r 22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday May 05, 2006 1-BEDROOM apari- meut in historie bail/o- ing, domntomn Govrge- ssissldoo Hydîn entra. No smoking. Pîrslast. $895/month. Cail 905- 877-5495. AC-TON t-be/oroom ando 2-betiroom apart- menlu anailahie Jane tut. $790 and $890/ monih ail inclu- sive. Cal] 519-853- 3309. ACTON 2 plus be/o- roims louateo ou Main Street. $85oimosîh su- clunive. Avaiabie sm- medsatey. Nu smok- ingipeis preierreo. Coul 416-898-0929. ACT-ON 2-be/om apariment Avaîlabie May tnt. 200 Churchill Ruao. South. Nu pets. Cati 519-853-0087. BACHELOR aparimeni un humse iarm, Suuth Adtos area. Working te- maie preierreo. $6OO/m onth iirsl/last. St19-853-9979. ELEAN, mature bane- ment apariment. Park- isgslaunory Janv itt S950/month plus t13 atllîles. Cai 416-727- 6454 GEORGETOWN 1 beo ruom basement apari- ment. nemiy finisseo kîtchen an/o bathý S795/montS plus utîlîlses. Close lu shop- ping. Firsi/Laut. Cail 905-877-7451 G -EORGETOWN t- be/oum basement apariment. $800îmosv, inclusive. Separate en- trance, sear GO Sta- tion Incu/oes fis/geisiove. No smok- ingipein Pîirstlast/refer- ences. Cali for auailabiiy. Saîta single lemale. Cali Bres/ou MacDoua/o 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN t- be/oroom basement apartment, $800/month inclusive, Separale ehu transe. sear GO Sta- tion. Includes Irs/oge/stove, No omous- tng/pets. Firstslastsrvier- ences. Casi for ooailabiiity. Suis s'ngle persun. Cali Brenda MacDonal/o 905-877- 5165. GEORGETOWN t- be/oum basement apartmenî, $800,smonth inclusive. Pîrupilast. No smoking/pets. Wsii suit single persun. 905-873- 4060 GEORGETOWN t- be/oroomi 2-bedroom apartmenls. $795/ montS ano $895: month. Avaîlubie îmme/oîately. Incia/oes Seuls Sparo/ cable. Parking extra. Cai 905-873-6284. GEO1RGETOWN J- bedroum $885,montrs a',lies încluoeo f-bed- room $640 menru utlisses inciuded Firut, aur Prefer no rm.kiflg pers. Cal, 905- 873-3063 aller 6:OOum. GEORGETOWN 2- becroom apaslnreul Abeee shup un Main Streer. S850 monlh paus hyuru. 905-565- 0033 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom. lower leuel apairmeul. Pr,îvate iaesuury. separate en- '-onice, parking Prefer no pels.smoksing Jane f5t Sf$850!mouth pieus K15-873-8609 MILTON large boue- menr apl Prefer n0 smoking ne pets. Sep Outrance. Fîrepiace. iaun/ory $900/mIS (negorsabiel. Avaîlabie smme/osateiy, 905-876- 2032. buil/oing. 10x14 baicu- ny. gan lirepiace, A/C, /osshwasher, 2-bath- ruomu, parking. Heait water inciu/oeo Sy/o entra $1.2001 montS, firsû aest AoaiabIe June lot. Nu seuking/og Cail 905-877-5495 aller S QOpus BEAUTIFUL t -peur nec 4-be/orooe. 3- bathroom house in Mii- ton. Aoaîiable June ltI $t67SîmîS. Cail (905) 875-4125. MILTON 2-be/oroomt main fluor bouse. Huge backyaro Appliances. Quiet nesghbuuruo/od Close lu 401, $1100 + utllîies. Avaîlabie Jue lit 905-876-4776 ieaue message. MILTON /5/-be/orooms Home office. large famîiy kilchen. iamsiy room, living montm 3- car garage, Spacînus groun/os, Waling /ois- lance lu /oucntucn. $tS00/mtS + utîlîties. t1-800-399-3774 i/ou/i or 905-278-2248 (este- ring). QUIET DOWNTOWN Milton 2-be/oom, 2- bath nemi. Gourmet isitchen. monod fluors, large yaro plus porches, parking, laun- /ory, utîlîlses înciuoeo $tSOOimth. /905/ 691- 8246ý 2-BDRM mais iloor of Souse. centrai el/o Mii- ton SIOSOîmIS indlu- sive, Prefer no pets/nio smoking, 905-875- 067& MILTON 3-b/orm nouse, air/gas FP -aaiabie June ItI Nemiy reno- oated. 5l/oS0/mîh e i stlast. 905-878-7860 BUNGALOW for rent, Aoaîlabie Jane lt su Gies Wsllîms. $1,200/montS plus ufiîtîes. Cali 905-867- t1764. GEORGETOWN 2. 3- be/oroom bungalows. Upper leuel t -be/oroom basement apartmeul Avaiabie Jane tst/July lot. No pets/smoki'ng Pîrstlsiretervuces. Cal 905-877-9368, GEORGETOWN 3- be/oroom hou se on quilet court. Stepo lu park. Close lu ochools Avasiable Jane. S1.495/ moulu. Psrsl, last. Ne polo, Non- sokers. References pieuse 905-677-3661 SPACIOUS 3-be/oroomn heuse for renI Close le sehoer Poopltai Waik- eut oltcuen bosement Ceramic, carpor lureughuul AiC. gar- age. 5-oppisances Ask- ina Sf 250 meuru FirOI tast. P ease casi Jahn 416i-576-2081 wokal1 90.7824 Pools & SSupplies KAYAK POOLS 12' x 20' Pools Starting ai $5,995u1 1.800.668.7564 905.764.0161 wuw.a,aakpools. ca Jeames Street, Milton (905) 878-2669 an Thursoey May 4 tram 2-4 eno 7-9 p.m. A fanerel service miii be helo in the chepel on Frîday ait 10 e.m. Iniereent, Carlisle Unitedo Church Ceeetery. As expressions ai syepahy, donations 10 the Milton Dis- trict Hospitl Faundaion maulo Be appre- ciateo. Speciel Thanits 10 the doclars ano nurses ai Milias Hospitl for iheir care. J XTER1 MILTON 3-b/orm tocs- huse, avasiabie Jase 1ti $1350/ mIS e utliis. 6et Chu/os Dr. 905-844-4202 ulter Spe. BRAND Nec Eaecutîo Tuwn home in Lukeshe Wuoos aoasiabie June t. Great location neas Barinaki 06W, calikng /oistance ru the lukse. 3 bl/o- - ruui, 2.5 bath, tîrepluce har/oo/, ulate & apgrao eo foulures throughuut. $1800 pet montS plus utls- lies. 905-547-3168 OAKVILLE~ 364 beo- rous tocnbouses avail abie Imme/iutey lSrugh Juiy ItI 4 applsances. Hope/oule Mali area Lakeshore Management 905-676-3336 IELCOMLisI* "*Newîin town? " Gellîng marrîed in 3 months or more9 " Havîng a baby? * Establîshing a new business? Please cali lis Community Welcome Doris 905-332-4799 Mag/oa 905-699-t1248 Baby Wolcome Michel 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Laurie 905-878-0126 Bus/Prof Welcome Laurie 905-878-01261 Hou8seWanted HOUSE WANTED Lo- cal famiiy nee/os tentai hoassng appron t year wsth fenceo yardo mithîn urea oh Broute. Steeues. Ontario, Derry (Milon) prefetabiy milS 3e BiR. appuiances ano Otot- age/gurage for June t. Pieuse catiu 416-704- 7606. References aoasuabie. ~md lon SHAREO accommo/oa- lion. prefer no smoue sng/ no oets. $125/ weekuy ls last, parking auailab/e. 905- 699-9960 Heather Mati <Thompson) Passeo amay abter a ieugthy ilinese May 3. 2006 ut Joseph Brant Memorîi Hospi- tal ait the age ai 58. Beioe/ m/le ah Jerry Dates as/o the laite Walter Large. Lau/sp Mother ta Bull /Deb/. Tracep (Mute), Pal (M/chelle). Ranoy Tisa (Jaosh/ Shason uCanosceu an/o Dar (Jeffu. Loîng Crand- mather to Pick (Duansu, Tyler. L/a, Sam ano Kalse ano Great Gras/other ta, Bran/os an/o Nicole. Suoter ta Daratby (Paul/ ano the laite George McWilliams PRilai Farmy as/o hrîen/oo are invite o l uist uit J. Scatt Earlp Fuserai Home an Frî/oay May 5th 3-Spm as/o 7-9pm, The funvual serv/ce m/il Be Selo un the Fusera Hamne Chapel on Saturoay May 015 uit lPM. Our uscere thant pou gees 10 the nursing staff and reopsratory techsucîas ut Joseph Bruni Memorsal Hospital for theur belp as/o cure of ouî Moîber /oarîng Ibis dufficuit lime, She muill Be misseo Bp ail cho ksem ber. Suhelia Mahassen Armaly (nee Farah) Passed away suddenip an Tuesday, May 2, 2006 ai the age of 54. Beioved wife ai Eiias Armay. Laving moiher ai her cho- dren, Rami, Raed and Raneen. She is alsa survsved by her bereaved moiher, Yvonne Farah ai Dundes, her sisier Alice Jadon ai Ottawa and her brothers Azmi ai Taronto and Joseph and Suhei Farah all ai Dundas. In. 1981 Mrs Armaiy th her broiher Jaseph Farah apened the firsi chain ai Farah Foadmnari Canvenience stores in the Hamilton area, which have been develaped sala the largestisndepen- dent chatn ai conventence stores in the province ai Ontaria under the banners ai Farah Foads, Hasiy Markts and Mini Maris. Visiatian was heid ai BAY GAR- DENS FUNERAL HOME, 1010 Bofanica Drive, (neni fa the Rayai Bafanscai Gar- dens) BURLINGTON (905-527-0405) an Thursday. May 4, iram 7-9 p.m. Punera Servsce mas heid lait the St. Naum Mace- dansan Church, 1150 Stane Church Rad East, Hamsilton, an Frsday May 5ih, 2006 ait 1l a. m. She mas lid la, rest ai the Maunt Hamsiltan Cemeiery an Hwy 53 ano Upper Welisngtan Street. Hamsiltan. For ihase who wssh, sn lieu ai iiawers, doa- ions ta the Canaosas Cancer Socseiy mili be greaily apprecsaieo by the iamsiy. Prayera were be/o ai the Funerai Home an Thursday evensng ait 7 p.m. Please sign the Book of Condlolence ai baygardlents.ca or you may email the iamily at: baygardens@cogeco.net URBAN, Pelagia (Pela) - Peaceiuiiy ait her home in Mitan an Wednesdlay May 3, 2006. Beioveo mue ai Chester. Dear maiher ai Nschoias and hss ie Doraihea and John and his mufe Heaiher. Prouo grandmalher oi Jaime. Jensifer, Shannon and Andrem. Sur-vsved by her Wmn ssier Marsa ai Polanci She wsii be sadiy misseo bp many iamsiy members, fiends ano 90/o nesghbaura. A Mass ai Chrss- tias Bursa mas heid ait Haiy Rasary Parssh an Frs/oay May 5, 2006. The Urban iamsiy mîshes ta express aur heatfeli thanks ta aur famsiy. fien/os and nesghBaurs mha were so heipfu arsd ssppartoe dursng aur tsmv ai sadness In sies ai fiamers. dosa- tions la the Miton Distrsct Haspital Fous- dation mauid be apprecsated, a ana~.. anm ancert Soc5t~,t.tiety are deeply appreciated. Car o h anks CaI f Thanks THE FAMILY 0F Lloyd Coulson wish ro5 s- ressa sincere thanit you tsi rueresor for yssur [un and support during titis diffiuls sime. Tharsi yssu to our relaties, frienils, neighbours aund consortors for pisur expressions of sympa- thy flowers ando food, Speesal thanks tothie staff ai J. Scotst Early Foreai Home for yssur gusidance andi support and/ tss Rer. Cerey Hoff- stetler for the lovs'ly service, The lunciteon sop- plieo by (bris andi Gord Hatris mas sirf mutch appreesated. We als srish toonteni a thank s our ro rite staff as Milton District Hospitl flic shesr are osfllsyd in tihe last 2 ues. judy, Ber, Jane, GeraU< Gary, Nas-y and Familis MATZ: Murilyn lata & lsui Ctttell woolsi ites to epte% shit %ccr rasi " ldr t he sa/f as Milt1on lisem H-ir, ta i alt is , rtse m oderful peol p i 1l ( i' Aý oxpte s (A ssssripatlssý J sasin s \isisn% saiues ie d it Miotistis Hospsia h unlrds ss)Lld le eapre.sstr/o JSCOTT LAR U Evnt Con g Events rTHE MAY COURT CLUB 0F OAKVILLE 9th ART AND ARTISANS BY THE LAKE Sait. May 6 & Sun. May 71 10 arn f0 4 prn APPLEBY ARENA 540 Lekeshore Road West PROCEEDS TO BREAST CANCER SUPPORT SERVICES THE HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE dR mQiN $4.O OO b at. June 17, 2006 I4pm - Midnight Milton Leion (Cash Bar) ALL PAS-T& PRESENT ~r am W~In eoriam RESIDENTS WELCOME! INFO/RSVP Elise (Lister) Bryck 905.469.1816 ebrycit@coeca ca OR Ellvs Lister Ast/ 905.465.3574 îevensngs unîpî Ris/rt C aduli eiies@acb.ca 1ubliccNotices PubiNo ices se)d iisiilis 'Make this Mother*s Day h ~.se0ieooUî i~iiSpecial ifs i/s he bâsisehi Place a greeting in <aur classifleds. l s- irirdkiieti ,11lis ,sval, triL'i' .' 'tir\si \sse iiis s i'piI an i 11, i llâiil fliih eeti h hi%, ir ries siiieeiiti iri ildii iiii îl5issui sisnie i,0, loi isslis.i Ious losstsig li/c IthsVlls %sar messe c iti appear l-ri/oat, %lac, 12th leltv/ ill/sipnirufv Fao phone orn e-ma, your messageeîeîstee aaqress 0e/cml In Ioving memoryaof a dear Maîher mhaun p sse waoa Lh arn iss wyon Apsil 30. 1966. Her memaory is ose keepsake wsth mhsch wevii nouer part. Gad has her in Hîs keepisg. We have her sn aur hear. Lovingly remembered by The Canadien Champion Son. 5ev and Daughter, Connie. Phone: 905-878-2341 -Fax: 905-876-2364 emais ciassnaied@miheoncanadiamhampin am FlasiFene M FrRn etsDah n et ernorîarrj In Mor iam GEORGETOWN, quiet MILTON 3-bm b/oe na Wilama I DW : i gn e iiDrdDsi mature nesghbourhoo/o honse, S appl COULSON, Elvin Wlim-Peaceifuiiy ai I N: lvn enr fDvdDin Clear- 2-be/oom base- 5i2)ý m Milton District Hospital au Mondap May f " i /5 i se s.seoosl.i soie iviuiiîsi. rallies oi hsefiea a5i/d Hep ofiiss May 15th, shareo faunim- _______ Miltas, Bannie ano Walter ai Mîssîssauga, muniad9u /ory Yaro, puni ano MILTON ionshouse 3- Betty Jane and Archie ai Htaliand Centre, silurage. Reterences. be/ouu, 2-app - Maryanne ai Campbelviile and Orlo ano Cail 416-707-6272. $1300: miS, tust & last, Debbie ai Campbelviile. Braîher ai Del- I eoim ntefr L -ARGE 2-be/orooe plusuatîlîlses. Availabie mar ai Kiibri/oe, Donnie ai Milon, and theofdntnsoTh aparimeni, Doninan Juiy iti Cail Daoe le Ivan. Friends miii be received ai the '.--.. 0.s,- Georgetowr in historic 905-878-5444. J. SCOTT EARI V FliMpRAt HOME 'Dl HANNANT: Ellent Grace (nee Clemeni) June 20, 1906 - April 30, 2006 Il is mih greal sarrom ano grief ihat me annausce the su/oidest passing of Elles Grace Hannani. Surviveo by her sas John Stuart Hannani (Lucy) ano her daughter Nancy Lais Thoapsas (Joie). Lovssg Gran/omother ai Monica. Norma, Scott. Mark ano Shelley. Greai grand- maiher ai Juia, Kara, Nschaias. William, Megan, MacKenzse ano Madalyns. Elles mas predeceaseo by her husband Jack Hannant ano her parents Thsrzs an/o Hen- ry Ciemeni ano her braihers an/o susters. Ethel, Vers, Boyne, Babe ano Ken. Pries/os miii Be receuveo aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME. 21 James Street, Milon 905-878-2669 an Fru/osy, May Sih irom 6-9 p.m. A FuseraI Service miii Be heu/o on Saturosy. May Sih hrom the Fuserai Home Chapel ut 11:OC a.me Cremauon To ioliam. Isterment ut Eoer- green Cemeiery on a laler date, As ex- pressions ah uympathy dosaians ta the Casaosas Duaitees Association mauld Be apprecîated, J.,' SC T EA 1 1, lo r)ýîace a- i-,ri 905.878.2341