82 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 12, 2006 GEORGETOWN w We jx~~i~CINEMAS fI(~IVJ\ 235 GUELPH STREET (1k~ b F 905.873.1999 ~yp) C leve... Daîiy 045sm & 915 _____________ helping Sut & Sun 200 p m Anyone ~ Pos~uor~i Anywhere Daîly 645 p e & 900 p e Sut &Sun 250pm Nul Recommended Or Young Chiinrnn Frighieninq Scenen s OuiIyE4Spm &950pm Sut & Sun 260 p m Lunguugn AAyflmrd www Cînemas3 Ca I * Theatre Parknq Available ai Rear -c" ORAHAM PANE CANADAN HAMPON FESTIVE SHOWCASE At top the North A bon Co leg ate drama department performs Os awa d w nn ng p oduct on of 'Loyal T' a social dramd dealîny with violence n socîety recently aI Mîlton District Hîgh School The production was sto dent written and composed, wîth African mosîc and dance inter- mîxed throughout the performance Above, group member Puja Patel keeps the beat on the steel drums Charity BBQ at M&Ms tomorrow Have a bite to eat for a good cause tomorrow at the l8tb annual M&M Meat Shops Chariiy' Barbecue Day Between 10 arn. and 4 p.m.. residenîs can purcbase a bamburger or botdog, drink and bag of cbîps for a minimum donation of $2, wab aIl proceeds goîng to tbe Crobn's and Cmnlîtîs Foundation of Canadas medîcal researcb More tban 400 M&M Meat Sbînps acroso Canada will take part in tbe day to meet ibe fundraîsing goal of $175 million. To date almoot $10 million bas been raised tbrougb tbe annual barbecue. Tbe local M&M Meat Sbops is locaîed ai 420 Main St E.