The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apntl 25, 2006 -A23 BR continues to make strides --Rosary's bid for on reqional badminton scene bronze faIls short Furîk, Mathe lead jRoyals to second in team standings Bisltop Reclîîg scels u l o itgliîs iiOpessiv prformncioe i hrsdayVs Bt, ru Iligît SchIool. Bildintg cii ils gi 055 itg sttc cess Os ci 1 lie pasi le s' tie Ros ,ls eîtjoyec foot- quailif'iîtg effortiltoi tht" couiittg Tltuisclayvs (Il t( - thte ittost ex et for Reding - aîtc fiitislted secondr overaîl lI th uteaîtt stantdings, losittg a ttebre,- er to Ctaks',illes Iroqucuis Ridge. IlTItis N'car I rîeally tiied t gel (lthe teant) nt as many iourttatteitts as possi- bIc, wshich ssasn't eass' but as il litas Lindsey Furik aîtc Sean Maîhe, \vho turned back A inixecl doubles teants - cappiitg îbeîr fîrsî jtlace cantpaigri xith a 15-10, 15- 10 decistoît oser ait Acîcun duo. -Fve made îte swýitch froin back, t front court ibis vear. its becit dîffîcoît. buî things bave gone well for us, saîid Furik, who reached OFSAA lasî spning wiîh iben ladies doubles panner Jartîe Greenfield. She and Maîhe lookcd lîke ihey mîgbî bave to seule for second place, as their championship risals buili up a seemîngiy insurmountable 10-2 ham- merlock in game one. But a quick pep talk and subsequent regrouping effectively iurned tbe tîde for the Royals. "'\&e sîopped irying 10 make the per- fect shot and jusi concentrated oit gel- îing it over the net. Ve started cbîpping awav aîtd jusi kepi goîng.' saîd Mathe. who came .within a couple of wins of' making 1110o OFSAA lasi year. "Lindsey and I are boîh preity taîl and cover a lot of net, which makes il tough for oppo- neni.s 10 gel stuff pasi us.' Erîka Minkhorst and Michelle Serafini placed second in ladies' dou- bles pla, xinning the baîtle for second by a convincing 21-5 afier droppîng the fintal to a duo from Qaks'ille's T.A. Blacklock 15-8, 15-12 Tbe RosaIs' loue singles qualifier for There were 2 errors in the Apr i 21, 2006 Milaon Chrysier Advertisement in the Canadian Champion. The 2001 Volkswagon Jella TDI, Stk# 184296 should have read "Only 166,000 kms" and NOT 6,600 kms. The 2000 Chrysier Neon, Slk# 522212 should have read 'Only 126,000 kms" and NOT 93000 kms. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. 905-878-8877' 1-800-303-3257 81 ONTARIO ST N., MLTON Visit us at IAL was C aitln O3 Connor, who con- WF- ued her dramatic and ohten succiss- comeback ways t0 take third arng,- ladies'singles competitors, Rounding out the school's qualify îng i)rts with a fourth-place sh ssing ong mixed doubles wsere Siobhan ink and NialI Clarke. BR returns to Drury Thursday for lAC, ssith top-isso finishers there g ;ancing 10 nexi ee- OFSAA cham- *nsbips in Timmins. Neither Milton District or F.C. ary had any GHAC qualîfiers this BRINO fiW THISAD FOR ARU "Brake Service rTires " Steering & Suspension -Auto Electric & " MOT Safety Inspection Charging Systems " Computer diagnostics -General Repairs -Air Conditioning *Conveniently Iocated within walking distance to GO station e en 715~~~ ~ ~ Mopýc ili 8634 EVN "#IK--C A-i ROSE TAXI Flyer in Today's Canadian Champion Selected Areas Only. A-i ROSE TAXI Cal lII&Hosoivamlon 905-875-1900 e 1-800-505&0298 in lbday's Caj-nadian Champion! If you don't reoeive our flyer, pioase ca/i us at 905-878-6163 or e-mail dgqedes@sympatî Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. 905-878-6163 Keeping pace îhrough mosi of the evening but upstaged at crunch time, Holy Rosarys girls basketball team was outdîstanced 35-30 by Burlingions Canadian Martyrs Fhursclay evenîng in the Hialton 1 aiholic bronze medal showdown. _1Ukk Abeacl by a single point wiib under ~ (wo minutes rcrnaining, ihe eveniual s iciors did an effective job of keep- awas' oser lthe balance of the games aind made a couple of btaskets ai lthe ssire 10 pull things away. h'I Was a good, svcll-rnatched ganew that we jusi bappened io cone up short in," sauf head coach ( î ndy jolbostoit Kaisla Micîtacîson clic a ithircl oii te scoring f'or Rosary wiîli soine iltilressive reboondiitg aîtc fout sbootîng, 's biie alsci standing oui sscre reliableledr ayFuetnad Ale\ Scbroder.leerCal'ulrcman The broitze-rnedal loss carne two itigbts alter the Hawks cill 33-19 t Our Lady of Peace of Oakville in the region- ais semifînal. White Fullerion and Scbroder botb gave solîd perform- arices, the two-îîme North fialion champs sinîply couldn't i untend wîîh the oppcositions clear size advanîagc. Rosan ss'dl îtow close otut the baskeîball season toinor- row itiglit and Thursclay es'enîng wîîh developmenî tour- naments fcîr girls and boys in grades 4 to 6. -0-.87TAXI'