Park needs donations *from COUNTRY on page A3 "The commercial parking of Toronto Auto Auctions' cars does flot of[end hlm (Newell) and he would flot be opposed to the parking heing legal- tzed,- the decîsion reads. The park had actuaill' heen sîoring Toronto Auto Auctons' vichîcles since 1999 heîween Dcceniber 1 andc Nias 1 otn about il acres of its pruxperts, but it came to the NEC s attention last year abter a putblic complaint was mracle. C Hp then hacit b applv to the NEC for a des elopmnteprmit to allow the vehicle storage. But, the permit was denîed ti a close 6-5 vote, resuliig in the appeal t0 tihe hearing office. The appeal decîston contes on the beels of sorte good news fot Courn Herîtage Park. At the end of last month, the park's purchase by Country Heritage Expertence lnc. from the Province was linalized, after alînosi six years of negotiations. An endowment fund of $2 million is now heing developed to provide a source of stable [unding to lelp with the park's future development. Cressman recently kîicked off the fundraîsîng campaigis for the endow- ment by announcîng a $98,210.71 donation front CanPloss 03 - a pîow- îng chantpionshîp event the park host- ed in 2003. He also encouraged local residents and businesses to make a con- tribution to the fund Ico help the park make up ils fost revenue. Toronto Auto Auctions is now look- ing 10 add 2,185 parking spaces to lits Lawson Road operation for vehicle siorage. The Town would have to approve a zoning bvlaw amendimntn t allow the storage on a gravel-based parking area at a 25-acre propert\ adjacent to the auction's business. Mvflani e -cttess(-' caii lue w icil uf t Ptit eîtîse v aniltt fl adi ilipi nfi. raie vatuedausiame MiePplietrnY incii e axe Ivaued ba eff i ourfye Pu datsd Api 2 ardc TVSandfr4'Sn DV hspoutt avialfo 99 a s aborte on p OfSSaAM21s eI tactt aiaifo $39 9Th cret We Touvaluedcustomers: Wei lgizf ancove ic Icaused byan erra i ouryer dted Apri 13Api2l doe o applyI carea orcm rd s.w h ut oen oundiexhangod wti 4dy fprhs t retto n pl Se ore fo eal The Caniadian Champton, Frîday, Aprl 28, 2006 -A15 mie à" ffAUt -eA KEEP UP ON rIlrEII. un UN THE ROADM STANDARD FEATURES ON COBALT SS: a2.41 ECOTEC L4 VVT engine with 171 hp e7-speaker, 228-watt Premium Sound System and 10" rear subwoofer * 17" aluminum wheels a Sport fascias (front and rear), Lower aeroground effects and rear deck-lid Spolier * Leath er-wrapped steering wheel with sound system controls and leather-wrapped shifter 20o*82995 7 SMARTLEASE soWin 4. RICHARDSON40 CIIEVROLE iiIltjflO du -905m87842393 H $0Down Pmt Lease based on 48mos. 20,000 km/year. No security deposit. Sales prîces are plus applicable taxes, tregh, dmn..liene ueon deliveey Vehicles eut exactly as shown. Set dealer toc complote detaîls. HWY: 6.3110KM111- 34111111IG C ITY 9.4LI100KM - 23MPA AVAILABLE EXCITING FEATURES: a XM Satellite Radio. e OnStar In-Vehicle Communications and Assistance Service - includes one-year Safe & Sound Plan a Sunroof a Reclining front bucket seats with heated leather-appointed seating surfaces la Traction Assist Z:7 I ~~ . ~ np9jojUUd x~~- il ENTER OYIM CHAM CTG uo TreI- Win al14 Day e 1a -ighlights of Britain Tnp for 2 f'I !~,îif , YOUP lO ~\ ~~VV:jW Canaddas Heatb arnd WeIlness Magazine or you cim nero-nn hm com*esser-od-- Of«l té 6 Deiivred o cilly electd ~ ~jI 9.262006 MAIL ENTRIES TO: Metrolaed Cerpoîtte Salis, 10 Tempo Axe., Willowdafe,Oeîirio M2lf 2N8. lni (4(11 1<5(1<1 Io booh- I wr NAMoaioaeî ad'etssgfW frtie 1w .u.<,<' ADDRESS hiý IW LpI lii - bac M 416-493-1300 ext. 335 advertmsncg@ive-itca îxO5 ii POSTAL CODE TELEPHONE: -e. é,î îew ti biC aIl îd,lex xp. - EA 1 iL gmr mtmh 4A mlMmmi Pd MetMg@ et, xilxx ,îîxxt 1-W Y- >fxq ti -%ý b uY -e d I!!i Ai Idx ý= M- -iibiinadia.b ica -il.lo -, -xu i -oio -oxo -xx -a l . . n . oi d . iixc. .l. . . ixvOcceeccliiy CIV c CANIT