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Blooming in Uic halls of Milton District, j class had the time of their lives on April 26th when they week is fait of exciting field trips, and some events to look forward are many exciting events. In the coming week especially, .L..attended the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake. The t0. We hope everyone is expanding their minds by engaging in somne MD will be more full titan ever as we open our doors for a students hadi fun wandering the town and having lunch, extracarricular activities- whether this is a field trip, a club or a and eagerty awaited the beginning of the play, High social event. Here's the hightights from the past week. and the week few very important eveninga. Society. Atthough the play was met with mîxed reviews, 10 corne.... Tite marathon begins titis Thursday evening with none can deny that it was a great experience. On Wednesday Aprit 26, twenty Bishop Reding students Parents' Night. As everyone is surely aware, midterm i~s for Costumes, On Aprit 21t, Mrs. Squires's grade ventured with Mr. Gattant t0 Saist Thomas Aquisas for the reports were sent home early last week and students h ave g el even Engtîsh ctass put on a Great Gatsby-themed Connections Conference. Unlike pasi conferences, tis year's eveni alradybee sen rinin inreqeut fr iteries wtit ~ -C ostume party. After reading the poputar novet and became a competitios with îwo teams of tes from each schoot sealtea h erns.e Mainy of thn teaces' ds for ineveswth watchîng the screen adaptation, the students got together battling for first place in actîvities ihat encompassed everyihing from sevralteaher. Mny f te tachrs'schduls fr te10 organize an exciîîng event fuît of fun and games.' They aîhltics t0 hisîory. The day siaried off witb an inspirational speech evening are filling up quickly so be sure 10 sign up soon learned 10 dance the Charleston and partied ihrougbouî from Joe Rasso, who is the coach of the McMasier Baskeîball Team. for your own interview. Didn't know about parents' nighî? third peniod. The Connections Conference gave students the opportunity t0 meet Are you unable 10 book an appoinîmenî before Thusa sfrDnto.Althugu hewksudt av peopte from other seboots and 10 utîlize their togical. creaive. and ursdy sforDontios. At trouhou lie wek sudeîs ave compeîiîîve skitts. A specialthiank you to Mr. Galtant and ail night? Fear not, titere wilI be informaI interviews starting been generousty making donations t0 the Halton siadenîs who were învolved in the planning of ibis speciat eveni' al 6:30 that evening. where parents are able 10 meet andi Women's Place. A giani box was ptaced in the middle oftihpRdn ie oesr htissuet eev i ye speak t0 their sons' or daughters' marks. the Locker Ray in which studenîs deposiîed blankets. îoys of îshîîp Reîglieol en suc te r lan .e fhais iadens receis ail ye and other sout producîs. These producîs wîlt be olfered ieold itis, 0r enhnceptsei learndina Ose o hes bot happe n b Since il seems that many parents andi family members abused women getting on their own îwo leet aller violent tied îps. were Theis t eaed mny fua t ssroom c ande pten wilI be at the school, Thursday evening, il would be a reltionsbips or envirosmenîs. The organizatios is thet rea hior thrips On e mnay ori 4and sriae gprade2 te spectacular lime to catch thîs semester's play Scapino. dedîcaîed to eradicaîîng violence againsi women and their tweîon hisîiry laps On ona y î4ad Frda Aprîunt t v t the h lut Studntshavebee woringlongandhardto ut tgeter cilden.center. During ibis trip. studenîs were able to listes 10 a lecture what wiIl undoubtedly be a marvellous show for ail ages! J is for Reward. Sign ups for the Annuat 30 Hour Famine gîven by an actual holocausi sursivor, who bld a firsi hand accoant Perhaps Thursday nigitt is already tooi busy for you. If this *<began on May 2nd in the Locker Bay. The Famine itsetl of the atrocities commitied in the Second World War. The nesi is the case, then titere is still no reason to worry, since the .A.will take place on May 121h and l3th, and students are exciîing trip was a trip to the Caîhedral of Christ the King. This pla wil aso e prfomedon wo lteatenigts.Beurgeci t fundraîse as vîgorousty as they can. The mîîney excursion. for Mrs. Kradwig's religion siadenîs, was cerîaînly pla wil aso e prfomedon wo lteatenigts.Begoes toward a greai cause. hopeflty makîng poverîy informative. Lasi Thursday, Mr. Vacca's grade eleves ancieni sure to talk to an MD student 10 get your tickets, or swing hisîory. Donit detay in sîgnîug up and taking part in this history studenîs enjoyed aîîendîng Medieval Times. Between the by the uchool during periods titree andi four, when tickets amazing event. The personat rewards are definiîety worth jousting and sword fîghîs. studenîs had no problem putting are being sold in the front foyer. il. themsetves back in10 the middle ages. If ou re ookng orefora teatfortheear, ten T s fosr University. For those studenîs who witl be atîeuding Titis weekend is the mach anîîcîpaîed school play! On Fniday If ou re ookng orefora teatfortheear., hen Unversity or College sent year. don't hesitate îo May 5 and Salurday May 6th, The Pirates of Peuzance will be be sure 10 mark May 3lst on your calendars! Titis year's U..compete aIl your requirements. The second hall of the perfiîrmed ai 7:00 pm. Tickets are $8 for students and $ 10 for adulis. annuai Spring Concert will be held on that night and tl too, semester has begun, and your bard wîîrk isnît sver yeî. On May 1 t i vll be performed for oîur feeder school grade eîghts. promises to be an amazing showcase of te talent of our Keep those grades up and gel involved sn school and on May 2 it will be perlormed foîr Bîshop Reding's grade nîne. Mustangs. Senior bands, junior bands, umail ensembles activities! This play is about a ssveet young lad who gels accîdenîally învolved with a group of orphan pirates. The pirates soon meet a famîly of and a choir: no malter where your laste in music falis, i~s for Relaxation. Despîte the lact that mitre hard %vork is beauuiful sisters. and make every attesîpi b wed them. This play is there xviii surely be uometiting to please everyone. 1< needed belotre the endi of the schooKl yea. don*t lorget 10 packed with beautîlul soie es and Ms. Marsalek's amazing RXrelax every n0w and then. Get out a good book or bang choreography. A noie 10 ail ol str readers- you wîll regret it if you Equalty pleasing, is the fact that seniors are able 10 arosud svith your lriends. Hîgh School isut jusi about the miss seîng Mark Steinhouser as the Pirate King' breathe a littie easier, knowing that midterm marks have academics. and siodents ai Drury know that sn order lto Wîîh ail ibis excîîensenî. we hase one mitre esdîîîng piece of been passed on to post-secondary scitools for processing. succeed. you must alsîs know how ts ]et l005C. nesas ils share. Os Monday Aprîl 24 ai Hutiy Trîsîîy sn Oaksîille. the Many students, junior and senior alike. w ill is for You. E.C. Drury is aIl] about the siadenîs. lit is a Shariug the Spirit Award stas presenîed Ioi Lauren Prisniask unquestionably be hoping to spend a uittle lime in the Y'place in which studesîs of every race and age cas cornte Congratulastions 10 Lauren- se hîîpe she \ill inspire sotie rasdsîm comning weeks, basking in the sun and gloriously svarm Lan d go have a blasi. Get involved sn evesîs like the 30 acts of kîndness amîîsg the studeni bodly Ysîur Isîde Sources svish vveatiter. And so, we wvill keep you no longer, fromt that Ho or Famine aund take advautagc' of school fieldi trips 10 ii lease you ssiih oise thought: sometimes it ouly takes ose smîle or temtin lan cai inthelovly prng eater.Enjy!the theater. but don't lorget 10 study' These truly are some kîsd word ils make someose's das. Besi stîshes tsi ail sn the comîng îcmîig asn har n heloviyspin waîte. njy!of the besi ycars of yîsur lite' sseek!