Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 2006, p. 7

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1'Thè Camadiati Champion. F 3ay. Ma 5, 2ô06-A7 Neighbours' help in safe return of cat Residents up in arms regarding was incredible and much appreciated problems caused by town dump DEAR EDITOR: l'in writing 10 share a good news story wiîh you about some incrediblv caring people i Hawthorne Village. My cat went missing on April 18, and sînce hes an indoor cal and 15 years old 1 was panicked when I couldn't locale bii. FamntlN, friends atnd 1 searchec'i bgh aînd loss lor hîmi for tw o dîy s, but t0 no as ail. I theti createcl posters anti litung cîei p arounid îlîe neigbour- hood. le my surprise, 1 recetveLd a couple of calîs [rom people i îbe communiîv saying that they thoughî they had seen rny cal. However, 1 was still unable îo locate bîîn. One neighbour narned jennifer called to aleri me that she believed Ebony was around ber bouse, and then followed up with me later in the day îo sec if Idfund bim. She was sad to ha ehadn'î been reunited. 1 continued searching every day for him, hoping that he would respond 10 my whisîles and calîs, or maybe even find hus own way borne. Afîer our 13- year fniendship, I was devastated to think that Ibis could be how things would endl. Afier 12 clays of wailîng, wonclcrtng and tncreased sad- ness, I reccivecl a phone caîl oin uts cell phone iromn a lady iainecl Kaîberine, wsho was sure mny cal was .11 ber doo. She was fecdtng bîmi tuna 10 lseep htm close o the blouse, but due to bier allergies she couldu't touch humn or allow him int ber home. And sînce 1 was ouI of1 îown, I was frantic yet stuck. Katberine then contacîed a neigbour named Rbonda, who bas a cal of ber own and agreed t0 take Ebony int ber borne untîl I could gel back 10 town 10 pick brn up. 1 was îbnlled 10 arive at Rhonda's borne and see my old frîend curled Up on Rhondas bed, happy 10 be insîde where he was warrn and cozy for the firsî lime in alrnosî two weeks. 1 thanked Rhonda anti ber family imrnensely, as I was antI stîll arn- so apprecialîve of ibeir caring and genertîsiy. Rhoncla and bier family were modest about the support îhcy provîded, as if it wasn't a big ceal for îhern aI aIl. Hlowever, to nie il was anl ttîcredtble acî of kindness, aîîd cîst gces 10 show you bow self- less people can really be. I'd like bo extend rny îhanks 10 aIl of the callers who contact- ed me about Ebony, and to send an extra special îbank-you 10 Kaîhenne, Rhonda and ber [arn- ily for ensuring Ebonys safe relurn 10 rne. JOANNE JOHNSON BAVERSTOCK CRESCENT School's support for cancer fundraiser was overwhelming and heartwarming DEAR EDITOR: This is a leîîer of tbanks tu Milton and the Holy Rosary Caîbolie Elernentary Sebool cornrunily I began workîng ai Holy Rosary îwo years ago as a grade 8 teacher, and bave corne to undersîand the generosity and kindness of ibis wonderful town. Most recently, during the rnontb of April - mn response 10 Cancer Awareness Montb - we beld a fundraising drive t0 belp support the Canadian Cancer Society. To encourage donations, I decided t0 let tbe ciass Ibat raised the rnos rnoney cul rny bair - bair I'd been growing for two years 10 donate 10 Angel Hair for Kids in Mississauga. Believing the îîînîb uf Apoillo be an ideal trne to do Ibis - and finaîly reacbing the requisîte 10 incbes in lengîb - I had boped 10 raise a few bundred dollars, setîîng wbat I îbougbî was a real- istie goal of $700. To rny arnazernent, tbe students, staff, and parents sîepped up beyond rny wildest expectations. Wbaî arnazed rne rnosî was tbe nurnbcr of stu- dents wbo broughî in their own rnoney - eigbî and nine year olds liîerally breaking their piggy banks for tbis wonderful cause, studenis canvass- îng their neîghbourboods, and more. resulting in everyone fundraising 10 tbe lune of more than $3,000. lrin sirnply blown away. And 10 top il off, in conjuniclion wMth Earth Day, afîer the bair-cuîîîng cerernonies, the sîudents and staff put on îbeîr gloves and grabbed their garbage bags and cleaned up the property surrounding the sebool, under- standing îbaî we can't have bealîhy bodies wîîh- out baving a bealîhy Earîh. So 10 the people of Holy Rosary and Milton, I express rny sîncere gratitude. l'rn proud 10 be a part of thîs cornruniîy and îo be a leacher of your children. l'rn burnbled by your lundness and gen- erosily and tbis wmli nol be forgoîten by rne or rny farnîly You bave once agaîn sbown a willingness 10 set a wonderful example for so rnany otisers. So Milîonians, no wonder your streels are jarnred and you're seeing unprecedenîed growîb, wich rnay be causing a few beadaches - I jusî had 10 gel tbat in - but people wanî 10 be a part of ibis generous, kînd cornrunity, And I don't blarne îbern. Tbank you 10 the students, îhank you 10 tbe parents and îbank von, Milton. JOHN DINNER HOLY ROSARY CATHOUC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 'rime Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted finm past issues of Thse Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miltonk past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provhded to place the situa- tion in context. September 1907 Several complainîs bave been rnade to Thse Champion ibis week about tbe town durnp on the side of the road and bilI near tbe old cerne- îery (Broute St.). Rags and paper fly across tbe road wben the wind blows frous tise nortb-east, frigbîening borses so tisat tiseir drivers find it bard 10 make thiise pass the spot. On account of tise steep iliI and crooked, unfenced track, the place is an awkward and dangerous one for a runaway. A (armer ays that somte tixne ago lie counted aine rolla of putrid bacon there. In short, the dump is a public nuisance for which lise corporation lnay be put on ils defence. Tise town authonties shoulti make arrangements for a cleaning up, a big bonfire heiow tise bull and for strict supervison in the future. Until lately tihe people of Hornby neigbboursood were well satisfied witb tise accommodation given theus by tise *C.PR. Thse Gueiphs speciai stopped there at about 9 a.m. and camred practicaily ail passengers and express parcels for Toronto. Under tise new arrangement this train starts (rom Godencs, reacbes Milton at 10:02 a.m. and does not stop at Hornby Étber going es in tise morning or returning west i tise evening. Homby passengers for tise east can get no train until sisortiy after Il a.m. mnd returning bave to leave Toronto at 4:15 p.m. No express parcels go by any otiser trains. A prominent Hornby mnan was in Milton yesterday te look into tise ternis of the bond given by tise Credit Valley Railway Co. to tise County of Haiton in consideration of tise bonus of $75,00given by thsecounty to tise company. Tise C.ER. baving absorbed tise C.VR. must, it is claimed, carry out tise conditions of tise bond, mnd if these provide for more accommodation aI Hornby than is given, tise county council wiil Time Capsules be asked to take action. Workrnen are busy erecting a building for a large fruit evaporator plant on the east side of Martin Street, opposite MiII Street, for Messrs. Town & Case, of Rose, NY. Thse building wiil be iron clad, 54x36 ft. witb a 12x24 lean-to. Messrs. Town & Case are big operators in fruit drying. They have between 30 and 40 evaporators in thse United States and the one isere wil! make their seventh in Canada. Their plant will be of the most modem kind, ail run by band power, which they pro- fer. They expect to employ about 20 banda bete, men, women and girls. The drying is done by hot air (rom a coke furnace with vezy little danger from fire. Tise evaporator wiil afford a market at (ai prices for ai thse sec- ond class apples or culis grown i tis neighibohood. Messrs. Hollinake & Son have soki out tiseir extensive business in Milton to Messrs. R_ B. Galbraith and A.B. McDougail, wiso wiil continue it under Galbraiths & McDougal. Mr. Hollinrake, senior, was Milton!s sen- ior merchant. He firat openeil bis doors here on Sept. 13, 1860, forty seven years ago tomorrow, succeed- ing Messrs. Hill1 & Bowes in tiir building, wbich at that tim stood back a littie (rom the sWee. After it became bis property Mr Hollinrake enialXed it to its present dimensions. He bas occupied it ever since and bas been one of MiStons most prominent and respected citiens. Chas. Brown of Drumquin sbipped 6,000 pounda of boney (rom Milton Iasî Saturday to G.A. Deadman, Brusseis, Ont. This material is asîembled on l'ehafof the Milton Historcal Society l'y Jim DiUs, who can l'e eached at jdills@idiret.com. mi IL LESA Address 357 Queen St., ACTON Local 519-853-0200 To/i Free 1-866-620-3248 Parts Hotline 519-853-5613 E-mail info@cachillesmazda. ca

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