Ai 2 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 afnlk Citizens set to dean up Nassagaweya Saturday S Plentv of litaci o1 i-al mad -a -uc dr N, ciBy Robin Downton-Poirier C onsultation Comimittc (N(-) is, "hr repol h necded to dcliveî the colccd garbag SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION determined to help restore it wîth the appear to think their car to the dumpsters, said Woods. ninth annuai Roadside Ciean-up sched- window is a garbage chute "As aiways, we need those who art Th ml muto nwti crue o hsSaturday wiiiing to pick up the garbage f rom tht T he s m il ai (~ nt f no i is y' ar ie f r hi ~a n d ju t th ro w th e ir tra s h ro d n ar th eir h o m es an d b g it. W ( did hoie t0 hide the litter aiong the jean Woods, a member of the N(CC 1S oan a country roads. and organîzer of the event, is angry aogurroadsides." alon ouralso need people with pick-up trucks te ..............rb......g.... take the hags to the dumpsters. Oveî Thc~~~~~J A gar ag tohse ouirs whu hîe s havee n t e o î unt had n r a respon iy [rom car windows hinders the natu- There arc people who appear t0 JEAronD the ars, r in lav e a ea nsîi rai heauty of the coînînt> and îhe îhink their car window is a garbage [o h ouîesi h omnt Nassagawý,cya C oînmiiunit c hte andc j- our roadsides. ilsomecone buys a cup of cofic each mornîng on their way tb \vork and iirows it oui thc window, (iaîs 250 coffec cups thai will iikey land in close proximity Io cach other and îhcy add up 10 a hig mess" saîd Woods. "The dumpers are another maîter ail together. They are deiiberateiy trying 10 save themseives a iittie bit of money at the cosi of the local taxpayer. It gets so frustrating!" Aiîhough there are fines for iittering and dumping, Woods saîd she fées that more pubiicity about the effecz, of dumping and littering wiil heip deter peopie's actions. "The fines and costs for dumping are prohibitive," said Woods. "Unfortunatey, not enough pubiicity is given to the successfui cases. More pubiiîy might act as a deterrent and înîghî aiso get the average person more înteresîed in reporîing these guys.- As with prevîous years, the mem- bers of the NCCC are asking for the residenîs' help to ciean-up our road- sîdes by volunteerîng a few hours either Saturday or an earlier, more con- anci we nope Io sec cvcryonc oui agaîn,' she staîed. WVoods addcd thai thec dean-up is a greai oppoî tunliy for hîgh school stu- dents to accuniulatc theit requîred sol- untcr hours and she will sîgn iheir forms as needed. Bags, gloves, and vests wMI be pro- vided by both the Town of Milton and the Region of Haiton and can be pîcked Up Saturday by the tennis courts at the corner of Guelph Lîne and No. 5 Sideroad, or ahead of time by contact- ing Woods. The dlean-up is scheduied 10 stant about 8 a.m. and wiii hikeiy go until noon, said Woods. If an earhier, more convenient date is chosen, Woods asks that the garbage bags be ieft by the roadside and they'il be picked up Saturday. She aiso reminded residents that some items are recyciabie and shouid be piaced in the recycle bmns with regu- lar househoid recyciing. If you wouid like more information on the Nassagaweya Roadside Clean- Up or wouid like to pick up vests and gioves, contact jean Woods at (905) 854 2107. Let us toach yGu ev erything yGu ever wanted to know about building a dock, at- ==wIVEILTON( - h le H oI AMATEURS WELCOME! Tuosday May 9 at 6:00 pm Cali store to reserve seat - Limited Seting Available. U-v---~---.-le- 70main Street East, Milton Store Heurs 79 Ë ., day - Fday 7:30.. - OGp., 9b5-87 m-u 817 * ssumua«nna 10:00 va mv.. 1~~~ :LAS IE0-8512 spoat sa vinys& l~ fi b ave an excellent seleciion oi cloting - accessories, and mch more. Ve're convenuenîiy Incaied acrnss irom the Go Station. There is pienty ni parking ai the reari 781 Main Stroot East, Unit 17 (In %b AMiMl AMt Glas CININIIx) Mliton 005-870-1487 tilrow l [ï tast aiong Check out this great advertising opportunity for your business. Our Garage Sale Guide wiII run ten consecutive Fridays fromn May 12th - JuIy 141h Give your business the best exposure there is ai this great promotional price: GARAGE SALE Vour ad wiII appear here Sat. April 2931/"x1/4 8am -Noon314 l/" 121 Eimwood $125.00 per insertion (book 1-5 ads) Household Items $99.00 per insertion (book 6-10 ads) 905-875-3300 iiiti ii mii uuiri c ta M pu e / 875 Main St. E., Milton, ON., 19T-3G7 DE K i c c r