Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 2006, p. 27

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The Caniadian Champion, Fniday May 12, 2006 - 27 Avial EFril cars for sale HOME Daycare Mon- HOT Tub (Spa) Covers 1997 CED Metro. S es Mrdiesu IP C beste Dr t/uRt qaltv A!!r CURLEY - Steven & Kim and big broth- ors Thomas, Samuel & William are pleased to announce the birth of Edward Steven, 7Ibs lOoz at MDH on April 12, 2006. Proud grandiparents are James & Elizabeth Curley of Milton. Nicola Ho- ward and Graham Bayiiss, the taita Gra- ham Stokes and Great Nannie Howard of England and adoptive Greodma Edwina Doddington. Speciaf thanks toi Dr. Rajas- ingham, Dr. Hanter, Dr. Robinson and the sonderful OB staff. HAYDAR, Ryan and Alyson (nea Ash- bea) are happy foi announce the arrivai of their son Deacon Thomas. 6orn Friday, April 21, ceighing ffibs, 9ozs. Big sistar Brooke and big brother Carter are thrilled with their new sibiing. Proud grandpar- anis are Pauline and Frank Haydar and Heather and Vince Meehan. A very spa- cial thank you f0i Dr. St. James and the wonderful nursing staff at OTMH as weiI as the continuous care and support of Dr. Kaiford. RILEY - Kevmn, Julie (nee RIDLEY> and big sister Madison are pieased to an- nounce the soa arrivai oi their daughter MARISSA EVELYN RILEY, at Mti 5mai Hospital, April l3th, 2006 weighing ffibs l5oz. Proud Grandparents Ed and Joy Riiey of Milton and Robert and Sharon Ridley et Belleville. A special thank you ta Dr. Seaward and the seonderful teorn ai MtiSinai Hospital and ta Dr. Fecteau and the nursing staff in the NICU ai Sick Kids Hospital. HANN - Chrîs & Christine (nes Haute) of Milton are pieased to onnaunce the birth 0f their son Ryan Richard, weighîng 5ibs 13oz ai Miltas District Hospital on April 23rd, 2006. Welcornad by proud first urne grondiparents Rick & Ruth Houle and second trne grandmother Donna Hoon. Speciai thanks to Dr. Robinson, Dr. Rajasingham and the wonderfui nurs- igstaff ai MDH. VANDENIIEUVEL -Murray & Carolyn (nee Van Rooyen) of Guelph are pieased toi announce the birth of their son Tristan Jacob, weighing 8ibs 6ozs ai Guelph Generat Hospital on Aprit 28, 2006. Wei- corned by lot time Grundparents Martin & Henrietta Vandenhauvel and 9th trne Grandparents Adrian & Margaret Van Rooyan. Boy 9,or Gir. wfth Birth Announc1errent PANIELLE FALLS Uat. May l"tb 1006 - $Pm samea/Prles/Food/.ve Fatd Ti you gPraut Arof orth em!re T esa, Jun 20,200 howprochouare i TusJune 20 h 2a04 6 "No mur han 40 wod dplae P ali a au l ià 58 pS McGinnis, Mariha uMatieu (niee Gillespie) Peacefaity ait Entendicara, os May 9, 2006. Bars 1911 Scotiand and a former reside Dennis. Moirer ai lim (Mores moirer oi Mark (Anse) and T Great Grundesother to Patnick Predeceusad by her husbur son John and two sistems and ors. Funerut Service ciii be chupel Friduy ut 10:30 arn. c one hour belore ut SCOTT HOME, 299 Maie St. N., (905)451-1100. Interment Gi rnoriut Gardoens. In lies of fl0 tions toi the Heurt & Stroke Fi Oiubauic Association. A ye.a goieu by. As Spring onceagssn biusgs erw if Wsîh curry blessure and nouai Wiîir curry unfoliîg reaf sd rprouîîog seed Witb curry bird ibar rings Ysru are evrrywhcrc The sun warmsng uor bacs. Your lovingrembracr The grurir breene by oers Yvur wtristing and rinzing Thersrrftnouri'hing rin... Your euve ihar firl u You arr rcrrywtrr Lovingly remnembered Grazella, Juliana, Claudo, AId, Gloria &ý Frasiléuv HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY t953- 1996 Love David Wriihavrulrrrsrrcrrrurrlrururr Y01 fo eie arr. Love Colleen, Mont 4b Niuk, Marg &b Daddy PLANT- DAVID RONALD Srpîrmbrr 18, 1964 -May t3, 2005 fl Ii,ri g in run,,ry sf as riesr sor, grandJ r , loinogirsrrr sids Iithr, e lirîrie h irdâco r l But , oiJdiri' go ajlonc. Fo par oi IN ei ih% ' lire d.sr G,1, aluled %oturin tiifi/lred our bears ii/s /ovr ansd /asgurer More & l)ael Grpria, Jasier, /isîrrs, (ira, Brandon, Ton, Erra & lrrr/y, Rob &/lesreite I)ARESI. Giovanini \Ii\ 1 1, 1i- D.RESI, Arcongeta \Ili\ (I ii t i o i>t\ \\(- Sil ii 1wIIlv Sadllr ,urnrilic CyMillîs4h. Krn, Dar rd r. lOuan> "The M ion District apprecies any In Memoriarn donations: J 30 Derry Rd. E. Milton, Otonso FoL daio L9T 2X5 Car oThanks 1041Chunf haks Deaths rsuîsu 13urs vocn l t i, c rý ies io itil tise fi nla Gtasgotic sarl Anse .'So/v arc1ue niin aii Mounudnei upota e h rn( Gand i-i-se oaM calin Sde "rteIvl 000 (Tracy). and Brian. id Thomas, tirrea hroth- hetd in thre 'itir visitation FUNERAL Brampton ondule Me- cars, dlona- undution or tesson aciivilîes/aca- demins, language, computer, weeky me- sus and much more. Accepting ciidren fromt 1-5 yeurs aldi Also sommer spuces aeuilubie for schoo ugo chiidren for tire sammer hoiiday. Pieuse contact Sumantira ut 905-878- 6524. LIVE fi New heuitr weiiness magazine. 250,000 copies Osi- effective directory ods, word ads. Cuit today f0 book for tire Jane issue. 4t6-493-1300 est. 276 STAIRLIFT$- Porcr lifts, eievators, scooters, wheaichars, horpîtul beds, Buy/ Sali Cuit Sîirer Cross 905- 847-5504 SOFA & LOVESEAT Good dlean condition. $450. For dutaîls in- nuire ut 416r-318-2302. Witt deiver. TREE Suie - seodiîsgs c hips, Christmas trees J.P Tree Furre Muy 13 - May 24. Sure - Spm. Hwy 25 to Spey- ride West os 151h to Sth Lise North, 1 km or Guelph Lise ta 15 Sîde- roud t0 Sth Lise North, potted eveigreens & Hardwood, Lîtar, Oak. Mugie, Sîrch. Wiii dîig 3' S 5 erergreens on notice. COLORADO BLUE & GREEN SPRUCE TREES Varîos rires. Cai 905-854-9969 or 905-299-9677 BEAUTIFUL dinirg ta- Oie ard 4 chairs, Sea bie rattar hrapyrd tron tram Palma Brava, gosd condition. Orîgi- naiiy $2500 aukiso $1200 905-876-144 3 SLEIGH BED gise. quers. great condition, S200. Cai Nicole 905- 878-3127. A dinin roore cherry- cood, double gedestai table. S chairs, buffet, noîch, dovetal con- structison Nec sitl in bures Cool $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A K<ing Piioctog Mai- tresu Set. New in glas- tic. Cort $1600. sel for $450. 905-5e7-S45aý BED, Amaring bargaîn, queen orthogedîc gît- iowtog set, sec sn glas- tic, curranty $250 905- 5e7-4042 cii delîrer. BEDROOM Cherry- wood, fed, citest, d1resser, 2 nightstands. Doretuit Construction. Nerer ogened Cost $8,000. Sucrifice $1,00. 905-5e7-4042 CARPET i huee severul t,000 yurds oi nec Stuin Master & 100% nylon car- pet. Wii do living roua & huit for $39 Includes car- pet, pud & instualuation 130 yurds) Steve, 905-e33- 8192 ELK meut, ul nuturut nu hormones or untibiotins. Lus in fat, choiesterol & calories. Basf served me- dium f0 medium rare. Steaks and borger's avaîlubie attre Meut Ter- minai in Milton and Cris- rtillo ut Cumprelvilie or cai 519-856-4500 HOME gym soight train- ing machine. Asking $200. 905-876-3564 ccc thecouerguy.ca HOT Tub/ Spa- Brasd vas stai ogtions, iscludîng cover, 2000 model. Stlli n crupper. Cosi $10900., Sacrifice $5.500. Cuit 905- 971-1777 HOT Tub/ Spa 2000 mudel, ai options, Cuv- or. Neyer used stili se crupper. Cost $9,900 Seli $5,000. 905-567- 4042. LEATHER! 3 glace Itulian set. Sofa, luveseat and chair. Nec, in ptastic. Coot $0900. Sel $2500. 905-304-4973. MAHOGONY bedroom suite srciodes heud- bourd, 2-dressers (t-wîth big mîrrori, 2- esd lubies cith drucers $400obo. Antique sec- retaria desr $200obo, Pîne couchîtoveseat $150. Pîse hutch cîth glass doors, tîke sec $300. Magie round dlis- îsg lubie 4-chairs, tike sec S350bo anjo and guitor in cases $SOOobo. Hîg caders, rus $30, Ladies ring, sugghîre circted Se smuii diamonds $900. Cai 519-853-3691. POND Supplies, uera- trs, toostaîns, blue dye. etc. STOCKING SPECIAL a" RAIN- 00W TROUT .99 (min. 100). MORE SPE- CIALS & PRICES (519)833-2559 ww.si- yercreek pond-ss-on POND Supplies. aerators, tounitaîns. bise dye etc. Stockîng speciol 8" Raim- Soc trout .S9cests (min. tas). More speciais & grîces 519-833-2559 ceww.sîivercreekponds.cern POOL Tubie, Protessional Seies boia Wood, t Siate, Ail Accessorres. Nec, Stîi Soxed. Cost $6.200. Suit $1,950 905- 304-9594 U N AticesW aned BEST CaSvS Paîd- Art. Antiques, Cotiectîbtes. Chrna, Crystai. Sivr, Fîguînes. Royal Dositon, Scarovski, Glass, Pottery. Etc. Estate Sgecîaists, Top Cary Cat John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 LOOK BE$T CaSit We buy rt ait. Astique furvîshîngs, Royal Douitos. Humemel, Moot- croit dinnercare. crystut, sîlver. dlocks. mîiliîry items. Pontia! fl estates. Ed, 905-834-0300 LABRADOR Retriever gags CKC Regîstered. lst Vaccination and mîcrochîg. $000/each. Cali Jennîfer 905-876- t1218. 0 Crsfr Sale 1993 Sature osiy 107,OOOkms, autumat- ic. Askieg $2495. Over $2000 recent ne- pairs. Runs greut, louks great wiii go. 905-693-045. 1995 Nissan Aitimu. Dsiy 130,Oookms! Re- bouit transmi?;siun. Nec eshausi and brakes. $2500 ubu. Cuit Dave 905-977-0793. 1995 Toyuta Tercet DX. $1,000. 1998 Dodge Nos EX. $2,000. Cui 905-702-4494. cur111 I ; i I,idiiuri $2,450. Cai Tvor 647-223-3557. 2002 Chevruot Impuaa Ail power package. ABS, tii5/cruise, Remote duor iucks. Stiver. 102,000 Hîghsay kms. $8,700 obu. Cai 519- 853-5400. gaTuc or Sale 2003 Dodgo Ram SLT- Ouad cab, encellent con- ditiun, 4x2, 20" auimnum rires, ses tires, brakes, ruse up, gutriot blue with chrome, 5.7 V8 Hemi and much mure, $19,900, cor- tîfîod. 905-030-382t. Won't lasti' 1991 Kacusaki Zephyr 550 Sport Bike. Los kms. Great shupe. Must sei. $2,250/obo. Cuit 905-407-4533. Eriptsyment BILtNGUAL sndi- vîduai (Germun/Eng- lish), ceit-educuted in finance asd agrt- business. hurd cork- îng, detaîi-orîented, and mutti-tatested, is soekîsg an estry ler- e position cr15 roore for fast devetogment. Pieuse e-mail tor de- laited terume criS employyient oppor- tusîty and job urpec- ltions oa btuebirdzion@ cogerurca lire tumiy ut Elfes t4race Hannant, mîrli ru exrssa sncrebaui ru rurrybvdy for ail] tbe bnlp and support wiib the pussisg amay ofon Moîbrr. Specia cbuebu iv the staff su J. Sceur Earty Fueru Home fur yvsr guidase and su- r ort and ru Pasuvu Rrnee Destardsns for ILr unel servie. The tunchron supplird by Mrs Chrîs Harris wus nrr rnucb upprîciaurd. Wr aisu m/rsh ru rsîrsd a munderbul thauh yes ru thr staff au Aileedair were our Meuheriressdrd fui the tari fuew yers. Nancy uad Suart Hanusant FOUNDATION Reser ioheancusofheari disease and stroke ui heip milions lise longer, heaithier ilees. As a ieadlng tunder ef boaSl and sirsire researdi lvi Canlada, se need yast Flndlng answers.For Ife. hep. Cati -88-HSF-NFO or vsftwwwrearanlrulîe.ca

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