j Si Rii)', Ui C-l'îîîî(îi iPrîodis r. 1 tie' 'Vii I î,cili[,rio 1 lieO StP'snitei'iid Oîuiiholiir Wallhouse - Derek and Metanie (e Preston) ut Milton are thritled lu an- nourrie the 0/rth o) their precioxo son Braden David Donald, weîghing 8 pounds at Milton District Hospital on Apnîl 29, 2006 Wetcomed by proud tirot lime grandparents Pam and Neil Preoton and third lime grandparents Chrns and Etten Watlhouoe. Loved by Aunts and Uncles Tara (Juliuo), Michelle (Doug) and Blair (Stephanie) and cousins Mack and Zoey. A speciat thank you ID Dr. Cvetic, Dr. Robinson and the nursing staff at MDH. ELMSLIE/MOORE -Rab Eimslie and Rebecca Moore along with their son Brian, n0w a big broîher, are proud bo an- nouns the birth ut Lola Daisy, 81bs ut Milton District Hospital on Aprît 30, 2006 aI 4:27pm. Granddaughter ai Ano Elm- slie, Bruce and Lîndla Elmotîs, Anne and the lte Dr. Brian Moare, and Great Granddaughter ai Daîsy Brazier. Warmly wnlcomed Sp Set manp Axots, Uncleo and Cousins. SYER, BRUCE AND MARNIE (niell Et- sfey) - are pteased 10 announce the birIS of their daughter toabelle Marilyn, Apnîl $15h, 2006 weighing 615s 2oz. Sis1er for COlos and Benjamin. Proud Grandpar- solo are Ken and Janice Sper & Ken and Marilyn Elsley. Special thanko 10 Dr. Sharma and the wondeniut nursing staff ait Qakvitte Trafalgar Memarial Hospital. Pace youirBaby's Birth Announoemnent in te Milton Candian Champion, and yaj wiIl teceise a voucher for »e Free Oruaie of your Coil 905-878-2341 10 place yout ûrinounweent Coiiiîuitiîrcaîd îiiîg.,ofInpiirtioni Amd aî I iii biIf Roc, anid Roll Satarday May 6th, 2006 7:30 ps.m. Sunday May 7th, 2006 3:00 fi.m. Ticts: $28.009 Disount of $3.08 pe ticket ifysa mention this ad. Catu 905-878-6807 or 905-878-8895 Si. Pl'.,iniîtdlivtot 12.3 Xvlii Smt, iio, ON V,,u- M.uaiiouid -Dehîr O'hiqxnîuvvncptc Y~ HANDBELL ,i CONCERT Sunday, May 7, 200e 7:00 p.m. GRACE ANGLICAN CHUt 31 7 MAIN STREET MI LTON conne lsten teu [nis Misorabvo (îcrvdtov) The Wîzalrd -f 07(nednv Surrey Wîth Tihe Fîîîngi, un I (Oklahromca) Tie Beatnes (oneidiny cxl Boatins' - Chie Bellc uSt Mary i.s the Ti ndeinr MarcS (Soui 10 i, Weil Wîth M y Suui -11 This Train (N"o u pîritsIa) (andixthers) Refresh-ncnns Fron ometS Qiferi CQUN1ipyHFEAPrT * "OP'EN HOU5E' ZéReice;-ýin fr ýlUMMER 5EdiU4ON OF CLAviUEhi 19 Frîday. May t2t/ 19 11:00 AM - 9:00 nIM 9 diatucl May 13t/ 11t00AM - 500 M if C '- Y le* I i.i.u stiripr - thaiv ,rc,,ty iri & cia Ai .c..y a 3ooô Iclo,,i o-O vxivaraîir>.,c.p & -Vendu, hipave Ava/talie- qVVVVV1919luffv « IIv f ~a Ls &Fud LOST On Westnnsday May 3ru in the nvenîng my son's biankel teîl ouI of oui rstrotter. Ils Red, B/un and Yn/ioc cilS tnddy heurs dressed up as lîremen, police uffi- cnrs, paramedios and army men. This Sianket means a lot lu oui 3 and a hall year uld and il anyone Sas bound il outd pou p/nase gins us a cati. 905-699-8289 and seans a message. FOUND House keyo near Houson Drive, -Jam iaîca Country ~m 'r noorie ecain SOS- Comri5Cvorits e Comio Crins 693-1$60. SENIORS ACCESS TO SERVICES M IN THE COMMUNITV MAY the Saored Heat ut Jesus Se adorsd,' The Seniors Acceas Project Téamt is glorîtîed, boned & pre- hasling an information session on Tues- Onmsed thrxughout the day, May 9th, 2006 tram Noon to 1 :3Opm wxtld, nom and torneer. at the Hugh Foster Hait, 54 Brown Street O $acrnd Heatt ut Je- n Milton. A tight lunch wili be snrnnd. sus. rap toruts. St. Thn session wili be an OPPortunity Seniors Jude. Worknr ut Mira- ta ohare noperiences on iinding informa- oies prap for us. Heipet tian on cammunily services (transporta- ut the Hopeleos, prap fortus. 1 Nnes MILTON tîve in caregîn- et nsednd for t chitd, 6prs, cati 416-999-4320 or fax tesume lx 905- 791-5930. LOVING, fun, ne tionai home. Exc reterences. Fîrst CFR. Non-sm: Police/C.A.S. ch Laurne 1905) 875-22 HOME dapoare avaîlable. Ages 2 Regîstnrnd. Fîrst CPRý Kelly 905 1560 kharrîsun@î LOVING motheri offerîng chîldoare i hm.FTaaâJne, tOmths-4yrs. tant & Chiud CPIR, ment Pulice cI hea/thy snacks lunches, soke home. Commercia & Kingswap Pl., crscnt, watkîng tance 10 J.M. De $00001. Cati Cia @ 905-878-8165. LIVE It Nec hea ceineso magi 250,000 copies. effective directoty cord adls. Cai to bok fut the Jone i 416-493-1300 ext. 2 WASHER/ DRVEI $500 Fantastîc oc lion! Cunter-Top doubln/staîn/ess sînk - Seot offer. 878-7056. EVERYONE'S liont 99 cnîs/d Inclre' vs nyiahinu hou neou FOEE PvinerScuîînnî /.vyiei, FREE Sontware 17/ ivrciy Floi Montre,î Winuvows Xi' ('Bank Aci Onu - Eag 1 - 860-431-«14 Mwt NOKIA ce/t phone cilS 905 h $30-00 airrîmno. Nec KieSfer Engtîsh Saddin 16"ý Leather Breast Collai. Rîdîng chaps, aduît SMal. 5 19-856-1îlot VENDtNG machine, 28 stut snack machine, t5 large, 9 Smi,4 ad cîth a tuoî mca nîsm, reqoîres Iront plexi glass & lock. r $500. 080 905-875- 017e MOVtNG SALE Mahogany Wall unîts t bar $500 ob50 Etnctrîc Fîrepiace watt unit. W/ accessorîns. I/vony cotour) $t150, 4blîzzak sou tires frum a Grand Caravan. nec condition, 16 inch rîms. lModnl#W550) $200ý Large dark pîne dînîng RCH rmomt table, buffet and hutoh $800 050. Double pull out couch, beige - lie lu a good home In Cai 905-469-4372 hît,) COUCH for sale 3-seater, green and white, goud condition, $300 obo. 905-864- 7329, BLADE ($50.) &52 FodL antraclor 100 engîne -$20.î Crib, w hite, used, cilS mat- II moes Igreat shape) $60ý Cati 905-690- 7597 aller 5:3Opm, le A dînîng rontm cherry- V cod double pedesta Vtable, 8 chairs, Suffet, f# hutch, dovetal con- ## structîn Nec st11 In Sbuses, Cost $1t000 'Sacrifice $2600, 9050 V567-9459. WA King Pilowtop Mat- treus Set. Nec in p/as- tic. Cool $1600. sel/tut ar $450. 905-567-9459. bis duca- BE0, Amazing bargan. n/lent qunen onthopedic yîi- Aud loctue set new in plas- okîng tic, carranty $250 9050 ecks. 567-4042 cull delîver. 62ý OEDROOM Cherry- spots cod. Bnd, chest, & up dresser, 2 nîghtstands. Aîd/ Duneal Construction. -693- Neyer opened CosI toge- $6.000, Sacrifice $t1,900. 905-567-4042 In 2, CARPET t have severa te i 1.000 yards ut nec Staîn In- Master & 1 003% nylon car- car- pet. Will do liing ruom & neck, hall toi $389. toctudes car- ad pet, pad & installation (30 ane yards) Steve, 905-633- 1 t 819 qit 89 quiet HTTu Sa)Cv dies bs HOT e Tbes (Spa y Aier ois hpes e & pncBotuat. ail tisa 6ha585-c005s6 at t - ccctheconerguy.ca e POND Supplies. aerators, It & tountains, blue dpe etc. bine. Stoking spcil8" Rain- ado, 100). More specials & xy to prions 519-833-2559 -sue ww.sercreekponds.com 76 POND Suppisae- tors, lounaîns, bluie dpe, etc. STOCKING - SPECAL 8- RAIN- R - 9W TROUT .99 (min. ondi- 100). MORE SF6- cdth CIALS & PRICES steel (519)833-2559 wmcudv- 905- sotcee pQnds.com t 1 c 0 2 A c 4 a Only $9.900. Andmurr Holdings, Georgetown. 905-877-3839 or cel 905-873-3776. CARS & Trucks canled lot crecking, Scrap metal in quantty. Free tucîng. Cash toi somne. Prompt service. Cati Je9f 905-854-5182. Eýk o ale 1994 Ford Explorer, dark green/grey mInen- or, dleani insîde/out 218,000/ kms, $1800. i 080 as ix, passed Emîssions 905-693-t1593/416-809- 1185, iNa16 Finding a great job was s0 easy. Just open ïý "( l classified section is ail it took. Phone 905-878-2341 or email: classified@ miltoncanadianchampion.com Q~9 whc.va lian, meais-on-wenes, etc.); pronton ad- vice an how thn senior cao stîminats bar- riers: and how ta addrnss information and internat need for seniors, To regîstet, please cati 416-352-5512 and isavea message or visit our web site ait http://s- niotacneosproîect.dsskdatacentrn.cam ion additîonal information. Ile look iorwatd toi sening youl The Canadian Champion, Friday May 05, 2006 - 23 IM Atis Waned =e Car Tanng MerTree ining 1 1 e r eeaining IL QD 0 K 1r7rIFçnoC'r-y-i ~~t - rr oi~~ t> &~.îeur-ours Appreiittîcesrsp in the i rades Chgines Roa onday to Friday Horticulture/Landscaping Doulton, Scarosi, 9 arn to 5 prn Monday Ma y 8, 6:OO-8:OOpml Glass, Potery, Etc, Estate Specialisîs ' Cai4 .VFIA Top Cash. Cai 6'i the~ IIVCA John/ Tracy 905- e ~ in Burlington @905-681-1140 331 247Y to register BEST Ca$h. We buyil al. h Antique tornishings, Royal Doslton, Hummel, Moor- croit, dinnerware, crystal, silver, docks, miitary items. Partial/ tult estates.11IITJ Ed, 905-634-6300 i 11R ppis Ou r Mission ..To pro vide leadership in promoting the weiI.being of ng the business community of Milton. LABRADOR Retriever Thn MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE, a not-fur-prohit urganîzation popo CKC Registnred. s Iunking for a top qualty, fltlime permanent indînîdual lorth1e fol/ncîng 1si Vaccination and position: micruchip. $600/each, Cai Jenniter 905-876- PROGRAM / COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 1218. The successot candidate must be a pulished, flexihle, sett-motînated indîvîduat wîth superi communication, interpersonta and lime management skitts. You have 5 plus years ot retated experienice in Sae a simitar rote, and excellent MS Office skilîs Including PowerPoint. 2005GMC immymd. Reports tu and coîks dîrecty with the Eoecutîne Itirector 2-dr.5sd /C myrd ullm position respousible for oordination ofail Chamber rouI, îackd 44C CD.k prugrams, enents and cummittees încludîng scheduling, agenda Aosofngrk $400 005- pîepaîatiun, îecuîdîng secietary, distribution and to/toc-up, 864i 6663 .90 95- lindivîdual must be pînticient on Microsoft Office pruducto, database 864-8863.management (Maximizer), Internet software and cebste programmîng. Mut be a oeIlf-starter, en/ny a fast paced office ennîroment, be abIe HAYDIENS IN to muti-task and work lu, deadtînes with lImited superision, ABERFOYLE Excellent oral and critten communicatin and techuica sklls 519-763-1233 Must Se resu/to oriented, hîghty mutinated and pusseos interpersoua Family owned & and prubtem-sutng skl/s. opertedfor 2 yars Must Se anaitabte toi eary morng meetings and aller huis enents. 8 mintes ort2 ofar Kocedge ut the Milton business communWy a delînîte asset. 401 et exit 299 in Aberfoyle. A competitiee compensation plan is being offered, atong with the opportanty ta mark within an organization that highty values lta 2003 FORD members, volunteers, employees, and is oserat a terrific place ta WINDSTAR SPORT, mark. entertainiment unit, rear air, floup /uaded cilS Ptease send your resamne toi. tactory carauty, Sandy Martin, Executiee Director, 7600 kmsMilton Chamber of Commerce, $14400 s 251 Main Street E, Suite 104, Milton, ON LOT 1iPl 2003 FORD Or entait: resames@chambermitton.on.ca FOCUS SE, ioaded, 53000 kirs. Deadtine for reauimea sa May 12, 2006. Stt.9.0 Ou/y indinîduals selected toi an interview cii Se contacted. Thank yuu for 2003 FORD F150 XLT, yo trs super cab ded. 4.6L V8 $2kge 09000 kms pakae20309500 kmsier 1 Careers Corners 2003 FORD F150 XLT, super cab XTR pack- age, 4.6L V8 ioaded. 53000 koîs. 5000+ CAREERS $t8,995 00 Unlimited Possibilities 1991 BMW 3t8i. This IS ,,fnrs y.., 5000+ pcrntiat --sor, Ctaosic ions Weil. Beot ancuture andiatnd o eoe auid ,,,,iitnd offer close lu $2,000. pcssbiliti fo ,.-cith in crne cf thn homoS and Cai 905-677-5436, it Cad, c .asat-tic..cot ..dn, the Say. Znltnîc. Hcmne O,,thtte,,, Ono,5nnî Omp.t t000 Iiîepîd, 6 cpi. mnamun Nec tires. Certilied/emîssions. $4.500. Cai 905-873- i l s DAY, EVENING. WEEKEND and 2005 Pontiac Montana OVERNIGHT STAFF SVO. 7-yussnnge ex- 5iOi,t orcainirnilit ,h orne ofteconr nnded van. As new bn, cultures ioi ,Ittvat,ng gioeai,vpl Wn ille, tnty i 600kms and tul- r.optie oinia.ci.lhi -,Ilî hiou- y nquîyynd.no, Drivei, ..i ieý. x,,catn acxd, :lnan/certitind cîth lots e, cant auicg bnînt plan irviuorng dîncoc, t carranîy. Onty ai at ilb /4v tcrn. aria iirnaticn Utîcciate it9900Be ie Club -acîn,,rco dri ct oin irta,, /002 Pontiac Grand 0vcairancon M. 4-door. pertnct ia, pl , hspstt aousoe ondition. Oniy v cokcon i lc iii ., îutomatîc, A/C and Geoucito vs ciG an2 nuch more! Cer- WhOic yo, -t Io uo vvoc ai ail the -dcorin tv.>.c lfied/Dr/oc 'tCleacd iuixgra ce cili.,t.ds,bcvi,,1.iî ML