B8 - The canadian Champion, Friday, May 5, 2006 Pyramid powe in the garden (NO)-Some gardieners think nat under a pyramtd structure. ln fact, some people believe that pyramids are a supernatural source of power and energy. Whether or flot you're a believer, you can put your faith in Scotts Plant Growth Pyramid, an icon designed to remind gardeners of the four simple elements if takes to achieve healfhy growth for plants. Soil: Healthy gardens need soil rich in organic matter with the correct bal- ance of air space, water holding capaci- ty and drainage. Tip for Success: Enhance existing soil with three inches of quality garden soil before planting. This provides an ideal environment for fhe roofs - a good foundafion will help plants get off f0 a great start. Wafer: More than 90 percent of a plants weight is water, s0 if is vital f0 replenish what is losf or used each day, especially during hot summer months. Tip for Success: For best results, water your garden during the morning hours. This helps prevenf evaporafion and ensure the plants get fhe necessary moisture. Be generous; water thorough- ly until the soil is saturated for besf resulfs. Planf Food: As with people, plants require regular feedings for healthy, j - ,ý ,r' I " r T ' Save 1urne, easuiy o two things aït once, feeding while you water with new Miracle-Gro LiquaFeed. This new prod- uct not only makes feeding easy, but if applies plant food evenly at the correct rate. The resulfs are beautiful blooms, lush foliage and a heaithier overaîl appearance for your plants with regular feeding. Sun: Different plant types have dit- ferent lighting requirements ta achieve optimal growth. The best plant in the wrong location is a recipe for frustration - for you and the plant. Tip for Success: For plants requiring partial shade, two f0 three hours of sun each day, look for naturally shady areas such Plant &010t PYraIld as the sides of a home, under big trees and around large evergreens. Be sure f0 look at the tags on the planfs for vifal informafion abouf how much direct sun or shade a specific plant should 0SAVE 2Ou4O0'( 0 FRDM RETAI 0 TO THE PUBLIC SAURA ON Since 1982 SPONDS & WATER FEATURES ý> INTERLOCKING STONE e ~CUSTOM DECK & WOODWORK <> 905 469-0658 www.mraldlandscaping.corn Member of Landscape Ontario More Pond Myths Debunked SWater in the tandscape is a tîfestyte mare and mare people are chaosing every day. Check back each week as we diape some et the cammen myths nurroundieg this Myth 5. To keep fioh, water gardens need to be deep. Fac!. Two ta three feet deep os as good as a mile. rah, includn og hihbernote in ponds just two-teet dteep thsough winters as cold as Mianenata's Zone 4 bone chiliers. A oral circuating agitatar pump and heoter are al yoa need Ftkeeêp a hbreathing hale in the ice and axygesate the water for yaar tsh. Listea to AM900 ~ c~ for mare