A10 The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 5,.2006 Town hits another jackpot with Siots at Mohawk I lieos it 1\oltil goî a big iay out trom -lois ai Mohawk recenily lt received ii.s quarterly instalîment ol about $1 .3 million in slots rcvenue. The money coînes from the local gamhling facility as pay- ment to the Town' for hosting slots in the înunicipality. aI OSH KOSH OLD 'VAVv GAP0 roSNEmy ..PLUS MANY MORE DESIGNER NAMES GENTLY USED CLOTIIING INFANT TO YOUTH SIZES SPRING & SUMMER SALE ON DAY *NYw SATURDAY, MAY 13 TH, 12-3 PM csirq ACTON ARENA s snshinekidswearg@synlpacoca(519) 83685 27 Tips to Drive Up the Sale Price of Your Home HALTON - Because your home may well be your largest asset, selling it is probably one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. And once you have made that decision, you'll want to seli your home for the highest price in the shortest time possible without compromising your sanity. Before you place your home on the market, here's a way to help you to be as prepared as possible To assist humesellers, a new indusrry report has just been released called "27 Valuable Tips That You Should Know to Get Your Home Sold Fast and for Top Dollar. "It tackles the impor- tant issues you need to know to make your home competitive in todays rough, aggressive marketplace. Through these 27 tips, you will discover how to protect and capitalize on xrour most important investment, reduce stress, and be in control of your situation, and makc the most profit possible. -In this report you'Il discover how to avoid financial disappointment or worse, a financial disaster when selling your home. Using a common-sense approach, you get the straight facts about what can make or break the sale of your home, you owe it to yourself to learn how these important tips will give you the competitive edge to get your home sold fast and fut the most amount of money. To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cal1 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3023. You can cali any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or visit us onfine at www.halton27tips.com o d.iic' Milioîi lia, Iccciscdl imre liait $ W.9- m iillioin iii non-tax gaming revenue from Mohawk. Paymnenîs are inade on a quarîerly hasts accordtng to the governimeni fiscal year, wbich runs [rom April to March, and are dîsîrihuîed hy the Ontario tottery and Gamîng Corporation. Slots ai Mohawk opened Augusi 10, 1999 and bas since aîîracîed more than 9 million visitors. Across the province, 22 corimunities play bosi Io sloîs ai racetracks and charîîy casinos. So lar, ihe O3ntario I otiery and Gaming C orporaion has dîsîrihutecl more ilhan $ 396 million in gaming revenue tî ihese communaltes. 1lic payn ticis iiialc titi liv cpei ccini o1 tic gaiiliiig establishments gross sîmît machine revenues for the lîrst 450 machines and îwo pet cent fit machines over that number. A portion of tihe annual grîîss reventue [rom slots ai race- îtacks and chariîy casinos gocs ti the Ministry ofi llcalîh and I ong- lcrm C arc lot pruiblerni gainhling research, treainent, l)rev'nitin and public awareness. Tbis airmiunt lii the 2005/20)06 fiscal year was estimaied ai $36 milliuon. Alsîî, $ 100 millioîn annually goes iii charîties througbout O)ntarioî, clîsîrihucc througli the (ittarîo Trîlliutin l-iundai n. - Public school board surveying parents The Halton District School Bloarcd wanîs to know hcîw parents ledl ahout the jobh their child's scbool is doing. Parents wiîh children în the public hoard arc învîted to partîcipate în the Sehool Effecîîveness Survey, whîch hegan Monday and will wrap up May 19. The survey asks parents Io provide feedhack about issues relaîed to scbmîîl eflecttveness. Board officiaIs say the results wîll proide data that wîll help shape the system and schomîl planning foir the improvemnit iii siodeni leaming. "The parent survey will ensure we have a more complete pîcture of our schomil system '" saîcl Barry Finlay, the hoarcîs; assîlciate director. "The parent data wîll hc analyscd in correlation iii the stucleni and icacher surveys whtch we hegan lasi year. in future, a Schciol FI[ecîiveness Survey wîll hc an annual process lot ail îhree groups - stuclents, tcachers and par- ents." The sctrvey can he accessed îhrougb the ialton hoards \'ueh site ai www.hdsh.ca. Parents wtthoui access iii the Internet cao mnake arrangements îhrîîugh their cbîlds scol. Although ibhe survey is anonymous, to gain access to ihie <un-line survey par- ents must have citber their chîld's Hialion Identification Numher or Ontario Educatton Number. The numn bers are locaied ai the top of the stu- dent's prov incial report card. Parents wîll he able to responcl ii the survey once [tir each cbtld ihey have witbîn the IlaIton board. Free compost available at Halton Iandfill site its that tîme of year agaîn lot the Region's Spring Compost (ove-Away From Monday untîl May 13, loical residents can get up to seven hags of [tee coimpost from the I laIton Waste Management SOe min Regional Road 25 hetween 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The compost is creaîed frcîm resi- dential yard wasîe pmcked up rcîm curhsîdes as pari ofml alitis sttategy ici dîveri wasîe [rom the landfill. Resîdenîs are encouraged ti hnng almîng a donation mil a non-perîshahle food item for local food banks. C ash donations will alsti he accepîed in lieu of food contributions. Participants must hring their osso hags tir cointainers and a shosel in cîrder iti hag their own compost. Last year duning Haltons spring and fll compuist give-aways, 7,722 Halton housebolds cmllecîed compost for their gardens and donated I12,000 kg of foîod and $1 3,360 for local food hanks. MondayN My HOKE 5thS20CIaiTIOON Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown Street, Milton Proposed constîtutional amendments to Section 22f) to enable schedulîng of the AGM prior ta May 3lst annually are avaîlable by confacting Scott Anders at 905-878-8340 or email info@miltonwinterhawks.com. OPEN POSITIONS V President V 1lst VP Rep V' 2nd VP House League V Secretary V Directors Nominations for a position on the Board of Directors may be submitfed la the Secrelary, in wriling, prior la the annual general meeting or fron the floor during the meeting. Written notification should be addressed fa the MMHA Secretary, via mail at PO Box 37, Milton, ON L9T-2Y3 or may be hand delivered ta the MMHA office in Rînk B aI the MilIon Sports Centre. MIAY 14, 2M0 lis ud lpSaUAaslal n 15 5 r80 Tradffi"nalrunch Favourites Inclu Fresh Roaat &e, (' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A &@duIIq ~ h i Chiokn Pot Ni, Breakastad Seafod Secuon Dewt~ Tea'Coffe and much, much mom! ~ 4~~4 4)«~Enreet Fro Choose from homemade favourites: Prime Rib with $ 7 91 1 tYorkshire Pudding, New York Striploin with Peppercorn Ëa uf"~i ) Sauce, Chicken Applejack with Fritter, Seafood Linguini 9M3 Guoli