Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tulesday, April 25, 2006 OPiIIN Ilanlks,, volunteers As National Volunteer Week kicked off Sunday, we sbould ail take a moment toi appreciale the efforts of tbose svbo niake Milton the attractive to001i lit is. The social labi and healîli of our commnunity svould iindlotibtedlvý unras cI \svithout the 1 lerculcan effoti provided hy htige numibet s of voluinteers wvttlit tbe yon organizations thai lend ali, coinfori and sup- port to the sick and a simple belpi ng band to the dlown- trodden. Such bugelv-popular events as the Milton 1-al Fait, Milton Steam-Fra, Canada Day celebration and Milton Santa Claus Parade would be impossible to organîze if not for the hut- dreds of resîdents wbo donate tîme and effort whîle expecting little in retum. Witbout the massive undertakitîg of btndreds more residenis involved i <.Omnunity dlean ups. our town's sîreets, parks and waterw.tys would reniain polluied anîd a conîstat embai rassinrt for everv ct- izen of oui town.> Organized leagues in every sport, x'oîth orgatîiza- lions such as Siouiing and (autitîg and the day-to-day operaion of local places of w orsbip would collapse aind faîl if volunteers dtidn'i lift a band to help oui. C ulturally, our city would be mueh less vibrant wîîh- out the dailv contribtion of volunteers witbin local tnuseumrs, perfarmîng arts groups and numerous clubs for tbe arîistically gifted. Sadly, too few of us take up tbe cause of giving back t0 tbe comtnunity ibat bas given eacb of us so mucb. liýs about tîme ibat cbanged. Region has done it fair share to make recycling convenient r DEAR EDITOR: I feel for poor Catberine McKinnon, wbo wrote a leiter entitled 'Recycltng pick-up sbould be weekly', 1 truly do. its an uandeniable tragedy tbat in ibis world today sbe should suifer so mucb. For gel the fact tbaî a young man was beaten wîtb a bat in one of our local parks or tbat a 13-year-old girl was preyed upon by a deviant via tbe Internet, not ta, mention ibat our newly- elecîed prime minister is atming toi set gay nights back a century or tbat our brave men and women continue toi die in Afghanistan. These are sucb trivial maîters in a world ibat forces poor, dis- îraugbt Catberine ta remember to put oui ber Blue Box every second week. Tbink ibis one tbrougb, Catherine. Raîber iban making a little mark in your calendar every second Wednesday to0 belp you remember, Halton Region sbould cbange ils policy and pick up your recycling every week. Forget tbe implications 10 the Region's budget, or - for ibat malter - the impact to your taxes nexi year. 'Damn you, Halton, wake up and cbange your exil ways! " And ils not like Halton made tbis easy for you 10 remnember. 1 mean, come on, tbat paîbetie excuse for a calendar called Curb Appeal ibat you received in tbe mail îbaî tells you wbîcb week you are wiîb ibat sîupîd cartoon Blue Box wtb an A or B besîde lit eacb and every Wednesday, Wbaî a load of crap! And wbo cares tbat Halton even offers an envi ronmen tal ly-fri endly elec- ironie version of the calendar ait http://wwwhalton.ca/ppw/wastepdVMeil tonIMILTON%/20URBAN%/20CALEN- DAR%202006.pdf. Lets destroy more of Moîber Earîb because Catberine finds recycling "a real pain." You've lived in Milton for six years and Brampton before that, yet recycling sîtîl basn't become a normal part of your fle. Are ibere any other babits that you would like Halton 10 belp you witb? Perbaps Halton could belp you remem- ber your birîbday or your wedding anniversary Tbey do only camne around once a year - bow could you possibly remember îbem? And if on your sîreet only "maybe baîf of tbe residenls are recycling," then maybe ils lime you did someîbing about IL Talk to tbose neîgbbours. Let tbemn know ibat if not for us, iben ai leasi for aur cbildren and tbeirs, we sbould try 10 take care of tbis preciaus eartb. So tbe next lime you take a long, bard look ai yourself in tbe mirror, repeat afier me - "1, Catberine McKinnon, resolve ta stop blamîng others for my inabiliîy ta remember ta recycle every oîber week and (insert aiber issues bere). 1 will go inb ibis beaittiful and bountiful world eacb day and celebrate tbe roof over my bead, tbe food on my table and the fle beaîîng îbrougb my beari. 1 Catbenine MeKinnon, accepi full responstbility for myself, my flfe and my cboices." 1 feel better for you already, Catherine. JAN HAPANOWICZ MILTON Thanks to ail emergency peirsonnel for their effort DEAR EDITOR: On December 23, 2005, my brother Brian, here from Vancouver with bis wife and children for aur family%; Christmas, suffered a fatal heart attack. We're writing to tbank the numemous emergency service personnel who did everything they could ta save bis life. Prom thse 911 operator who immediately dis- patcbed an ambulance, ta the twa paramedie/ambu- lance personnel who were ai thte bouse wîthmn four minutes, ta the five firemnen who arrived shorily thereafter ta assist, ta tbe police officers who stopped iraffic s0 the ambulance cauld make a (aster trip ta the hospital, ta the emergency roam doctors, nurses and staff ai Milaon District Hospital, ail worked in an extremely professional. and compassianate manner. Our thanks as well ta the valunteer councillar from the Halion Police Victim Services Unit who met wiih us ai thse hospital and came ta aur bouse ta work with the children and family in irying ta capie with ibis unexpecieti bas. On Christmas Eve, one day afier this devastating event, aur family was moved by the arrivaI of mem- bers of ihe Milton Fire Depariment, who came ta aur home w ith siuifed îoys for the children, a soft afghan and food and ta speak ta Brians young; son. Words canit possibly express how exiremely graieful and thankful we are. On behaîf of my family, 1 wanî ta exîend aur grat- itude ta the excepiional men and women wha serve aur community.as emergency services personnel. We bave experienced firai hand their skill and profes- sianalisim, as well as the incredible humnanity and compassion îhey bning ta their wark. Tbank yau ail. GLEN SCHMIDT AND FAMILY MILTON zbMr cEanabîan QDlampion M lu 's c nirmun ty Newspaper Since 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoniai Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905 875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy M.'Nab Managing Editar Karen Smith Production Manager Tim Coles Circulation Manager Charlene t-bal Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, puttlshed eve5 Tuesday and ridai, ai875 Main St I. Mlton, Ont, 19T 3Z3 (Box 248), lu ne of the Metruland Prento9, Pubi,îhing & Dostr buting rId. uonnoooy tespaperu Advetiin g os acceped on the condition lIa, m the tutnt ofia tfpographioai enots Isat potion of the atner 150504 spate oubupied by the enoneou ltenm, together wxth a rasorable alloanst for sgnatue, oil not be carged for, but the balance ufth1e aduentiernoent wiI be paid fo, aI the applicable raie. The publher rteeues the rgttlu tatogonot Oadvenserneît or deoine CCAB Audifad flecoqnized Ior excellence loy A vn~Ontario ronnioity AocS Newspapersîssociation catadiat Communit C C A Newspapers Associatin Suluioan Nentopapers The Candian Chpoanp a praud media sponsor Cor: Calon Ceathcar ligte tel Fond UNITED WAYW 0F MILTON TV AtICTION Th avle itn THNA SYYMQA ShowcaseMîo G'~ (ALA A wards Readers Writ Send us your lettars to mlltonEid@haldtonsearch om or drap them off at 875 Main St. E.

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