Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Apr 2006, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Fniday Apnil 28, 2006 - 29 ~Daycare ArilsArticle Article a . IN my home. Ages BABY cradie, jogging A dining room, cherry- BEDROOM Cherry-19Pota ufr, GTATECR 6mths-4yrs, Healîhv strolter, baby clothes wood double rodestli wood Bed chest LO Y 24 001<m $95 Pla Untie GIA EC ý1i 01il1 Ii, y- 0 erperience. Roter- onces avaîtable pOc reqoocst Jamec Srcm Parkmoy & Mar C t. Cali Argota 05-875- 0643, colt 047-205-3000 NEW home daycare opening Jonc. Ororte at Hestop. Fenced yard mîth adjacent play- greurd. Fil-P/T aaolubte Att agec. Receipte. Watkîrg dis- tance te J M. Denye Schoot. Cati Kathy (900> 693-1276 al0cr 4.3Opm or meekerds. Home Care UIVE 5it New Ceafth & wet- oece magazine 250,000 copiec. Coot-ettectice direc- tory ads, word ado. Cat todlay tor book for the Jane tenue 416-493-1300 est 276 cdogay@metrolnnd.com ~CE COLORADO bluv & greven sprue Iroe. varos sîzos. Cai 905-854-9969 or 00- 299-9677. POND Supplies, ocira- tors. toonlaîrns, bloc dyc. etc, STOCKtNG SPECIAL 8" RAtN- B0W TROUT .99 (min, 100>. MORE SFF- CIALS & PRICES (519)833-2559 mmxq.sil- vercreek ponde.com RENOVATiON SALE2 moodtviryl mîrdomc xîth Catîsernia shuttcre Oak ctaned prom doors (5-30r78". t1-28x78"); tluorescent tîghtîng etacsexot. dbt. doore. murbto canity top and bath acces. fitle, xhite- xaehed euh podeetal table (48" round xîth 24" tout> 2 Cupt. chaine & 2 Guest chaîne. Kerry or Dace 905-693-8020, M Cr er anig Cocos. Cost $11000 Scriie $2600. 900 567-9459. A King Pîitowtop Mat trocs Col. New npiac tic. Cool $1600. s'il tor $450. 005-567-9459. TREE Clearance Cati Onc lime orty, Ooaaltf 6'10' Colvrado Sprucc $100. cach. Oclîveryt plarlîrg assistance avait able. 900-6041036 ALL Steet Builings mary coivurs, 20'x30 $5000 20'xOd' $6700 30'x40' $10,500. 32'O $14.000. 540'x60 $20.000. many othore 1 800-C0d 7749 xxx. pîo neerbaitdings.ca OED, Amazîng aran qucen orthopedic pît- loxtop cet, rex in plae- tic, xarranty $250 905- 567-4042 xîlt dile 1 aCaerTiing 45 ear orole. T- IGFO OK FREE Job Search workshop for Experienced Workers M Discover ail of your employable ekills M Develop a resume that worku m Learn ta market yourself t0 employeru m Understand and develop interview skilis M Find out about the Hidden Job Market ExperIenced Workers Program The Bay Accu Learning Centre 2nd Floor - 860 Harrîngton Coure Carnie rsC reesCarr www.kinark.on.ca For more information on this FREE votlcshop cuit: Bulington, Ontario r N.vi oyeîeoost 00,000ý Sacritice $1.000. 900067-4042 CARPET t have cevera 1,000 yardc et rew Stoîr Macler & 100 nylon car- pet. Wli de living reem & hat for $360. Iniruden car- r pet. pao & installation (30 1 yards) Otee 900 633- *HOT Tub (Spa) Covers Cent prîce, Beet csairy Att eCapes & coorc. Cati t- 866-5C0OOOOmmthece- vergay ca MOVING SALE Mahogany Wat onîts bar $000 ob0e Electrîc Fîreplace watt unit. W/ acceceonî.es. (îeory coloar) $150. 4 blizza senox tires trom n Grand Caracar, rex condition, 16 inch rie (odel#WS0( $200. Large dark pîne difnîrg room table, buffet and *hatch $600 obo. Double pull ont coach, beige - firae tei a good home. Cati 805-468-4372 POND Capplies, neratore. toaritamus, blue dye etc. Stocking epeetal 8" Ramn- box trut .99eents (min. 100). More epecials & pricee 51 9-833-2559 ww.siverureeksponds.om SATELLITE 00cr? Watch TV Tunight ETA, and Muret 1 DOe of char- nets acailable. PPV mc- viec, eporting ecents, aduît, ethnic, etc.> On ecreen guide. CaI tnday: 519-942-2006 or 1-866- 591-1161 SATELLITE DOWN? Watch TV Tonîghti FTA, ANO -M..... tee-e utf charnels acaîlable. PPV modies, eportlng ecents, adaît, ethnie, etc. On ecreen guide. Cal today 5t9- 942-2006 or 1-866-591- 1161. Figarines, Royal Doultle, $waovchî, Giass, Pottery, Etc. Ectate Cpecîatîsts, Top Cash. Cuit John/ Tracy 00331-2477 LOOK BEST Ca$hC We boy il at. Antiqae turnichinge, Royal Doalton, Hummel, Meer- croC,. dîroormaro, crystat. culver, clochs, mîlîtary items. Parlatoit ocl etales. Ed. 905-634-6300 CRAFTWORK opportu- nîtes inctudîng xooden shopping bag hoidere, xooden potato dtorage bous, 5 cuburst poly- ester libre cochions 24x24. Ail NEW mate- nial. Fulk art palote. Txo 1974 toto-style decoratice painting/ de- sign ooks.6 905-878- 1736. '99 Cubaru Impreza, Auto, Poxer ecery- thing, Nex enigins and Brakes. $6500.00 '94 Chsc. Cavalier, 5 epesd Rare great. New breaks, tires and c o m p a t e r. $1500.00 416-407- 2003 Caet Nathan 1996 Olds Achiova Re- fiable car. Great for cummuting. Auto, 4-dr, poxer sceryshing, craie, air, nex tires. Culîd body. Clean minen- or. t 63000km $3200 oSe 905-699-6053. 1963 Pontiac, V8, 283. 46,600 miles, original. Askiog $13,500. cen- tttied. Reduced from $15,000 - ses Io be- lîcee Cui 905-873- 6091. 2001 Tauros, GoO. Ford promiam slorce (AM/FM/CD>. Air condi- tioeîng. 1 37,OOOkms Exceltent condition. $6.00 Cai 905702- 5261. BRAND Nec 2005 Ca- tan Nova. Undor 200 kms. 170 mites per ga- ton! $3,000. CaI 900 877-5515. 6005-875-4601 EXPERIENCED P/i narcery/gardon help. Apply rn percer ai Lar- ghetm Nurseries, 6711 Regiera Road 250 Mil- ton. ONTARtO New Erg- lard Express, rex hîr- îcg pan tîtme tom motor eperalor, Mer-Tues- Wed & Fni Cpm-Opm. Must be lIcecsed. Fax: 905-876-1536 OrnaS: sbt-ochu@onee.ca One cf the tilgs that gels noticed by those who work here os how everyoee la treoted. fis what makes Red J obter a grel place te work and ose ci the biggest sucent atoties in the' business. We citer great staff beoeits that iciode medicai! dental losorance, MMa discounts. flexible hours and. hest ci'ail, a frieodly teamn envîrcomieot. Interested in worcing with us" Please apply iu person at or Barlington restaurant iccated et 2423 Fairview St. or fox your resome te (905) 637-3456. Fer Management postiton, pieuse eend ycar rmante te, emai recruit)@ddeo.ce. or fa: (MS) 331-2746, www.r4lobtca Corne and join our ~" Cutting Edge teamn! Cetebrating 50 ycars of busiresu, Longo' se a privatoly omned Ieading food rotailor wwhose tenm members; are dedicated to exceeding customer expectatiors by offering the beut food experieOc to every cuctomer, every Simo We operate 14 stores w 8thin the GTA and are contiruing 50 grow! Currertty, we are recruitirg the followirg pouittons for ail store tocatiors. MEAT CUTTER(S) FULL TIME & PART TIME The ident candidates moust pouces: " Minimum 2 years meut cutting experience " Knowtedge of sevorat vaniettes of meut " Superior cuntomer service ukilis 'pcO i. j * Krowledge & Practice Food Satety Standards " Excellent irterpersorul and communication skittc Alao accepting reaumes forJ Procluce Clerks & Selectors. We mili offer you exceltent company paid benefits and competitive wages. Irterested and qual(fied candidates are irvited 80 serd thoir resume to: Humain Resources Departmnent Longo'u Brothers Fruait Market trnc. 3767 Nuuhua Drive Missiosauga, ON L4V 1R3 hrdopt@lorgos.com Fax: 905-673-1065 Thack you tor your irtereut. Orly those under conidrtien arili ha i-entactedr' \.ES.n JLorgo's is an equa opportunity employer. MNsuIe Syl Appo Youth Centre (o a scLre treotmert fuct(ity for children and yout/t uged 12 te 18 yeoro, Joie on in further deve(oping Syl Apps ao a Centre of Excellence, REGISTERED NURSES te one uf these fuUt-tims or relief opportunitces, you wil.jotr our muittidtctinary team, and prevido nrsing care te ail recidonts in the Secame Youth Justice and Secoro treulment programe, based on the Harm toduction Mode[. In addition te completiog physical and peychiatdic admission usoesmonts of resideots upon admission, yoo wriii prepare and adm(nrstcr medîcutions and immurizatioce (as directed by a physician), monitor residonts or modicatior. and counec recidents and staff on meilocess and weltees initiatives. Your 3 to 5 years ot reiuted coperionce in a residontial or commueitybased eetttcg are eoppnrtcd by a correct Ontario RN Certificato of Cempetecce, and correct CPR certification. A proe abil(ty te apply gencral. nursirg pdic(pies te adolecents mho may echîbit distorbed, aggressive and/or violent behavieur temarde themselees or ethers cs escertiat, Tbis rote reqotres proficicrcy ic MS Word and Ootlook, and inveLvos morkirq rotaticg shitts, icldicg eecicgs and meciserds, and presidtng on irait services on a tetatng hasts. Fils tSAYCO6-10. SOCIAL WORKERS Tmo chalteogrrg faîl-Cirne oppertonities exîst for strong commorîcators mîth 5 years of retated epenienco. ridîdng worling wilS residertaltcrealmont tcams, preterabty snob an adolescent population. Yoo m(tt provrde redîvidoat, family and groop thcrapy O bigh-ns< adolescents te secore costody, detootton and treatment resîdential settngs. Usîng a motrdiscrpltnary teare approach 10 treatment, yov mr0l liaise mrth commocity ageocies svch as sirboots, the police and probation services. You hetd an MSW, are a member et the Coitege et Social Werkers and Social Service Workers, and have democstrated clinicat, case management, and îcd(vidoat, tamily and groop therapy skills, Expertise cn a harm-redodioc appreach and competencysi ued therapy in mernig mith adolescents mith senoous mental health issues, icidicg violent and aggreccie bohavieur, cs ossectiul, CAFAS training and evidcnce-baeed, gonder-reeponsîve programt copedocnce are assoIs, This rote (novos morkîrg sonme evenîngs and meckecds. File #SAYC06-15. YOUTH WORKERS Relief positsons are aeaitable, morlccg op te 40 heors per meek (rotaticg shifts), te encore the counseCsng, cure and eufety of youth cn cither the Secune Ireulment or Youth Justice Pregtam. As a multidiecipicary team member, yoo miii, ais e o rvoleed cn the treatmcct and recroatiocai planning procees for recidents in yoi caro, Vour qualifications inctode a Child and Yoath Weniien dîplema, or curent prefescional. membcrshîp wltl the Ontario Associatioc of Chitd and Yooth CoocceCelrs, and a geod morig knomledge ef MS Wnrd and e-mail, You have a carrent t(nst Aid or CPR certificate, as mctt as UMAR and ICI training, on the abiiity te eocceesfuliy comptete these pregrams. Exponiecce cn group factlitation mithin a residectiai setting. încluding performrcg ece-en-ene acd qnoup menti with adolescents eehibiting disnîîrbed, aggrcssie and/or viotent behavroor moutd ho an asset, as mootd a backiground with evidence-based and geoder- respensîve interventions. A vaid ddvr' licence cs rcqu(red, as yoo may drive and cscert rosidents te court, medîcai appoîntreents and 016cr community meetings. File #SAYCO6-16. COOKS If peu have an RACLE certrhicate and knomtedge of votome food preparatior, consider one of these relief positions, sorking op 10 40 heurs per mcek, 10 JOin 001 tcam. Yoo mii assisti n preparing and drstnibvtng meats and snacks to, resîdeitral orrts. This Mît inctude ascmbiîg prepared meats for detrvery 10 rcsideîrtial and progîam units, cottectirg, aî:d retoînîng bo the kitchen, and mashrng att dîches and otensits, and ascistrng mrth the prepararlori fer, and servrng aI, specrat or catered fonritons. Yeu Mît atso previde vocaltenal. training 10 setected recrdents. Pou bncg expenience in cooinq, cteanîng and deaing u'tth sanîtaton procodoures for Large itchens and eqoîpreent. A background in a secure recidentiat setting moetd ho conisîdered an asset. Fils #SAYC06-12. LIGHT DUTY CLEANERS Ihese are faîl-Olme and relief positiocs te provrde cteaning services throoghoat the facitity. As a nesuit, pou must ho corefortabte morkicg en a secore faciiity, and have basic knowtedge ef the cqoipmecî, supplices acd cleanicg methods reqaired for aCt areas of the facIip You have WHMIS traîiig, are eupedienced Mith ctcanîng chemicals, and have the abrltpt t 10r menti0h indepcndenty and cn a Ocam envirncent. With sevoral years et cieaning eporiecce in a Large irstitotion/fociitp, yen brng above- average knomledge et hygiece practices, and wiii, ho oopectcd to previde vecatiocai. training bo selected rosidents, The abitity te succeccfolly complote UMA8 and rtI training is requîrcd. Fils #SAYC06-13. * !!OarL!! If yoîc are a qaalîfied îcdîvidouat îotercstcd cn meeting one of thece challenges, please submit your résumé, in confidence, quoting the appropriate fils namber, by May 3, 2006, te: Sucs Stark, HR Manager, Kinark Child and Family Services, Syl Apps Youth Centre, 475 troquois Short Road, Oaltville, Ontario, 16H lM3. Fao: 905-844-9197. E-mail: susan.stark@kinark.on.ca (MS Word format, only). eorr g aîi0ruott i.vrî,r.oî v,- hiine.rrirr( Ii -1ynr ro iîîeircfrriv inerrm.,.ii h lirrntcd.N eleecîîeno cats.prn Kînark Child and Famity Servicen is on cccredited cbitdrer's mentat heolt centre, yroerding qoolrty oersvtces to chrîdren, yout and Iberefomîtres in a number of comnitts rît Ontario. 1ý 1 Ir to place an ad call 905.878.2341 1 Careers 1 Careers oo--

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