Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Apr 2006, p. 25

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The Canadien Champion, Tuesday Apnil 25, 2006 - 25 Gaae&Grg Garage & Garage & YadSales Z Ya:Salý_ M Yr Sales Em ar Sae NBEAL, Dorothy May (nee Peterson) iH Iii Ssii yeai. Loîing w/ie of 63 yeais 10 AItfred Boul. Carîng mothor to AIt and hîs wîte Teresa. tlrandmu to Kari, Krîs and Brin. Favorite frienri of Potey. Dors- thy was a graduate of the University of Toronto, Toronto Conservatory orf Music. She was employod tor over 25 years wîth the Strafford Festival and inus a mombor oaf the Strattord Ladies Ausiliary ut the Le- gion. A roception for tamîly and friendo wiIl be hold ut the Beal family home vît Saturduy, April 29th 2006 ut 11:30 am. A Private family informent will fof 10w ut a luit- or date. In lieu of flowors, donations may be made f0 the Canadian Heurt and Stroke Foundution. Thunk y00 fo Dr. Ka- mounu, nurses ut the Milton District Hos- pifal for provîding comforf to Dorothy, McKersio-Kocher Funeral Home for your assistance and the Martindale family who hofped make Milton home for Dorothy for the pant tino years. COULSON, Lloyd W., Suddenly but peaceful/y ut Milton District Hospital on Suturday Aprîl 22, 2006 te bis 8Bth year. Beloved husband of the late Frances M. Coulson (nee Randoîl) oft Mil- ton. Lovîng futher of Judy (Mirs. Bort McAlîster), Javel /Mrs. Gerald Clark), both 0f Milton. Gary and hîs ife Nancy of Kîlbrîde and Sharon of fjakville. Also loved by grandchildrev Lîsa (Prodlyptol. Kerrie (Brian), Krîsfy (Aaron), Bradley, Crystal (Rubons) and Michelle. Moch loved by bis great granddaughters Mack- enzie and hon sîster Danielle, and Isabel- la. Dour brother of Cecil. Frîends ili be received uith1e J. SCOTT EARLY FU- NERAL HOME. 21 James Sf., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Monday April 24 from 2 - 4 & 7 - 9 pin. A fuseraI service il take place in the chupel on Toesday ut 11:00 u.m. loterment to follow at Milton Evergreen Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy, donations to the Milton District Hospital Foandafion, The Heart & Stroke Foundation or the charity of your choîce woufd be appreciated. Condolences may be left for the family at www.earlyfuneruî- bome.coin. J. OTT-R NEIL Leonard Nevlls (1928-2006) On Easter Sunday, Aprif 16, 2006 at the age of 78, whife on holiday in Bermuda. Neit was bom lanuary 3, 1928 ut Green Bey, Manitoutin Istand. Ho came bo Mifton in 1942 wfth his parents W.H. ("Bill") and Ethef Nocif Is and sister Thofina. Before starting his tiret year at MDHS, Neil workod for P.L. Robortson Mfg. Co. While in high school he workod for his Unclo Jack ait Randoîf & Morley butchor shop. Aftor graduation in 1947, he aBtended Radio Col loge of Canada in Toronto. In 1949 he marniori the former Frances Joy Johnson (Frank Johnson and Charfene Wilson). Noil beqan his career with Dictaphone Corporation as a serviceman in 1948 in Toronto and worked for 42 years iv Otta- was, Kingston, and Kitchener as a sales representative and branch manager. He inas aith their Special Markets division in Etobicoke for many years. Through the company's Achiovomont Club, he and Joy wore abl e 10 travel the aorld. Noil retirod in 1990. Neil servei seifh pride in the Canadien Mi- lilia wth the Lame Scots, the 3rd Signets, the Princesa of viales Oan Regiment, the Scota Fusiliers, and the l2th Medical Corps. He is survived by his wite oaf 56 years, loy, and his chifdren Ano Mclnnis (Paul) crf Kitchener, Lynn Judge (Martin), Nancy MacDonald (10e), and Oave Nevilîs, aIl of Waterloo, Carole (James Hooper) of Sheenboro, OC, and Bill (Lesley) 0f Wa- terloo. He was very proud of hîs fen grandchildren, Evan, Ian, and Aidan Mclninis; Lauren and Andrea Judge; Laird, Neil, Heather, and Drea MacDon- aId; and Athena Nocif s. Neil inilI be mîssed by his sister Tholma Bousfîeld (Jack) and sisters-in-law Mary Pnice and Joani Waters (Ray), aIl of Mihton, and their children. Until a stroke in 2000 paraI yzed his right side and impaired hîs ability 10 communi- cale, Neil enjoyed frequent visits 10i family in Mihton and erea. The funeral look place on Sunduy, Apnl 23. Memoriaf donations f0 the Hearf & Stroke Fond or the Temmie Nevilîs Memorial Bursary may be made through Edseard R. Good Funeral Home et (519) 745-8445 or edwardrgood.com In loving memory KAROL LYNCH Whro pasoed awy on April26, 2003 Our fle L, lîkc isongîyscînîîîc \biilidisiniv ich ianid kev lichlé sc tili îclc,tisiiii llî,îîrin aîeîî iclod %r \ li's,îiii, ln îîîî ' iloc c.î 1 lieir,c, ii gpyn ci 'hei 1 "\Xlicii 1 .1 lî i Iv Your ie;nr vil/ eir br arr/e ni- Sue A saieii .îîs Jeiiypd. th, iipîîlc, iici, ma.d, noshiig anîo lchlaiiged lliciîcelId iîrscd grcy ,and c,.riicdliieJ.îcî «ic warer hais sioc calvrcd and the ky looiksblîe i'ýLa ravyhi us iii bc rniing scou taught ai iv hi truc jii, remihr lear LIaI; iiur woiiiffi.rent Wîrhout ývi'î Happey Birthday Dad AI" a ini ver /,ears, j2lc andjsine Dad (Grandad) iu with you nu and brings ait our love Afpril 30, 1911 -Marck/ 7, 2006 ROBERT "S TUMPER " DAVJDSON Mar. 30, 1941 - Ap. 24, 2003 May the winds of lune blow sofrly, Aned whisper se yuu con heur That ive will alwuyu lovieand missyru And wish chat yuuw here. thd esierLseung lmu CueryL Sean1JulRyie, Keoeta/DaryL/Kyle r~ t ) The Milton District appreciates any le Memoriam donations: 30 Denry Rd. E. Milton, Ontario Foundation L9T 2X5 PublcNtces PubNlicoies Make this Mother's Day Special Place a greeling in our classifieds. Include your Natne & Numher ostth the message. Message must he 20 suords or tess for $15 (plus GST. yard in advaace hy cuis., cheque. Visa or Master Card). Your messge wilil appear Friday, May 121h Fax, phone or e-mai à yoîar message tai the address belowi OUMP sites canlet for rouit building nalerial uvit/ or dlean fi/I. vili grade unit levei. CaI 905- 844-4330, 905-634-2664 1 & o sFud LOST cat 415 Lîne Don- ry na/e brocs tabSy short bain 'Charters" 905-876-4292ý LIVE in cureginer lor 3vy /905/ 87b-2534 MILTON lie in canegîv- or neederi for t cbîld, 6yrs, culi 416O 999-4320 on fax resume lv, 95 791-5930. MILTON lamî/y lovkîng tor an expenienceit lise- in canegîver. Carîng ton twv cbildnen, ailS boosebolit chores. Must be fleoib/e 10 fît parent's shîftavrk. Senit yoar resome andi reterence lv. geooL@sympatico.ou LIVE-IN nuns/ouso- kooper reqoîreit for 3 cbîldree, ages t-6 in Milton. Ca// 905-875- 1475 uller e OOpm. IN my homo, Ages 6mtbs.4yrs. Hea/tby lunches/snacks, ply/- rime, non-smoking on- vîronvent. 10 /ieais evyvriesce. Roter- onces availablo upon roquent, James Ona Farka- & Main St. Ca/i Angeia 95875- 0643, celi 647-295- 3656 LIVE /I New boa/lb & weIneos magazine 250,000 copies. Coit- effective dîrecrory ads, word ads. CaI roda-j n book for the Jane issue 416-493-1300 ext 276 sduguuy@meroland.con COLORADO blue & green apruce trees, varivus sîzes, Ca/i 905-854-9969 or 905- 299-9677. APARTMENT size casher, dryer, Close, frige, niea hot caler heater, etc. Startîng S25.00/ea. 14161 219- 7055 A dinîng room, cherry- aood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, dovetal con- struction. Nec sti11 iv boxes. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pilloatop Mat- tress Set. Nec in plas- tic. Cosi $1600. soi for $50. 905-567-9459. AIL Steel Buildings, many colours, 20'x30 $5500. 25sx40 $8700. 30'x40 $10,500. 32'x50' $14.000. $40'x60 $20.000. many others t- 600-504-7749 awc pioneerbutldings.ca BE0, Amaztog bargaîn. queen orthopedîc pîli- loctop set, nec in plus- tic, camantj $250 905- 567-4042 cr11 delîven. BEDROOM Cherry- cooi, Beit, chest, dresser, 2 nîghtstands. Dovetati Construction. Neyer openeit CosI 58.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET I have several t1.000 yards of nec Staîn Master & 1001/. nylon car- pet. W/Il do living roon & hall for $389. Induitdes car- pet, pari & installation /30 yards) Steve. 905-633- 8192 FREE Estivales Got cob- b/y chairs, tîreit Iookîng coori finisSes? Fie/do Custom Weeri Refinîshing anit Fuvîfare Repairs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 HOT Tub /Spa) Covers heot prîce, Best qualit. Ai shapes S ca/ours. CaI 1- 866-585-0056 ama ttrecoverguy.ca Advertise Yoejr.. A Rain protection $5.00 Deadline Mondays O 1lOam, Wednesdays 0 5pm Milton: 875 Main St,-..t East 905.875.3300 clasiflemllton canadianchampon.com GARAGE SALE Sat. Aprl 29 9am - Noon 2254 Campbellvitle Side Raad East of 25 Hwy Antiques, rockisg chairs, etc GARAGEMO VING SALE Sat. April 29th 8amn - 4pmn 144 Wilson Drive Everything must go! Cash only. TRUNK SALE Seit. Aprit 29 Barr - Noon St. George's Anglican Church (Guelph Line jut North of Derry Road) Garage sale stuif breakfast, bake sale & more Arlcl: icii6 IlutilesWanted mFrS alezzow SUPER Speing Sale~ No GSTî Up loi 40% off many LIQ0 K decorator tabnicsi Fields custom ulpholstening sofas BEST CaSh. We boy tl ail. from $788, chairs froin Antque tumishings, Royal $249, 0/R seats front Doufton, Hummel, Moor- $t9.95 each. FieIlds Far- croCt, dinnerware, crystal, nitare and Fabeicu 9am- sîlver, dlocks, military 9pm 905-632-9090 items. Partial/ full esiates. TRE0 Clearance Sale Ove Sime only. Beauiful 6'-15' Colorado Syruce, $150. each. Delivery & planing assistance avait- abie. 905-854-1936 ArileW antd Eri, 905-634-6300 111811Casfr Sale BRAND Nec 2005 Ca- tan Nova. Under 200 kms. 175 miles yen gaI- lon! $3,000Cal9- 877-5515. on Tuesdays or Fridays from on Iy that's 2,025 Price Ineludes a Garage Sale Kit! Includos: 3 Garage Sale Sîgns, lnventory & Tîp Shoots. (Money Apron $1.00 oach, white suppi es last) New this Vear... a àý4'N KIT for the young entrepreneur in your famnIy Kit Includes Kool-Aid Stand Sîgn, 3 puckets oaf Kool Aid, Instructions/ Tip Shoot, Fun Kool Aid rocipos wnhite supplies lest rer Tranig raiin CARM 3EIMUAR REAL ESTAT Ifvon are carres tl or course recenîfo lîcensed: cossidvrivo a charge Iron ysur content brsker or /ookîîq for a sew career, ysu vise il 10 yoorvef lv attend Ibis sominair FOU Witi Fiid oui About Whino isuld csnsîdeî roui ovule (ard aboshould so-j *Provincial /îcrvsng course R oy-al LePase training yersonal doselsyvrnt and suyynrr * 11w it er a quîck start Ho o mavîveze youi incove 11.aiai AI 271h, 7:30 u MMat C11I111WEYY111 CHdI 10241 OUi Lâa Seating is /imiteiO cati nw toi resemve a seali Milto N06784101 - - CupteIvll 90-854-Bf 5 ROYAL LEPAGE 0eeepten 90887742 - - Actee 519-853-846 Need hepgetting into a Trade? NoExperience Necessay Pre-Apprentoceship Training s s Trudk andt Coach Mechanic What you gel- and lfis FEEI Etnploymnt Readînsas Wotfishope -Level_1 Training ait Mohawk CoaSege -Paid Worh Placements Call theo YMCA in Burlingtoî @ 905681-1140 for dotai Md. dpm.n pvefs fuisied bi fie Govirsmest of Onteno FREE Career Semim Internationally Trained HEALTH CARE PROFESSIO4ALS April 26, 2006 at 9:30-fl :3Oam Cali the YMCA Career Oevelopmrent & Leamning Centre w ~a ~ I 905481-1140 to sign up AniesT Co$Pictibe, . Anies, CaShS Pai- rt s, Patam eç ________________ China, Crystal, Silver, 11h taitr(L e . Figurines, Royal EXPERIENCEO P/T Zbi C'58L4i.DI4. Cbampm'*JU5 Doultoni, Swarovski, nursery/garden hep. à Glass, Pottery, Etc, Apply in person at Lan- *MN~ ETNLE Estate Specialists Top gho in Nurseries, 671 Cash. Cai John/ Trac Regiosal Road 25, Mil 905-331-2477 ton. 1610 aef Caon rni rm.iiiii Adiitrtv Asce Poito ScofîsMoLeoi, one of Canadaos ieadîng Pull Service Investirent Finio bas a fîli-lime oppottu- nify in their Oslrvfle Brancb for an Adiniitrative Associae. The oucceostol candidate must ho seff-noivatei, posseto stnong organizatonu/ tki/is unit devonstrate eooeptiona cient sevce ahi/fties. The candidate cii corh we1/ aithîn a large lean, supponfirg a fast pacet, estubtohet Inoestnenî Eoecutive. The preferrei candidate cil/bhave prevous tndostry eoperience unit be fol/y licenseri us an /noestvent Represenative cdbh the IDA. Please fax you sone 60n f0he attention 0f Christine DiMatteo, Brasch Administrator 905-42-9001 Or enai chva dimalteo@scstiamceod.com The Canadien Champion Phono: 9054878-2341 - Fax: 9054876-2364 emal; classified@îigaltncanadianchampîsn rein Lacateditn Oukoîlle, Bol Csnstrucîonr Lîmîted is sne of Cunada's largeul privalely sanei heavy civil engineeing unit construction csnpanies, oflering a cballenging, tnaller conpanly environnient cfihi the dynamic public infraotructure sectot. LEGAL COUNSEL Seekîrg awyen wîlb min. 5 /O5tt of praclîce in construction sr cotporaleiconmercial lac. Report- îng lu the pnincipals, dulies aiI induite mailet of contracl la, lier la, construction rioko. insu- rance. ourety, empîvyment unit aonkplace safety lac. The successfsl candidate aiI leni thfeîr vounit busineso îudgment 10 a aide range oaf legal and business issuet and conk effectîveif witb management unit pro/oct management staff. Pieuse forwant resome by e-mail/toý pvsition@botconstuction .cu An- Caroline Browning g We tbank a/il candidates for their inteneot. boeever on/y thooe ve/ected for interview ai// be covtactet.

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