A22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Mavs make key strides in narrow defeat to Mimico Frittenburg leads solid effort with three goal performance By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Maverick fans hoping for a source of encour- agement were no doubt pleased upon departing John Tonelli Sports Centre Sunday night. While the resurrected lacrosse teamn wasn't qutte victorious in thetr second home game of the season, a 7-5 loss to divtision rival Mimtco was deftnitely somnethtng to build on for a team thaîs just beginning to leani the ropes at the Jr. B level. Fortifyîng their efforts afîci a 20- humblitîg at the hands of the host Oaksýille Buzz Frtday Milton was vastly improved in jusi about ail aspects of play and eojo>,ed a five- minute lead tn the second pertod -their ttrst of the year- belote betng ootcîtstaocecl ký the luiatte Noss haek froto uno ersiis. Boîîtetoss n Mai, ertck Lee Frititteburg led Atth threc goals the last of wlîîch put the hosis ahecad 1):07 toto the mniddle stanza - wbile Jert-osn Smtith ss as noth- ing short of excepîtonal iii is firsi cotnpleîe game hceti the pipes. Added itcnsiîv don ni the strctc i and out h better executton oIn offense helped Milîton keep i pace with Mimîco ail ntght - neyer fallîng hehtnd by more than two goals. Shane Scott and Tim Sztorc were the other tîarksmen, while assits went to Blake Bolton, Kyle Eountain, Kyle Hutchinson and Brandon Meagher. The Mavericks also enjoyed another stzable crowd Sunda, of roughly 250 spectators. On a less positive note, the local juniors stîll have a lot of work to do when ot coînes to maintaining possession - some- tico and wahunvdnt clarin thing tatd wasevdnt claatnt Oakville Fniday Buz, ilt hd aI rtsotrbed Aga, iltns tae ahlgortorbe hanging onto the hall and as a resuli, deltvered minimal offensive pressure on host netiînder Gary Muzzin. Stntth and Brooks Ash spt the cage work for the vtsttors, ss hile their goals caime front Mike Caineron and ( ods' Petersîn. Form ter NIascric k Brenden i ilaois iaI foui goatls and ilitet ,tssîsts for the Buzz, \lhile NilI tonî,ît Ian t.ocriz a n Oakviîle tiitet mccli- aiec called Up) lot tîte inghi - collecîed thî-ce Itlesagits its hoitoos il teain. I Be NIaset tks cap a in îîgame home stanîd Fhlttdt agatinsi the Ilialtoti Hîlîs BuIlcogs. 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Draw heid at breakfast. www.haltonsportsmen.com 5155 Steeles Ave. facti Bat ii markcd the litst prosîtncial chaniptonship for loiur il the lotal ccîîlers - Brown. [lIs, I lrkness and1 TBhomas. I urthennott. it lsas redctnp- lion tor a tîarross chanîpiotîship loss io Ilde-rton iii 19)97. We realy shoolcl have wson iBît secat. sse don t lîke io îalk abotut i.,' quippetl Armnstrong. Nîlitotîs bîglîlîghî of the Tankard playdosn - ai leasi Ironti a competi- tise standpoint - caie iii the seniît nitas agatrtst Branîtord. Both îîed head- tng toto the lOîh end wýith the bammt-t, Anmstrong and Oldford each secured a go-ahead point to squeak by with iden- tîcal 7-6 wins. was pretîy excîîîng," noted Oldford. Armstrongs- own tniumph was espe- cîalîy dramatie, having battîed back from a 5-2 deficît afier six ends to eke oui tht silîr Thetîwo local rioks tumed back, challenges from Stasncîr Orangeville, Elms'ale and Owen Soîund to reacb the final four in Ajax. Ont weekend after securîng the Tankard champîonship, Armstrongs daughîer Leigb - wbo along wtth Ellîs claîmed a provincial elementaiy sehool titîe 10 years ago - was part of a John Eppîng-skîpped mnixed team that reîgned supreme ai the provincial chaimpionships in Orangesîille. Thiwas realîs cool, for father and daughter t0 win itles on haek-to-back wAeekends,' saîd Armstroîng. 'Alarms ýIt's The Law.: eqéénes thýi nms+k wI.. n t ~peteIly Sati.fied sus Auto Service $ ~~9~ *Lube, 0i1& &iU.w29 Filter Change 1 FME Dottie of windshield Washer Fluid + other fluid top ups Factory Parts! - Diseunt Prices! *+ Diapmeaj + taxe. - See dealer fer dcai. Meet rswaia