng to 'hrink down in my seat hecause 1 was worried my hecad was hlocking someones vtew It was also disappoînîing to hiear ihe Players' Sprtng Fling fundraiser didn't do ioo well, wîth just $197 raised. A lealet tucked into the pro- gram also told show-goers tick- et prices would bc increasing next year, [rom $15 to $25 for the show only, and frtm $35 to $40 for dinner theaire perform- ances to cover costs. 1 can only hope the Players' loyal fans con- tinue showîng their support to this talented group and are will- ing to spend the few extra bucks. its well worîh it. Tonight's show starts at 8 pin., while tomorrows dinner theatre perfonrnance hegins ai 8.15 p.m. wîth dinner ai 7 p.m. For tickets, eall (905) 875-0629 or visit Tielemans Interiors, 340 Matin St. or Boutique 188, 188 Main St. V6, asto, A/C P/W, Pdl spdl onrol & til,001in boardo, Flaraside boa, V6, auto, AOC, 00060,812 km, sonic chrome yelow exteor Ony 95,601 km. Stk#56069K bluecxterior Stk#2526A. PST & GST INCLUDED ON ALL PAYMENTS! Payment inlde PST & GST &40% ov 6i0 mo s payrmenis bi- f OAC, Cnyextr charge s lcence tee anex a r if needea. [nmed tme ifer S- edeo n dclet, - 00 '. eSNWFATR ENO HIG SPE U. ** 5 Mbp DE DIENIO 110 DE CMe E FAS SAE *EIAL INWE 175 S-O 80G HAD DIVEMUC MOE- 37 Mai StetEsMlo 905691235