Motion for yearly consultation pti îcipie review failatcud By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF An attcmpt by a Milton councillor to follow through on a resîdent's request and have the Town's Public Consultation Principles reviewed annually proved unsuccessful at last week's council meeting. Ward 3 Councîllor Cindy Lunau put forward a motion calling for the principles - whicb are designed to provide staff and residents with a frame- work to follow when planning or participating in public meet- ings and consultations - to be brought back for a review each year that involves two-way dis- cussion with the public. "To not have consultation on your Public Consultation Principles is like an oxymoron," she said. "If you don't bave a review and feedback, then how do you know how you're doing?" The proposai was in accor- dance with a requesi counicîl reccived [ront Mihton resideni Jîm Harding. But Lunaus motion failed to gamner support from the majori- ty of council members and lost in a 6-4 vote. "I was quite surprised it did- nit pass," she told The Champion. 1i was very disap- pointed my colleagues didn't see the yearly review as an essential part of the guidelines." Ward 4 Councillor John Challinor, who voted agaînsi 'the motion, said he does support an annual review of the guidelines, but wasn't clear on what Lunau meant by a "two-way discussion with the public." 'We've always had that kind of consultation," he argued. He also saîd he feels the new counicil, which will come in after the faîl election, should determine and definc the process when îî comnes to the prîncîples. -fhiat's for them to deal with," he remarked. The Public Consultation Prînciples that cover things lîke accountability, two-way com- munication, mutual respect, pri- vacy, timeliness and accessibîlity were adopted by counicil in February 2005. At that time, council directed that the principles be brought back in a year for review and/or furîher refinement. The public was invited to provide submis- sions on the malter. A report on the issue, whîch council receîved for information purposes at its April 24 session, stated that staff isn't recom- mending any changes to the principles right now Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennesseyC-milton- Learn about effects of federal budget How the new federal budget will affect local families' finances ssill bc the topic of a Towvn Hall meeting hosîed hy Hahton MP Garth Turner ibis Sundayv The free session ssill take place ai the Lions Club Hall on Guelph Lîne i Campbellville stant- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 -A3 ÏEr2.r'O\ Çf2Q01Z- 4>(4 ÇF'AQ TV£E doNoeo ing at 4 pi. Turner vvill explaîn the changes ihai the budg- et brîngs about aind anissser questions resîdenîs have. For miore information caîfl (905) 693-0166 or vîsît Aw\ ISpon pack, GM 1x d PilLnt 20000 ml "' îtuni Vour Dealership 500 BRONTE ST. Se- SERVICE/PARTS: Wise cusiomner read the fine prini: ttAdmin tee, fc tee, GST & PST extra. tttAi paymrents are bi-weekiy. PST and GST included in paymnents. Lic tee extra, bs owini 15,000@85% nieest charge $3,31 3.20 on 60 monts term. 130 bi-weeky payrments equai 60 monhso ierm. Lease payment is pluxi GSI, PST. Allowed 20,400km allowance psr year $0.15/kmr onerage. Leanes are closed-end delivnry allowance (DA) havs been applied ix lease paymnent. 2006 Liberty Sport $3000, Lic. nxtra. .A.c (on approned c na it FNA5NIN PROVIE 0BY