Châmplôn Country, Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Ail Champion Cou ntr v Cfean ~uy crew At left, Erîk Kowal of the Hornby Ratepayers' Associaijo stands 0 disgust among everythîng from newspapers an tires ta building materials that were iIIegaIly dumped on 1h hîlisîde adjoînîng Sîxth Lîne and Hornby Park He was amon those takîng part n Saturday's sîxth annual dean U1 Hornby Day. Below, Brenda Renwîck and her son Kalel make their way along the dîtch of Steeles Avenue, colleci ing trash as they go. GRAHAM PAINt I CANADIAN CHAMPION N GOOD NEI< MMIJNIIV *um~uuu s~q Meeting ~on proposed ~qu arry Sun. o A local environmenîal group îs organlzing a public session 10 discuss as objections to a new quarry in nortb Halton. Protectîng Escarpment Rural Land (PERLJ, a Burlîngîon-based citizen advocacy group, is opposed to ibe opcning of a quarry on tbe Niagara Escarpment. * h wîll bold an information session Sunday about Nelson Aggregates pro posed quart-y on Mount Nemo PERL say's ibe quart-y would cause 'dexastai- ing impacts to ibe cscarpment and sur- r~~unding community, sucb as ibreaten îng wcîlands, water suppîs, natural habitats and endangercd spccîes Ebe drop-tn event wtll cover toptcs lîke ibe impacts of wbat's beîng pro- posed cndangered species and habitats potentially ai rîsk, as well as provîde a petîtion to stop approval of ibe quarry and tbe pick-up of a PERL lawn sîgo Tbe session will mn from 1 to 4 pot. ai Conservation Halton, 2596 Britannia Rd. W For more information on ibe meeting, contact PERL ai (905) 330- s 1173 or SATURDAY, MAY 6th VOLUNTEERS WANTED As in the past, Community Day is... GOOD NIIGHBOURS - HELPING A NEIGHBOUR WHO NEEDS SOME HELft Teams of volunteers go out into J~J the community and spend a few hours doing good deeds for senior citizens and others who need assistance, in W completing simple Spring cleanup tasks such as washing windows, yard work, painting a room and much more. ~ EARTH DAY - CARUNG ABOUT AND FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT Teams of volunteers go out into the community and spend the morning cleaning up our Creeks and Streams and other EARTHflW waterways, our Parks, our Roadways and any where else garbage has accumulated over the winter. NEED HELP?!?! Let your Neighbours Help!! If you are a senior unable to complete some of your Spnng dean-up jobs.. . such as washing windows, painting, yard work, lifting, general dean-up. Give us a cati or sign up at any of the listings below. e - e . . . . ~- ,.:~- ~