:~ A The Canadian champion. Friday, Msay 5, 2006 Soniehod.v saiti if fakes about six o'erks ft gef back fa uormal afler van 've had a baby. Sonîehod v dorsu ' kuttu' that ouce van 're ti ,uther unormal is /iisfoirv. Soîuebod -v said vot learu lit', fa e a mofher 6v instinct. Sutuiehutdv nerer flook a fhree-Year ttld shopping. SuonehodY .,aid heiuu< a nitfher i.î htring. Sotîîehtudt' uever rotde if f ca -tr drirru 6v <i feenatger wt/ a drirers prit. Sotîîehtdv saitif tI'tii 'rr a ",guurd" îîît/eî: vu'îur c/uild itilI "f urî <tut goud. " ai Igtaraîttee. Suinehoulcuouul'o gutu" itff'fe' eie i tiue theti MILTON ÀOÇ ;%& Cittl lR(: l llugh FosMer Hallt -13 Brao St. Milton Sat 'tS i a Il abo i 'lo mit 1100 a tut tintsvî Siu FREE BIBLE SCHOOL 1 l l i ui su1 al I 111 I l i, 1 , 71tU 1 IL, il t m tt u " il] [St l' uuju 1uuu ,ust u fik tuf) til t -"t t r iut. ' utuittt.ililuluut all~u l )Lt 't tI [lli )11 grill l ;1 AOhurch for tvaî ttttri. \Mn t&Sprn'- SUNDAY, MAY 7 10:00 AM "ReallInfluenoeand Trua Identaty' Pastor jim Danielson www.thesanctuary.ca/milton Mt905.257.398 Mlon Sports Cente 605 Santa M"i bdv <Denry Rd& west ofHw.) Soîuehody' neyer came ont the bock dcstrju.ît in finie fa see hier chi/d hit a golIf hall through the neighboiir kitc/îen n o'iui. Sousehad -v said vttu doni t need tit edîu'tiu fto 6e a nîothr. Souîrbodlv îeî'er lîelpied afifth-grader ovit/t tis Suuniehtudv said vou cti ' love thle t/îird uliil tas ni a.o t ot e Ittecfirtt. Souîîehutcl due.îî 't v moiî'îure îton utte thi/ld. Soîîîehotdv tatd ti iiof/fer ctfi fiîd /the fl i stititt liei'u'lild'retîrig ques'tiotns. iii tIti botok. S'tiiiehti erer hail tî cliild stuîf/ irtns tîp lii iu laurlt atid dt'livrt st. George's AngIic'an ('huit s 150 Years Join us tbis. rear, in a cefebraiion rf... The prrachilag ofi("'s nord in "hi thn.vi un ihe r'uaorpaenî siatr 1815h. aine and inei us, se witt lie very ptea.ed toi uert yon. REt'TOu Bey Cunon Chartes Masrm Mgy-7th.2016 Services 8:31)arnii iuiuuomunion lttttiau Niuieuine Pays-di tiiuuna'nttt',c ittitt an Holt.imurnnutionin bhluitiinîIRnx 'Nur.eM' nd junior SuniLuv 'uhoot 70151 Giuelph Une ai Derry Road (Tel) 9)05-878-1363 Visit our web vite u,'u.stkeom.estou'iI/e.orn k' Somiehod *v neyer waiched her "baby," ger on te bas for the firsf day of kindergarten. Soniehod -v said a niother can dic>lber job o'th hier eyet closeti and <tne hand tied behind lier hock. Souîehody never orgautzed teten gtggltng girls tof go dorttadcor .telling c>hoc olate'-coverd a/mnouds. Soniebodt, said a mother tan stop worrving allier hier chdld gels niarrieci. Soniebodv doe.tn't know, that niarrtage addt a rien, sttit-laniut,, daughter itî lait foa aiucthr lirtrl.ingt .inehod *v sat a niote 't job is doie ii'hen lber last t'ltld leat'e liani'. Soite/tdv iteter lttd grandchildren. Soinebodt tttjd catir nothr kutotitou lotve lier, so vté doiti 't e î'î utel er11l .S'ttîelîtdv stî a îîotlîeî' Moithers are centralto tahe success tif the taostty unit. Their tttve, dedîcafttîu, and i tsdctm fttch .tîurtltess t ves every day iii every cîtmniunty CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion il1:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett ývitnBiL4ce G()u4rc() G ' . L o i p e o p le . 200 Main Street Sundays at MBC, 9:30 arn & 11:00 arn, Worship Service Children's Ministries Running Concurrently 10:30 arn Coffee & Conversations (We serve Tim Hortons Cottee) Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland A Fellowship Baptist Church throughout aur land. Their tove and guidance ot chitdren hetp ta devetop heatthy and spirituatty sound famities. 1Former U.S. President, John Quiucy Adams, once said, "Att ihai 1 arn my mother made me." Another former Presîdeni, Abrahamn Lincotn, hetieved, "Att thai 1 arn or hope ta be 1 owe ta my auget mother. t cemember my mother's prayers and ihey have atways ftîttowed me. They have ctoug to me att my tîfe." These siaiemenis are jasi as truc lttr cttuuttess indîvîdoats whts credt thetr mothers for hetptng ttî successflty shape ihetr lives. Mother's Day us cttnîng apl Refrnhcbr tî make if specuati Why uoî make ptans ftî take Mottr tt a tocat place otl wtsrship aîtd thetî cetehrate a speciat meat in her hîtuour aftecwards! You can't go wrong in treating Mother right! Service imes andi locatitous are puhttshed tu the Retigitons Direciory hetow ito tsetp you! Submiticd by Rev. D>an Rogge, Pastor of M//tous New Life Church. 9 o.m. - Early Worship Service 9:30 a.m. - Sunday Schoot for Ail Ageu 10:,45 a.m. - Second Worship Service* 'Capijnui fur tteafflHad nf Huanng DO YOU LOVE ME? Sermon Seniea Jeu îa A,îve' 6.30 p.m - Sunday N.ght LIVE Contemporary Fatni/y-Friendy Worahip iYiiM ý ii-jM JACOS HAVE 1 LOVED 905-876-3586 GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E WELCOMES YOU MILTON GOSPEL HALL Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the HilI 170 Main St. E., Milton 306 Ontario St. N. * 878-3873 McDermott 905-878-2411 905-878-6066 10:00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper Rev. Carole Langlotz tnterim Moderator - Rev. Harry Kiassen1:4ar-Sndycho Father Mark Curtis Suppty Minister - Rev. Nader Awad 1:5am udySho Sunday Services Director of Music Ministries - Sonja van de Hoef 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service 8:00 amn - Said Eucharist Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 10:00 amn - Sung Eucharist inctnding Nursery Prayer and Bible Study "Kidu' Spirit" Program Youth SmaII Group (Grades 7-12) 9:1t5 arn foltowed hy coffee hoar Children's Worship (Age 3 -Grade 6) 10:30 arn For the Son of maen lscollne 10:00 amn - Said Eucharist "Growing bogether in the gracre of CI.rùt" Iota hch a o si & Wheelchair Acoess through Parking Lot Wheelchair access and washroorns provtded so that hlwih aiot - www.grncecharchnilton.corn att rnay corne aod worship. Access off Mary Street, Luke 19.10 gRACEWAY CBAPTIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street .âP!i~ 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer Captainîs Crew for Children 4-12 "You'l always find a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybaptist.org LcUV1I3IUîd htuvu tht Spaîts Cetre Pastor Jack Ninaber Romans Bible Study 9:00 arn Connections Café (in the foyer) 10:00 arn Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. "A Community That is Generous" Our final week in our "40 Days of Cornruniiy" stries. www.southsîdemI ton .org î 4ýe Milton Bo hist Church 900 Nipissing Rd. (905) 875-1626 Pastor Gord Rut Iedge Sunday 11:OOam £ryvne >*ekeomeil The Gospel Show Saf. May 6 1:3Upm & Sun. May 7 3pmn Milton's Elvis Tribale Artist Steve Kabakos & Tht St Poul's Choir Songo of Inspiration & a little bit of "rock't'rol" Tickets $25, 905-878-6807 or et tht door Sunday May 7,10:30 arn Worship in Graham Hall supported by music frorn the Worship Band Worship in the Sanctuary guest speaker: Rev. Gaylyn McLean guest choir The Women of Noie Supervised Nursery Care frorn /0. l5arn Church School 'The Peacernake rs' 10:45 arn Gospel Unit for grades 6-8 10:-45 arn Collee & Conversation affer the services 'Mad For Hais' Spring Tea Set. May 13, 2 pmn Rev. ohn BenhmF1 & R. ryH ofsettrnm . e'TO **m*UTDG Someone Said... 1 1 7111Y W-,ý1 rrty)