The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 5, 2006 - B13 i Neutcd oni i g.iigeius 10 acre pircI. Ibis spa I , citi s 2-uturev 11011iu ou ccitra! air joffrs 41 j t bdrms, 4 ouashrocis. eal n kitchen, main lori I . ~ tmilamî y rOo.n n/fireplacu'. formnat livinîg roîm,1 separaten-l-tngroîrni studio. & partl ini ashed) otUALume7ATu tibm serene ncttiiag. Minutes from Hiîwy. 401. CENTRE Askinig $689.900. Cai Bill Corrie. 905-878-4944. Ieeisyu chance tu, parchane a greai famîiy homoe t in a greai courr niy, in a greai iown. This 4 bdrm thome offeru al the amenlien you are iuoking for tu To osit hy or 0Wim on 4 hedrooms finisbed reç raine ur famip. Waikivg distance tcu schouis, stop- room w lb maîkont. Priunie rear yard. Deck npng, recrealion avd nature traits are unip a few of the feainren you wii enjup wîih ihis home and prop- ooerlookîng the pool. To vîew or for more infor- RV'~ eriy. This ns irnfp a muni nee. For deiailed informa- maion, plense nok for me Stewart Haddon hy MOL". uagy tion , calU toi free, anyfime, 1-866-234-3310 and namne. k.CENTRE eirIO90 f orae rde mensage. Or, btter Clmefor .your pers.ona tur Enpo% the pr vac ad tedorno - 'S breitlukig arsStunuing 5 Bedroom home wi1h elegant double Cozy bungalow on a huge lot ýhr o r Lrone il. tresad .v1d1, righi a -r ..r Conoril cttn ut nnao ih,,t door entrv and loado of feafures large eatin 5OxlSOft with detached garage juat uuîî. ,. ts ,d.1i-hd iS.iI.. aSk icbnat nadadoîot1ey t waiting for the right huver. If you van d[' .o i l,, Soi t ... T o.. pàc',i,hu, fered and vaulled ceilîngs. main flour lamilv whogh.s dhu g.. and ,n -an. 111, ro îihgsfelc n oe atui take on a project this is a great -sk g gge-> hacka .2 iig, 3 ha, . hpric ,alue for 2,580 sq. ft home neith great layout. opportunity for you. Cali Iî3ma or WMaiobbdiis 231th 4it. imi op. t% Cal) Iryna and Nick for pour pri rate riewîng. Nick for details. $159,900. For gour conmmnence we can assist you inu English, Ukrainian, Russian, Greek or Polis/t. PINFS O F ERIN 3 Bedruom Execulîve Bungalow on une of the mont private and pretty iota. 1.71 Acre) In une of the mont prentigiaun neighhuurhoods our fun litIe village han lu offer. Clone bo nchouin. trailn and nhopn. Current ownera have upgraded hoth innide and nul lu meet your very picky standards. Thin hume looks greal from the outaide... but don't junt drive hy... the innide in even hetter! Book a imit. .. Move lu Erin!! \,_MLS # X827630 040-06 This execulive family home is 18 montho old, il is 4 hedroomo, cuotom huilt, and deaigned 10 meet the needs of a busy professional family. Elegant living and din- ing rooms, open concept kitchen and family rooms, main fluor laundry, office, and eoery ruom ns hright and spaciun No need 10 choose upgradeo, lhey have ail heen added! This home ns situaled in Erin lwhere living doesn'I gel any betteri. And the lot hackn 0010 CVA prolected lands. Better than huying new: thîs home han green gruau, paved driveway, heautiful huge deck in the hack and lots of mature trees. This is clearly one of the hent lots, in une of the mont preslîgoun neighhourhoods our Village offers. lBy the way, there in a walkîng palh lu the main otreel ohops and \schools lIlI show youl. MnLS#X877017 Fourth Line South of Sideroad 22 junt where the rond ns lined with 100+ year oid Mapie trees, you wiii find a 1.8 acre building lot. Young trees have heen pianted lu mark the borders and ready for your country home. You nhould nee how pretty pour hack yard couid be! MLS# X829849 Liz Crighton *Sàes Rep.