Court residents realydon't want sidewalk buit Fasken Court residents sign petition to try to stop sidewalk construction A resîdenîs plea foi the Town to cal! off plans to instil a sidewalk on Fasken Court, located south of Main Street jost east of Thonipson Road, provcd unsuccesslol Monday- nigbî. Loreley Braga, representing 24 Easken Cottri residents who signcd a petition, put ber request bcfore the commnuni- ty services committee. She outlined some of the groups con- cemns with the stdewalk and questioned whv its needed in a court. "This is not a continuons street,' she said, noiing thai high volumes of traffi c don't go through a court. Since the sidewalk is slated for the middle of thc court, Braga pointed out that a person would have to cross the street 10 use it, walk in a circle and tben cross the road again to reach their home, creatîng a hazardous situation. Town Director of Engineering Services Paul Cripps explained ifs the Towns current standard to have a sidessalk on one sîde of a court. While a letter froni Braga notes that some courts in the older sections of Milton don't have sidewalks, Cnipps tid The Champion thats hecause tbe standard at the titîe \vould- n't have required then. Ward 4 ( ounicillor \Vcndy Scbati noied ibai il tbere ss cre no sidevalk, cbildrcn s\otild bave c bssalk or ride ibeir hikes on thc road. lui mnind, thai se ouldiit he a salc situation," slic sait!. No co mmiiec rnners put forward a motion regarding the sidewalk. wbicb mecans the original plans are goîng abead. OSH KOSH OLD IVV GDpQp DISNE 4fy 4K t,.DIDN DINEY HILpIQen PLUS MANY MORE DESIGNER NAMES GENTLY USED CLOTHING INFANT TO YOUTH SIZES SPRING & SUMMER SALE CPSt ATINARENA 415 QUEEN STE.,ACTON su..i..ildýv.eýaOsypatc.a (519) 836-8522 rSEIZED - UNPAID - DEFAULTED AIR CARGO CONFISCATED BY FREIGMT WAREHOUSE FOR NON-PAYMENT; IMPORTED JEWELLERY. OVER 100 ITEMS FROM OTHER CONTRACTUAL PARTIES MANY ORDERED TOBSESOL IC By PEE OTEHGHEST BIDD Hsiqe selectson of goid &diannond jewelleey 5 Diamonds R ues rE mseraids Sa pp hire s Taîrvoirite 131I e Topaz Ciii n Ringqv Eams LNew vu Cone 5deitio IMonday May l5th, 2006 Aucion at 7:00 PM. Viewina trom 6:00 M. Park Plaza Hotel & Conference Center 360 Dakvi111e Plac.e Drive Dakvlle The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 12, 2006 - All Councillors taking on deaf challenge oscsI Ocul' loi a Day chlallengec Ti s TucesdlaN 'sVard 2 Cuitcillor Mark( li its andc Ward 4 C ouiicilloi \Vcidy Scbau will have their hcarîng ariificially hlocked andI then coniplce bia- c L ovcrcomec ommunnication b 1ar- rîeîs that ibose who arc deaf, deafcnied and bard of bcaring facc every day. Local rcsiclents can makc a pledgc for the event ai Those caci counicilloi bas to c onpletc. flic Deaf' for a Day event for Pcel/HaltoiilDuffcrin wîll take pîacc ai Erin Milîs fown C entre in Mississauga Monday, May i 5th 2006 at 7:OOpm Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton Proposed constitutional amendmenîs to Section 22f> to enable scheduling of the AGM prior to May 31 st annually are available by contacting Scott Anders at 905-878-8340 or email OPEN POSITIONS V President V lst VP Rep -V 2nd VP House League V Secretary V Directors Nominations for a position on the Board of Directors may be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, prior to the annual general meeting or from the floor during the meeting. Written notification should be addressed to the MMHA Secretary, via mail at PO Box 37, Milton, ON L9T-2Y3 or may be hand defivered f0 the MMHA office in Rink B at the Milton Sports Centre. Hollywood marketers tell us to "Seek the Truth." Pretty good idea. Watcbing movies. Reading novels. Is that how we are supposed to 'seek the truth?' Are we t0 watch and read and then, voila, we have found truth? Is it that easy? Truth. Is it really a fresh discovery revealed in the pages of a fictional best-seller? Has there been a cover-up of biblical proportions? Was there an ancient conspiracy f0 reinvent Jesus Christ? Was Jesus just a man after a!!? Has a best-selling author finally deciphered the frut for all of us? Can we li smiss Jesus once and for ahl? Sundays ait 10:00 arn emnail: off çThe Milton Sports Centre phone: 905-257-3987 a u u rv 605 Santa Maria BIvd. A CanteeV u a He Mcc&5 1 Milton Mn p i M