The Canadian Champion, Friday May 12, 2006 - 29 ORE ICESMetroand West FAN TOP WAGES Car Dotailers. I TEXLN ENEFITS I PePesTcnca necessary. BAR HELP Owntraspotaton ecomened Metîohand West Prî,îting i' leaoking fora ti n lw r / sWl Ti. Apyineso Att: Cri Noal Windeae, experneni e t/tai it fluent in ,, 909 Niplasing Rd. 699 Guelph Line, Aftne Chi ;gloree eut î,nanme,ît Abilit -' t<i work Milton Buiington I uit/i Agfa wiirkflow sYstîetns wiîuld he Join Our Team iTi jant asset. Sui'iessful candidate will I I......................Ihaî'e e.eperienî'e aviti J,îDesiu'n, Quark, We are currently seekinà highly motivated individuals ~ -- 2 prafors needed, no experience nec- ear.On the job training, for yaurîelf or ifyîknow aameone thaf may be inter- ese. Serious applicants oniy, common anse a neceîsiy. Porefer people living within the GTA. 'Wuoffer tp wqn Fax msume to, 905478-9010> Att. Guy Ramsay ITo Assembln Products, S uffing Enoelopeo, Ma i nrg\Procesa ng Circlars, PC/Clercal Work Aoailable. Up To $t 500/Week. No Experience Noeded! FREE informaion ai: I nda nok oHFQom com Refo ence 3-113 IAp triaî iShoppers Drug Mart Gorgetown Market Place Looking for work? Cali - Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 ADLT fo I..-o-oo DeI.. very We are iaoking for adîlfo (indioiduai or crewî) who have a reiiabie vehîcie (the larger the beffer) aid a deoire f0 earn ex- itra money by deiivering newîpapers su h fiyer packages 3 days a week (Wedneî- day, Friday aid Safardays) f0 reoidences fhroaghaaf Oakviiie. This os iraiy a dloor- fa-door deiivery pragram and os beaf suat- ed to thoîe who are nof afraid of hard work aid enjoy working independenfiy in the oatdoori. Matarify and a îfrong îenîe of reîponîibiiîy aid reiiabiify are mandatory. If you would like ta exploreffhts opportunity in more deftail, please contact Bob ai 905-637-8795 Position avoulable. wîth a manufacturer if qoality opecialty conatruction prodocto locaied in Milton. We are oeekîog an individual for our Inside Sales Team 10, provîde produci support and cuolomer service to our diotrîbotori. The candidate wili alo be respon- orie for procesiîg il cusuiner ordero. inoentory contro and projeet qualifyîng lelephonle callo. Can- didatto Ohould posoeos gîod inlerperoonal, tale- phone aid computer ikilloý We are Iooinng for a peroon fluent ir both the Engliîi aid French lan- guogai and preference sutl be gioen to bilingual candidates. The oucceoolul applicant souli star! mmediatley. Thi is an0 Enrry Leoel posilion aid ialary wîll be proportionate ih toperionce, Please tend a reaume, including salary expectations to W. R. Meadaws if Canada, 70 Hannant Court, Milton, ON LOT 5Cl MUSIC DIRECTOR A very active, healfhy. progressive United Church in Oakviile la iooking for an enthuiaofc, leader for i tope- rienced, and talenfed choir aid eten- sive music program. Choral leadership experience is a mast aid keyboarding as preferred. Please apply in confidence ta: Barbara A. Duffin, 1297 Greeniaus Road, Oakvilte, L6J6Y3. Emait: P/îote;sha, llîatratîîr and Acreabal. Thise pousitionu i,îî'ulîes preparatiut iu' files fo)r priting, digital oiutput aond p îoqifig. Eveperienî-e in eiffuet and/îîr digitaîl priuiting io a reqîîiremen. Ilusitiup ,i/.e, call. /r ai aiiiiaiity iil alîatesetteru, proeuieoius andl arifr.FIe.îibiliu- anJ iîiiiraiu are ilntourtiant attrihute. Picase send resuime tut rhuîi@metriîfand.comi Qecie job # 3895 in sohjcî line. SWE ARE LOOKING FOR SA COUP LE 0F GOOD SOULS Glen Abbey United Cfrurch os growing and os nia offering etcellent ;05 empliymtnt opportunity for tsi important part-lime paid postions Wt recuirt a SUNDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR who sîlI opend apprîaîmately 6 houis pet week ytar-rîund helping 10 deoelop and admînisler our Sunday ochioi program. Wt are alsoiloing for a oummer OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR adep i dealîng with tht public 10 manage tht office, gîet oloîtîro and anser tht phonee-mail from Monday -Frioay, 9:00 a.m m n, Joie lt - Auguir 31. Applications for both positions will be receited unii May lOth, 2006. Please oend your reoume in confidence to: Gien Abbey United Charch cio Martha Welch 1469 Nottinghill Gale Oakviite ON L6M rOi Phone: 905-825-292 Fax: 905 825-9526 email: We thank ai app~licantt for their interet, but onty those aetected for an interiew wttl be contacted. Is seekîng an energerîc friendly îotgong PRODUCT CONSULTANT For 15-20 rouis per week. This 0s a permanent poi- tion avaîlabie îmmediattly. Tht iuccessfui candidatesi primary reoponsîbîiltîeo sîli include pro- oîdîng taceptional cuotomer seroice, lîght adminiratiot work aid openîng aid cloîîng dulîis Lifting is requîred and knowledge of fond preparaion is an aaoet. Weekend and weeknîght shitts are part of the package. Previoui Petaîl teperience pttferrtd. Please bning a resume and appiy in penion to0 211 Guetph Street, Georgetown AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW AND LEARN WITH A PROGRESSIVE ORGANIZATIONr Local ceramîc gifttare manafacturer is accept- ns applications tor fail-tîme permanent croît prounîction positions ($ro i0lhour t0 start, with a contrîhutîon-baîet progression ovorem, profit- sharîng aid benefit pkgel Skîiis reqaired: strong self-iitiatioe, teamwork communication, problem-oli continuoa learnig, ana manoal cienterity, Indîoîdoais sîli work 10 hrîîg out the,, own their teams' aid lhe business' potentiai thr00gh pertorming many dîfferent types ot production and systems work. Somne heaoîog liting rertuirtrt 4 DAY WORK WEEK Wîrkîng Hours Monday -Thorsday hum - 3Opm 200 week Tuesday - Friday tam - 3Opmr some teienbiity Apply iO oesumne Frîday, May 5Oto Wednesday May 10 between 7am ana 4pm ro: ALL FIRED UPt Ltd. 180 Nîpîssîng Roa0, Unit #1 Mltin, ON Milton-JOBS t 905-804-8488 Fax 1-905-804-0430 BURLtNGTON HYUNDAt Fasteot Crowîng Dealer sn Burlington requîres Exp'd Car Sales Person Demo pragnam/ Car allowarce Great pay plan, support & prîduc. Fax Reoume 10ý Sales Manager 905-633-8815 or Emaii ndeoza@ Viii /-iiiî STORE CLERK Do%%uiîiîa n akilie Specialt JOBS AVAILABLE Production sirk in tht MILTON orna. $12-$13 tir. AIl ohifho auaîlabie HCR Fao: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E, Ste. 205, Milton LUNCH SUPER VISOR Need For DR. CHARLES BEST PUBLIC SOHOOL in Burlîngton. Paid Poition. 1 HourDay, Mon Fri 128 n dO:4pm Please Catl 905-336-2474 -Aes 2+- Wantert for TV & Mîvie Jobs'. F-Il ork nedmmt asmbl LrdctstfJn n exneeded fre &Film CatI:nc 1416132 SUMER ORK *Nee.q dedTV&Fl N~f Fees Cat 41)2132 Attenion Officelenng SMonda FORîd 31O.25 tUUUpmp M V MSO CONSTRUCTION LIMITED tu-ai înu Hîs No Fees' Meu/ Burlînglîn. Flambi- m m 15lefttridge Road, Elobclke, Orfaro M9tW f14 Cuunipý thîîe- Wonmtn 16-65 yrs rough, Qakville, IlE s rience Doly Needed for oame' Hamilon artao. %Cu are àTornt cîbaîcd road iaineav non[ aLlo Ci ieî Must houe ian whpoei l hogorOctrio. %e are oolig 905 8058638 Parents cattliPit: fo k*ldprost iltefolios ng positons: (416>221-3829 Cati 905-331-2270 *Weider - AZ - DZ Driners * Labearers J to Complement our existing team. Positions are be- ing added throughout the GTA and Niagara Peninsula areas. We are seeking candidates for the tollowing positions: Corporate ACCount Managers, Retail Sales Representatives and Administrativeflnventory Staff. SuCcesstul individuals wull possess the following: *Strong communications skills *Above average-proven problemr solving capabilities *Above average customer service focus *An overwhelming desire to be part of a successful teamn Our compensation structure includes: *Above average hourly compensation *Above average variable compensation for sales positions *Benefits package *Educational assistance program *Flexible work hours Please lemrail your resumne to RETAIL ASST. MANAGER *Excellent iaary & bonasea -Comprehensive benefti plan *Monday - Frîday 9am-Spm -Large eîtabiîhed castomer base Fax or emtai Stephen Faul 905«61-2806 Stephen 3245 Fairview St. Barttngton Sao&Spa ep TeinkIet - ned We require FULL & P/T Get Paid CARPENTERS, To Learn FABRICATORS A Trade aid WAREHOUSE Cali for HELP information Fax resume ta: 905-407-4901 905-876-1129 &MMMMMMMMMMJ or cati 905-876-1214, Skilled &ext. 25 TecnicalHelp FULL-TIME CERTIFIED ELECTRONICSTECHNOLOGIST Position atalable immediately REQUItEMENTS 5+ ytarî in prodocinglsiring elecîrical conîrol pan- els for manufacturing equîpmenl Gond working knowlodge if AoIoCAD for producing/mainîaining elecirical oyolem drawinigi Underîlandinig if elec- trical codes, wîring mothodo. basic elecîricol distribution. Mechanical skilis for ding panei cul- 0010 for moonhîing deoicti, drill i g/lappirng Super- uioory skills. Mechanical sillo for oooembling valoe blocksftrameo FULL-TIME PROJECT MANANGER Position aoailable nmmedialely to coordinale tht building of High Vacuum Depoîllion Syîfemî. RESPONSIILlTIES " Job Scheduliig " Caîfomer & Veridor Interface " Worfig wifr ail inferna deparfmeniis " Some Ifternaional traotl R EQUIR E MENTS Good Workîng knowledge if Microsoft Office, Microsoft Proieci aid AofoCAD. Minimum 3 yearî Proîect Manager experience. Poil Secondary Edu- cation, Slarling Salary betatenr $50.000- 60,OOOlannually Pleait send ftimmes to0 Have you herd the nom~? CIacoified now has lemail. Olaf@ 'r.d,