Jamieson aliways pf of the party' spoke of ber dad as a fun- 1 o v i ni g guy wbo life of p a r i v. She saîd Jamieson will be buried in his she K-ncss, native Nova Scotia, wvhere he neyer liS hav 11t brothers and sisters. sit beside Jaui duning .î Maple Leafs gaine because of is exc itemieni ibii sonitinies iranslaied iti8 tclling8 aiid 5ccaiiiin- 'knes s heu bc th 1-4815 %von8 t coutld ,,e altiing,, Mvas'bess' i-oad, as smiles andi laughtci- tilled tiC (2111i'cbh [)uring 48 pariicuit.iî't poign'anti mi'omentl a 44oug '4Nas4 plisul ai t le' requesi. "Dadds s gio 1, cadds s girl1, 1 knoss l'i thie centre o4f clacic\s s,5 orlLd.' a s oice r«ang îot. Kalee o rote tbat sboi wants to tollow, in bier clad's fcooîsîeps. 1l1l alwas s love tbe Leats as miv dad will too and l'Il alwavs love mv dad and miss bîmi greaîl>y' Miavbew read. Afier a closing pra> er bs tbe priesi, the casket %vas wbeeled oui of' tbe cburehby bjersev rlad palibearei-s. J ameson dîed April 29 o ben bis canohe o ent oser a 15 foot dam and capsized on tbe G4rand River in Paris, Ont. during a camping trip ssiîb friends. Tbci e ssere fisc 44 anvcs i total and ,;s\cial men2 Utllsiccec'Sslulls aiiiei t0 rescue jamniesln. A 41-s ear-iilc Dundas man also dîed dtr'iiiîg the ailemlpi. Due îo tbe sîrong curreni of tbe waier, ot was a sseek before Jamiesons body was pulled from tbe river afier betng spotted by a family mernber. Jaînieson wil! be bunied in Nova Scoîîa wbere be was bom and bas il brotbers and sisters. Stephanie Thiesseti can bc reached ai stluiessenCa8nniltiincaeîadianchamnîpieincotîî ri il! MIl STANDARD FUTURES5 2M0 Cw Cb Appearaoo. PSI,0 4 Wh"d DIo On R,.d Package 18D Proie"" E06 p.9111 $379981 289* . st AND $ 1 9 00 WORTH 0F EXTRAS ON US. ~44D1 www.richardsonchev.caq 1FOR THE YVU DRIVE IN. STANMAR uREs1 P. Winoaws & LochS * *Dlmalc - ertess Etry * Ar ConnIiDoniig - And-loch CAS oPUnemOu PIpa.E,1 SCOD. II $1 99, 1j~I. 48MONOU 0 DONVIS DO» LU"DPSU 6WY 8L/littKM -42MPO eiff CITY 12.gLIlit6M - 269P 0 oé SiJDFUTURIES * P. WinowSs wAmo6r-volod '48"gelauiMuot OSIOIS domo MOomlasln w/OC - *Pwi 1155 lochs *15"li15." IOSpo Dluim - Reonte. hRyIODO eny wsanos 14wu o-s elt-oc braie * Wr condion T IRi slOUUog vihOol colom AMI/FM :66,00 w/Dtli piloa uoel: soek&sa Y FOR THE HWY: t iL/ilice 4:?MPG mm S YOIJ DRIVE IN. W CITY: 12 6L/litllM - 29MPG am a c7~nciflg c*' 4JiVRIE 11 IL -~er Rd57~9 z: ý[ Find D ur WA hat Y our H om e ollSiÏ tel $n télues$4 a, rt nldd Is Ip'asidutdt hep>chsrt d- 206îv01 rul orteMII qlp11 1ISbôofr pi ûQaý" ttCIIý1 1 o latIerllDae hr is W orth O n-Lino k 4îOSa sseýsi mrec ýycdpo[esý e sCIoa , a,11 "hoytr 'st e fo iarlI oco poe1 e (uGeèI 4frcni,4 e GbrcodrstotS'I ru44~:4 Prudential Town Centre Realty Brokerage Ov4444444484, 1 I'- -flighlightsof Britain- Trip for2 FI11 OUI THIS BALLOT FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! i di lit.11 .ll i111 M(il î.t un or you con enter onine at contesis.nubokuandcom , f Devre a pcmly eece huehio pI 9 ~ Poe MIL ENTRIES TO: Metroo nd (orporoe Sales 10 Tempo Ave, Willowdole, Ontario M21 2N8.,He 2V12 (d illui/i -Io bDook I iI NAMIE ql1. fi 1 trdi brfImiL IdQ l,, dia lune, 1%%, 416-493 1300 ext 335. advertisng@Irve- t.ca PCSTAL CODE TE EPHONE IJMT___ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l !I ,, ...... .o~o f140 rnowo~491D 40640pOD1940001Dsot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- w QUALITI WORLO d' #1 Sam BRM