The Canadian Champion, Frîday May 05, 2006 - 21 * r1 ~ F~T~1TV±! [.~i i ~ ~ INDEX: eReal Estate 100-135 * Business 140-169 Rentais 110-196 * Leisuoe 200-239 * Community 240-299v -- Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: e Merchandîse 300-385 * Auto 400-470 * Help Wanted 50O-51~ Mon. to FÀ. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.ha~onseamh com For CIRCULATION cali: 905-818-5941 BIRTHDAY c, ~~~11-2~r1 Lots 0f love Mommy DoOOy Qi ENGAGEMENT -.------ Congratulaîjo 4 Robert & Jackee (M Angelo & Debbîe Coîrone o! Millon and ohn & Norreen OBrien o! Cambridge are pleased to announce the engagement o! Iheir chîldren Robert & Jachie Wedding 10 take place May 12, 2007. ~~or Sale SELLERS Find Oui Whal 111e Home Down 15e Sîreel Sold For. VIsil www, hallonhomesînlocom MILTON PREMIUM LOT -. Maaamy Btyanl 8 mddel. Only 1-pr old, 3-bedroom, 1.5 bath, includes: olain- leso appliances, alarm system, AIC, and many more upgrades. Gar- gecas vîew 0f escarp- ment f rom back Win- dows. OPEN HOUSE Sal. May 81h and 71h Noon-Spa. 816 McKay Creaceni Caîl Ryan 1-416-907-4470 for delaUs, \' BIRTHDAY ~ OPEN HOUSE for Myrtie Stokes Happy 85v" Birthday '~ ~ Sunday, May 7, 2006 nthd Allendale Auditorium Best Wishes OnIy ENGAGEMENT Susan Thomas and Rob Croazen announce Ihe engagement of their son, David James Gilman, to Joanne Elisabeth Snyder daughter of James and Deborah Snyder o) Belleville, ~Weddingplanned for faîl 2007, ~3~For Sale 29 Essenlial lips Thai Get Homes Sold Fast (And For Top Dollar) Cail to order your FR66 Special Report from Am~&Darryl Royal LePage Meadowlowne (900)399-3230 Eau 1014 ~Housas OPEN HOUSE 215 Ounen Sîreef Rockwoad 4 LEVEL BACKSPLIT FOR TI-IE FAMILY Sel, May6 3pm - 4pm Come sen this 4-level backsplit for 15e family needîng 4+ bedroomo, nec. room Suants large windows and corner fîreplace, Sobbylol wOrkshOp un 415 levaI Attractive setlîng n quiet, malure area $269.000. Peter Ellîs, Broker, 519-780-2821 - Peler J Ellis Real Es- tale Lld. ~iesaîa~j GEORGETOWN large 2 bedroom apartmenl small quiet building. Walking distance lu maIl Avaîlable June loI. No pets. Caîl 505- 877-2651 aller 4:OOpm (o p)ace your ad n cou 905.878.2341 MILTON - immaculate 2-bdrm condo wilS a NOrIS CasI ciew. f5- dadas central cas, en- suite sîcrage, 6 appli- anses, 2 bath, locker, 2 parking, ail window coveringo, asking $253800. For delails cai 905-683-0038. ENGAGEMENT -,~ y Betlyanne and Talion MacDonald, nI Orlon, are delighted 10 ansousce Ihe engagement ol their son Michael 10 Pamela Hais, nI Ollawa. The wedding s in Canlley, Quebec on Auguol 191h, 2006. ~ ENGAGEMENT 0b9 Rus & Nancy NealS cf Millon are prood lu anocuoce 15e engagement ci themr daoghler Christine Elizabeth to -a Steplane Eugene Ford, Son cf Diane Seamard cI Oakvitte aod Phil rond ol Toronto The cetebralico ol their marniage witl lake place July 22, 2096. Congraluîaîiono & besI wishes ~pp~unhlies SMALL pnîcate ottîces Seaulîfully appoînted Hwp 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834. PROMOTE pour business opporlunily lu over 4 mil- lion aduit readers n SuaIS Central Ontano. Bock pour adverlisement n ocer 80 Metroland communitp newspapers. 4t 6-493- 1300 eut 276 SUN VOLTS Unlimited inceot in 15e Future1 Allernate Energy Franchise Offering Prodacto and Lifestyle lu Se proad cf t Avenage invesîmeol 70K. Fi- nancing Availabla APR. Sampoon & Associales 905-764-892a ~p~unllias PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS lu ucer 4 million aduil reader n SoutS Central Onlario. 800k pou aduemne- ment n ocer 75 Metru- land communîtp news- papers wîth une phone sali. Cail for informa- tion on weekly work ad packages (inlernet liof- îngs included) 416-493- 1300 eut 276 288 237 ~meIrolandcom SSMONEY$$ Conoclidale Debîs Morlgages lu 100% No mcccv, bad cradît 0K! Onlariowida Financial Corporation 1-888-307- 7799 ENGAGEMENT ENGAGEMENT ~ Marg and Ron Alexander & Joe and Franco LaBella are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Leanne & Marco Weddzng to talrte place Seplember 22, 2007 ~nv - MORTGAGES 95% self employed 85% new Immîgranlo, 95% NO CREDIT, 95% discharged bankropto. 416-777-0879 ALMOST ALL APPROVED tsI, 2nd and 3rd mortgagesi 103% morlgage finans- îng wîtS good credîti 100% for Eo-Sankrupt or Carrent Pour Credît 95% for Self-emploped witS nu proof ut income Power cf sale stoppedi Cali 15e local eoperls. 4t6-993-7759 monlgageoclutiuns @cogeco ca A US Entry waîver or criminal Record Pardon App Gone n 60 Seconds www canadiaspardons ca 1-800-298-5520 For Rani MILTON 3-bdrm 8980/mIS inclodes 5 appliances, 2 car park- ing, asaîlable June lot Call 905-897-6391 DOWNTOWN Milton 2- bdrm, fnîdge, stose, washer, dryer, 8850/mIS + utilities 905-858-8723. MILTON. 1-bedroom apartment. Avaîlable Jane t or. 8890/montS Caîl Jas 416-723-4801 DOWNTOWN MILTON Miliside Tomera 82 Miliside Drive. Attractive quiet baud- ns. Spacîsus bnght dean t &2 bedroom colts with laundry facîlity and social rocm un site Regolar resident avents Opeir 7 days & eveninga Cail 905-976-1249 wwwrealsiarca SPACIOUS immacu- late, 2-bedroom apart- ment n new Susse lu coantry Garage, ail new appliances înclsd- ing washer/ dryer Fn- cale entrasse Close ru 401 Preter nu pets Suitable for adoîts References Avaîlable July lot 5920/mIS. 519-856-9259 or 905- 856-1584 MILTON avaîlable Joue t St, osîtable for workîng couple, prefer nu pets, 2-bdrm main level ut Susse $llOOlmth +, references 905-878- 2737 ACTON Apartments. t & 2-bedroomo available. Fridge & otove, iaandry facilîties. No dogo 519-853-4374. Open 7 dayslweek. Same day approval ~realutarca GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street 90015, Multon We are nue acceptîng applications for: -1 bdrm For more information and/or to make an appoîntment, Pleese Cali: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny ATrRACTIVE- large bachelor n Rockwood Applianceolotîlities s- cloded. $6g5lmonfh. June tsI. Caîl 519-853- t2t3. ACTON une bedroom aparlment S6SOlmonth plus Sydro, firol/laut, fnidgelsfove. Available immediately. No pets. Caîf 518-853-4721. Mike and Marilyn Svilans of Brookvîlle are happy 10 announce the engagement of their son Eric Svilans ta Ginnie McNinch, daughter of Pat and Terry McNinch aI Walkerton. ~jt Qfanabian Qbampion