Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Frlday, May 5, 2006 OPINION Federal budget good for next 2yearsonly Finance Minister Jim Flabertys firsi (onscîvarive budget in more Iban 13 years delîvered Fuesday - was as mucb a political staîcînent as it was a financial Supporîed by a staggering surplus in Ottawa's coffers, Flaherîy was able to accomplisb îwo tbings: Deliver on îwo of Prime Minister Stepben HarperLs election a $1,200pîedges (a one per cent cul in tbe GST rate and parents' allowance for every cbild under Ibe age of six). 2. Give Canadians a taste of wbat to expecî [rom a Conservative govemment. Flabertys budget, unlike previous Liberal ones, deals more witb tbe immediate or near future instead of prom- ising casb for items years down the road. 0f course, with a sbaky minority government under their feet, tbe Conservatives really bad utIle cboice but to table a budget that only has a lifespan of îwo years wben anoîher federal election is anîicipaîed. Saying Canadians pay far 100 much in taxes, Flaberty took steps to Ici taxpayers keep more casb in Ibeir wal jets. This was, for ail intents and purposes, an "clection budget" witb something for almosî everyone [rom stu- dents to small business to the military 10 seniors to the provinces. Unqucsîionably, Canadians will see tax relief witb this budget, and likeîy a little more than they would bave enjoycd under tbe Liberals' proposed budget six monîbs ago. Cntics will argue tbat in order for tbe Conservatives to pay for their largesse in this budget, service cuts will be coming down the road a la former Ontario Premier Mike Harris - Flahertys former boss. With a booming economy, Harper and company bave two ycars 10 figure how 10 improve on this budget. Readers Write Send us vour letters lb rmltonal@haltnnsearch oem or drop them off at 875 Mam St E Response letter simply shameful DEAR EDITOR: I jusi readjan Hapanowtcz's leuer 10 tbe edîtor eniitled 'Region has done lis fair share to make recycling conven- lent'. How dare she attack Catberine Mckinnon for ber opinion on what sbe sees as an important environment issue? McKinnon didn't say that sbe wasn't upset about tbe young man wbo bad been beaten in a Milton park or tbat our troops are figbting in Afgbanistan, or tbat sbe needed some- one to remind ber of ber birtbday On tbat particular day sbe just decided to write a letter to Tbe Cbampion about recycling. And I agree, tbere sbould be weekly recychng pick-up. Tbe letiers section of Ibe Cbampion is one I quite like. I enjoy readîng about wbaî otber Miltonians bave to say However, it sbouldn't become a ground of opportunity for unconsîruc- tive opinion and ridicule. l'm dîsap- pointed wiîb Tbe Cbampion for puli- lisbing sucb a negative letter. SUSAN NAISMITH MILTON ZL~w Q2anabian ~Lijaînpion rit c . t0re spape elS6O 875 Mam St E Ivtilton Ont L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonal Fax. 905 878-4943 Adverîismg Fax: 905-876-2364 Ciassified:905-875-3300 Circulation. 905 878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Heu Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smîth Production Manager Tim Cules Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tort Casas The canaduan Qiampion, pubbihed every Tueuday and Fuday ai 875 Main St E., Milton, Ont, 191 3Z3 (Bas 2481, i ans of lie Melraland Pnnling, Publiîhing & Dislîibuiing Liii. bonimuniiy newîpaperi. i Oieg i aîîepfed on Se cites,, tsar 'n the ci,,? if a 5aPhKatenit5atiinut5eadeOi,,~eiiip,,diS me mineras iee, tigehen nets a teasinaS, aifisani, t,, sqna nieeltnitberhanNdfirbintsebataiitseehes,,,,,eîwtt b, paO fi, an te appteabte aie 15e pebisSe, tenaces Ste ngf n ta cateSini, adsesnseeenis a, deaine CCAB Audiled Recognized for eaieeiiesce by Ontaîno Ciemaan~ty OCfla Newipapens Siieraso, ~ tianadanCommî,aty ~ Neasîpapeis Siiociati, U~pu, Sabaiban Neespaperi ~U if Amenca Aroundtown Let's put dw brakes an drivers who sali don't wear their beits lîs uncomfortable, I forget, the car lias airbaga, uni a careful driver. These are just a few of the excuses people sometimes give for not wearing their seat. belta. Fortunately, as the resuits of a recent seathdî campaign show there are fewer peo- pie than ever before needtessly rîsking iheir lives. But there are sIlil some of you out there. Halton Regional Police conducîed ha Spring Seatbelt Campaîgn froni April 16 to 24. In Milton, 1,652 cars were checked and 20 charges were laid for aduits flot wearing their seatheits. Fortunaîely, only one chatge was laid for achuld flot being strapped in - althougli thaî's stiil one too many Doing very crude calculations, that means approxlmately one in eveiy 83 cars m Milton are cariying adulis who don'î wear their Siiat- belis. If Milton bas a driving-age population of, say, 20,000, that nieans n spealdng 10 spoke with a certain maIe party in our office about 241 of you. who admiîted lie usually doesn'î wear the What are you îhmkmg?? potentially life-saving device. About five years ago, I was lî's flot a question of com- turning lefî alan intersection and fort, lie just doesn'î, lie said, was hit almost bead on by a pick- -, admîtting iî's a bad habit. uptruckthaîranaredbght. "lî'sîoobadweneedalawîo The car was îotaled, but I was proteci us from our own stupid- aIl riglit. I was confused, though, ity, but we do," he said. about why I bad difficulty breath- Unfortunately, even the faci ing afîer the collision. iî's illegal flot 10 dors utile to It wasn'î until the nexi day that convînce some people 10 wear I realized, after Iooking ai a seat- - - . tbeir seaîbelts. beh-shaped bruise running across As a reporter, l've written my body, jusi how forcefully I had been about way 100 many fatalities that coulil cas- thrown against the seatbelt - bence the dif- ily bave been prevented. ficulty breathing. Were it flot for the beli, Let's hope public awareness continues there's no doubt in my mmd I would've been and that ail drivers learn 10 value their lives thrown ilirougli the windshield. - and ibeir families' - enough to buekie Under the condition of anonyrnity, I up. The Canadian Champion is a prend media spensor for ~v, Hai Heaha ~1AN S cge te Fund 0 UNiTiD WAY M 0F MILTOid - TY AUCTiON mOl M ATHENA ~ YYMCA Showcaîe M ilion ~ LAi, ~ GALA ~Award M w

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