Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 May 2006, p. 25

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gplo I))o It- I , 78-34, X AUTO~~ ~ ~ ~ SEVC AUORPIRAT EVIEVHCE EALN A j VIT Cali Steve Boers S 706 Main Stree, East, Mafflon ON (005) 878-1116 SPECIALIZING IN NERVOUS DRIVERS G & G2 TESTING PREPARATION MTO APPROVED COURSE PROVIDER CERTIFICATE FOR INSURANCE DISCOUNT CALL AND BOOK VOURI COURSE NOW 905-783-1292 Put your trust in our hands Hand your automotve wonfles over to us... you il love the beautiful results. Hitz Auta Collision 555 Main St. E., lJnits il & 12, Milton - 905-876-1193 rfJ~ Cr Centre Vw Gl etGs& Diesel, TDI 5 Speed & Autamatîc & Station Wagons. Specializing in ail import vehicles Volkswagens -'Fuel Injection & Diesels w GRAD& RUDY (905) 878-5330J 583 Main Street E., Milton AUT SERIC FSday 8anýF Tme iap Sooay. ianlýpn Salutay iis2],n RICIAISON Oe evain HWV 25 S AT DERRA RD. MILTON ~ Mobile Interior Detai ing '-i, - Not clean, its sanitized inc. Specializing in Program Maintenance Freshen up for spring Make that car smell new again Home Spring Cleaning Special Shampoo Coach $99.99 3M - Speci =fiý,ng ond and -on selected Scalchgard In Program 1.raction Chair fabrics maintenance Living Room, Dining Room, Hall & 1 bedroom, S49.99 op to 500 sqft. Spray and Extraction. Fleets There Is No wow Welcome Cleaner lob MThats Z' Available Clean AI pJobs 3MScotchgard rI 0 Fleet Service Available goe-ià* ný 9 0 5 - 6 9 3 >cCý-jE L L Old School Cleuninq ll.'e'Il Corne Sit Bock and Relax ro You Tv oAdrie nti Does~~~~ seto lasec HALTON HIELS, ONTARIO glCJna 888.522.2875 www.giobaipa.ta Affordabie. Name Brand.Custom embroidered Et screen printed apparel PARALE A EVC Need Paralegal Service? " SmnaII CIalms * Landiord & Tenant " UJens " Child Support *Trafflc " Provincial Offenses " Summary Conviction Matters Where qualffied wie oSfer on a iimited basin evening at home servie. 519-6224814 oir 1-866&310-09601 t6$10 Pooper t Scooping t per week. 9054875-8673 Every Dog Deserves to Be a Top Dog! Cerlîfiede( s dg romîg D-suni COMMERCedcIAe balhssi H1 i culs foArDN cals NN ASO CM -SISY WINDOWS- EI.S-ETC. <mefi n@meinsarcom1 Grphics Design Group Brochures DV to DVD Video Edîiing Services If you need a new website or woul 1k. to updarte your existing one, caill 905-690-7597 or visit- www.merlinsort.com Any Landscaping Company interested in trading a hedge fence for web design? Please cal)!. Pr ofessionsl Dog Groeming qb 905-875-Tail (8245) a 438 KingsWegh Cri. Milton J7Jricýfaf Specialist, 12 vears expertience. lIa the comfort of your home or ceremony site *Pre cerenionv consusltation Call Marrianne 416-932-1419 <c) 416-768-9214 To , Adets in thi secio plas cl gc 'g 90-7824 X:2217 WEB DESIGN AN C> RE

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