A20 - The Canadian Champion Frîday Aprîl 28 2006 Challenging year has rewarding finish for McMiIIen By Steve leBlane P erseveranîce us a s aluable colo modiîy in atiy sport. and was especîally crucial lor onie rep hockey teani ibis past season. Fortunauely, head coacb Andrew MeMillen had plenty of h to go arounîci. A sixtb grade ueacber ai Wl. Duck Middle Sehool, MeMîllen cerîainly had some trying houes over ibe past year wntb the For tOue LOV. acîclitiotial entry novices - who almosu didut bit the tee due bu a shortage At unr lirut tryouî we had eigbt players and a goalue. We bad to put an ad un The Champion eallung for more kids and we unly gut O~ ho 13, recalled the 40-year-old Miltonian, Aprils Champion Coach of the Monîh. Tbere were weeks when we wondered if wed make it through, and certainly bad our hngers crossed during Ou seasun. Tbrow in the fact that the novice AF XVinterhawks but twu players ho the AA team in the faîl, went several weeks wiîhouî rep jerseys and didnt exaetly have much success to speak of îbruugh tbe regular season, and MeMillens frus- trations could have easuly gotten the better of hum. But as une parent put ut, the AF novice skupper muddled îbrougb ut ail wîîb a positive and reassuring demeanocîr. If uhese uncidents gui under Andrews skîn, be remauned pro- i Il III il i îuds NUt ktutuîuiii , ix itur oui McMullen as Apruls ( uurncli Monîb along with butsband I son/team member Holîts. Hu kepi on îrack, neyer losînîg I what he wanîed b accomplisîs Added Hollis, "1 thinlu Aîîdrew is the besu because be i and everyone else wiîb resi cloesnt yell and h ofOheGAME what bei ualk ng That type ~ anis ir iii ni re il e. M teKi mon h id ~ Anclrew d p sotuve retuf rce the îeam ancl made sure every player uni what was required of hum or players bad fun, but tbey also bow to improve on their abilitu Ingo Sîablmann, îbe grandfat avid fan of Owen Elîsmere. Fmnding an effective heîween fun and develu MeMillen saw a tangible payo efforts by seasons end - wntf novuces makîng an improbablu tbe Tri County finals. That was great for ohe kidu rewardîng way to end the yel the Winîerhawk.s skipper, whc was one of îhree tus qualify Cuîtînty cbampionsliip play lasu A fîrsi year bench boss at level ibis pasi seasuin - aite years ai sarious other capac * "il, ~iî.î j, j ,il.ull .1 tssinuîccl ssalk tise lutte beîweetî fe~ichîîîg îhenî rut ihe and maktng sure îhey re eîîjusyîng ~aul and thernselves. "lis got to he fun, but then quieîly Jvc îold peuple that a kid can also have Focus on lun rollîng down a bih anci ut doesn't cosi $1000 a season," lie quîpped. "Ifs coaeh a type ut fuui uhat requires a comtiiu- ireats nie touent and a great deal ut effurt b gel a eet. He reward." ie knows Wife Kelly' - a teacher herseif - about. ligures lins dual ruile as an educator and i praise iatber ol îwus rep sonîs played a key ruile uhati lust mi bim ereaung an euithusiasuir auîd bouse eîîergeuuc enviroument lor the voung Winterhawks. elivered "He keeps the kuds busy auid mov ~ment to îng, and keeps bis insîruesuons short always and sweeî, as opposed to some coaches lerstood who dont undersîand the lengîh of a ber. The ehilds attention span, sbe saud. learned MeMillen eerîaînly doesnu daim 10 es, said know everyîhing about eoaebing, but her and figures hes leamed owuu vital lessons about o over ihe past few years. balanee I try not 10 do everyîhing myseif. .ipment, There were four eoaebes on the tee for ff of bis every practice ibis year and we ail i the AF played a role. Aîîd keepîng yourself c tnp 10 edueated ce umportant. Ive talked to and enlîsted the belp of a number of a nuce, other eoaebes and tried to pick up on ir, saîd what makes tbem sueeessful." use team Mucb lîke his team reaehîng the Tri for Tri County finals, MeMillen saîd lits C oach nionib of the Monib nîorninauon was raîber the rep unexpecîed aîîd a weicoiise was lui r a lew cap ube 2005/06 season ities - Il was nîce, a real bonour. SASOINA eYeNEs I SPECIAL TO THt CHAMPiON BELOVED BENCH BOSS: Creauing a positive and enjoying atmosphere for thîs paît seasons addîtîoîîal uniitry novices, Andrew MeMîllen s Aprils Champion Coach ut the Month Tut Wr. ce ir. Hi ouuornonuv~" COME JOIN IJS AN> E'LRATE THE OIPgNg~B 0F OUR NEWEST LOCATION! 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